OT - Sat Night Drink Em Up

Submitted by 909Dewey on

Drink em up boys.  Just cracked a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.  Pretty good day for me so far:

  • Made breakfast for fam
  • Coached son's soccer team to victory
  • Fixed lawnmower
  • Mowed lawn
  • Snaked drain and re-plumbed bathroom sink

Truly a day of manly successes.  Cheers.


Also, I channelled Hoke after the game.  A parent told me "Good game coach."  My response was "I didn't kick a ball once - it was the kids who had a good game..."

rob f

April 28th, 2012 at 9:46 PM ^

Not bad for most brewers, but also not up to the standards that I expect from Founder's.  Maybe I'm just spoiled by how fantastic Founder's is with everything else they brew; if this is their attempt to brew a "light" ale, then maybe they should have made that disclaimer.


April 28th, 2012 at 9:04 PM ^

+1 for a day of manly successes.  I can claim no such thing today.

I am, however, finishing off the last of the Christmas scotch.  In fact after I finish this glass there won't be a drop of alcohol left in the house.  So the question is what to get next?  I need both beer and booze.  I'm leaning toward a six of Tiger beer and a six of something else.  I'm definitely getting a bottle of Sailor Jerry's because it's been too long since that wonderful nectar passed these lips, but that leaves room for one more bottle on my shelf and I thought I'd open it up to suggestions.

Waters Demos

April 28th, 2012 at 9:28 PM ^

Can you explain this attitude towards soccer, which athletes in the 4 major American sports (including American football) have credited with teaching them footwork?

OP - sounds like a great Saturday.  Mine was pickup basketball, lunch with the lady, and then a nap.  Now I'm engaged in an epic battle to drain my body of all the hydration I  provided it with today.  My weekends often feel like slipping off the tilting deck of the Titanic. 

Does anyone know if there is any research being done on how to alter our experience of time? 


April 28th, 2012 at 10:02 PM ^

You are really out there, my friend. What do you have in the glass/bottle tonight? I'm going with some really weird Japanese wine that I picked up yesterday (Umeshu), and probably some Oberon as the night progresses.

My day was substantially more boring, I wrote a paper, took a nap and worked for six hours while watching some softball on LiveStats. Speaking of which, are we meeting up in SE Michigan next weekend? If I'm driving up I'll probably stay in Ann Arbor.

Waters Demos

April 28th, 2012 at 10:13 PM ^

Ordinary light beer (miller).  My faux sophistication stops at the threshold of drinks.  Re: Saturdays, my theory is that the less difference there is between your weeks and weekends, the more tolerable the prospect of a boring Saturday is (a close friend of mine told me in all genuousness he really doesn't care whether it's Monday or Saturday).  The greater the difference, the greater emphasis on outstanding fucking weekends.  Which of course exacerbates the problem. 


April 28th, 2012 at 10:33 PM ^

I went with Gumballhead; truly an outstanding beer, IMO. As far as not caring, this Saturday was more or less shot anyway, the weekends are substantially better with fourteen softball girls looking to party, and they're all gone for the night. In place of really drunk 18-22 year old coeds, I'm watching a movie (The Killing of a Chinese Bookie) and drinking a six pack, maybe moving on to that wine later.

And to your theory, I buy it. Busy semesters see me going out every Friday and Saturday, more tame semesters and I become more interested in nights like tonight, although preferably with female company.


April 28th, 2012 at 9:15 PM ^

Brought home: 8 DLs, a case of Zombie Dust, Alpha King, 2 Barrel Aged Appha Klauses, 2 Baller Stouts, and 1 BA Vanilla Bean DL. 

But right now I'm drinking coffee and finishing up a paper on Section 512 of the DMCA liability loophole. 

rob f

April 28th, 2012 at 10:06 PM ^

I've been hearing a lot of good things about their brews---but haven't tried anything yet other than their Alpha King.  I see they're located in Munster, IN, I'll have to make a stop there next time in Chicagoland, I guess.  I looked at ratebeer.com a minute ago, they only have about 150 or so different Three Floyds brews listed.  The brews you brought home---are they your favorites?


April 28th, 2012 at 10:37 PM ^

While I don't have the stock of Three Floyds that Bryan has, I am drinking their Gumballhead tonight. It's exceptionally drinkable in quantity and has a lot more flavor than most beers with that drinkability, IMO.

