Random Thought - By Their Own Logic, We're the Winningest Program

Submitted by EastCoast Esq. on July 12th, 2022 at 11:12 AM

A lot of college football fans (*cough* Ohio State *cough*) claim that we are not the winningest program because:

(1) Games that happened before other major programs were created shouldn't count.

(2) We have been overtaken by winning percentage, which is the better indicator.

Taking those two claims at their face, I looked at our records from 1879-1889 (the years before Ohio State was established). Our record during that time was 19-9. Decent, but not great.

If we take out those wins and losses, our overall record is 957-343. That puts us at a 73.6% win percentage, which.....will you look at that, puts us ahead of Ohio State at 73.1%


Should we still celebrate in 24 wins when we're the first to reach 1,000? Hell yeah. But I like that, by their own logic, Ohio State football is behind us. And I thought I'd share my brief trip down the rabbit hole with all of you.


July 12th, 2022 at 11:14 AM ^

There is a good bit of nuance in your argument here. OSU fans - and in general, people who procreate with immediate family members - do not "do" nuance... 


July 12th, 2022 at 11:17 AM ^

Here's your fatal flaw ... talking to Ohio State fans. 

Unsurprisingly, as "fans" their intent is to devalue what you like best, while overvaluing what they like best. It's what fanatics do. 

My recommendation... stop "taking out wins and losses" that Michigan earned. They're games played. They're wins. They're losses. Why give any of that back?  Especially because the only way Ohio State has a "claim" is if Michigan voluntarily cedes away earned wins.

Then, stop talking to Ohio State fans. In my experience, it yields very little.

EastCoast Esq.

July 12th, 2022 at 11:22 AM ^

You're not wrong, but as a lawyer, my mentality is to find holes in adversarial arguments, including by turning their own logic against them.

This post is basically the equivalent of a brief that says "Even if the opposing party is correct about such and such facts / law -- which they are not -- their argument is still without merit because...."


July 12th, 2022 at 11:59 AM ^

Not a lawyer, but I have seen a few episodes of Matlock.

That said, and we all have varying degrees of time and patience for nonsense - mine is just low, I've always been of the mindset, never accept a statement based on a bad premise.

If the logic of the adversary's argument requires you to suspend belief, it's not much of an argument. And really, if their argument almost exclusively hinges on my willingness to suspend belief to swing reality in their favor, the only argument to be made is between me and myself. Do I want to do that?  

Statement:  If you don't count wins before X date, then Ohio State is the winningest program in College Football. 

Statement:  Based on total wins and losses, Michigan is the winningest program in College Football.

I'm kinda good with just accepting the latter factual statement on its own merits. Everything else is a mental hurdle that isn't necessary.



July 12th, 2022 at 11:29 AM ^

oHIO doesn’t want to admit that they can’t stop thinking about us. Despite all contrary banter they do not feel secure when we win.  But so goes rivalries in sport.  

Indy Pete - Go Blue

July 12th, 2022 at 11:32 AM ^

Odd post. Just look at the indisputable facts (forgive me for being a broken record with these truths):

We have osu beat in wins, head-to-head wins, B1G championships, and national championships. To their credit, I think they may have more recruiting trophies.


July 12th, 2022 at 12:55 PM ^

Enjoy it while it lasts.  Simple fact is Ohio State is the only major program in a talent rich state, and they will be passing us in virtually every category unless something significant (better sustained recruiting) happens.  If I had my way, Cincinnati would join the Big Ten before any other options just to give Ohio State a heavy dose of the same dilution we enjoy from annoying little brother.


July 12th, 2022 at 12:57 PM ^

Maybe I'm suppose to care about such things being old and all that but true confession, I really don't.  Michigan history for me starts where I can remember watching games so 1968 and Ron Johnson.  Everything before that doesn't really matter to me because i wasnt a part of it - either as a fan, a student or an alumni.  Everything from that point is now memories - some good, some not so good.  But the run from 68 to about 2004 was pretty damn good for anyone who supports Michigan.

All I really give two shits about anymore is the current team and how THEY are doing.  All the rest is sound and fury signifying nothing.


July 12th, 2022 at 1:09 PM ^

You can either brag about ALL the wins or you can brag about LAST YEAR'S wins. Anything else is arbitrary. 

If Ohio State fans want to talk the all-time record, Michigan is better. They can't cut out some years just because they sucked.

If Ohio State fans want to talk trash about any shorter time...they're SOL because 42-27.


July 12th, 2022 at 3:59 PM ^

I see some numbers, such as 73.6% and 73.1% and 24 wins away from 1000. And 2 claims.

Interesting. It seems like all the numbers I need to make 42 - 27 are in there.