RIP Gene Wilder

Submitted by EastCoast Esq. on

Gene Wilder is dead at 83. He is probably most famous for his role in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as Willy Wonka, but I'll always remember him for his role as Dr. Frankenstein in Young Frankenstein.

A truly brilliant comedic actor.




August 29th, 2016 at 7:48 PM ^

and best of all I have no idea of his politics. I was able to enjoy his demonstration of his craft simply for how well he practiced it. While the body of work he's left behind is small compared to some of his equally well know peers, it is of exceptional quality. What a gift, and what a commitment to excellence.

Rest in peace Mr. Wilder, you will be missed.

Durham Blue

August 29th, 2016 at 7:54 PM ^

Man, this sucks.  I loved Gene Wilder.  I love his performance in Young Frankenstein.  Comedy gold.  Impeccable comedic timing.  I can watch that movie over and over and still laugh as hard as the first time I saw it.

Hornsgoblue (not verified)

August 29th, 2016 at 8:57 PM ^

This man was truly funny. Stir Crazy was great. Silver Streak was the best. This guy could have make Putin and Asad laugh :-)