As much as I love world-class beer, I can't sit and drink four or five super heavy stouts, or the same amount of a 10% Imperial IPA with an IBU through the roof, so I'm really partial to flavorful session beers.


April 28th, 2012 at 11:24 PM ^

Brewery in the world something like 5 years running. People go nuts for ZD, but personally, I prefer a fresh Alpha King, the stuff is amazing. 

DL will age very nicey for the next few years and the other stuff will be opened on occasion. 

and to Justin, forgot to mention, picked up a sixer of the Gumball as well today. 

swan flu

April 28th, 2012 at 9:15 PM ^

Sounds like a good day. I like your attitude about coaching. I drank too much last night while catching up with old friends, so tonight it's Gatorade for me.

Doc Brown

April 28th, 2012 at 9:19 PM ^

I "graduated"  today with my fellow secondary MAC'ers at the School of Education commencement today. I don't officially graduate until I complete my teaching e-portfolio and present it the first week of June. I am drinking some Great Lakes Brewing Co. Edmund Fitzgerald. The smokiness of the beer is great for a cold night like tonight. 


April 28th, 2012 at 10:03 PM ^

Congrats on - nearly - finishing the SMAC.  I did it last year, have a great job (though had to leave the state), and it prepared me so, so much. I'm complimented often by peers and parents about how well my classes go, how much the kids are getting out of them, and my general ability to not be overwhelmed by insane workloads.

A lot of people complained about the program during it, but man it gets you ready like maybe no other degree for any job will.  Additionally, having that theory background really does make a difference once you get the whole classroom management down. Just knowing what differentiated instruction is and having an idea about how to do it will put you leaps and bounds ahead of some peers and it makes a noticable difference in how well you reach every kid in a classroom.

Good luck in the job search and remember that it is not unusual to be looking for a job into August, so keep your head up.

Doc Brown

April 28th, 2012 at 10:17 PM ^

Thanks! It is great to hear from a fellow SMAC'er. I completely agree with you that knowledge about the theory of differentiated instruction really does adds an extended dimension to your instruction. For me, my challenge was getting the classroom management down. I am student teaching freshmen physics. I originally wanted to be placed at an ann arbor school, but got placed in South Redford. I thank Dr. Peters everyday for ignoring my whining at the beginning of the program for my placement not being in Ann Arbor. I stated on my placement form that my top goal was to become proficient in classroom management. My placement has definitely allowed me to become a competent classroom manager. I doubt I would have received the appropriate level of classroom management experiences if I was placed in Ann Arbor public schools. 

As for looking for a job, I tied down to the SE Michigan area. I have a few leads for positions in Bloomfield Hills, Howell, Grosse Pointe, and Wayne Westland. My mentor and his PLC partner have been great resources for passing along any positions they hear are opening up. 


April 28th, 2012 at 10:26 PM ^

I was placed in AA and it was definitely a worry of mine that I would be missing out on some classroom management "issues" shall we say.  In the end, I'm at a small private school and don't really need to worry about classroom management as much, but the positive side of the tradeoff is that I'm actually stepping down academically from the school I student-taught at. It's allowed me to immediately beef up classes beyond the standards they were previously at thanks to the great academics in the AA public school system.

Make sure you stay on top of the SMAC facebook page. Alums are always posting jobs there and I got my job solely because of former SMACer passed along word of the opening.


April 28th, 2012 at 9:31 PM ^

Drove to Cleveland a couple weeks ago for the Springsteen concert and picked up a few cases of Yuengling while I was there.  I drank through those pretty quickly--I'm currently drinking Bacardi Limon + Diet Ruby Red Squirt.  It's incredible. Cheers!


April 28th, 2012 at 9:42 PM ^

Busch or two.  Work in morning and no need to repeat last nights drinking.  Also don't take all the credit for the win.  jk.  Congrats. 


April 28th, 2012 at 9:55 PM ^

Drinking a full pint brewery - white lightnin belgium white. Nice spicey taste with an orange peel after thought. Got it from "sharps edge". 40 beers on tap and a huge inventory. 6 of them in pitt and the owner was knighted in belgium for selling more of their beer in the Pitt then anywhere in the world. Cool story bro time!


April 28th, 2012 at 10:31 PM ^

Short's (Bellaire) VIllage Reserve...

Watching Dallas v. OKC ... anyone think Rick Carlisle looks like Jim Carrey with his hair that short??