OT: How effective are masks you ask?

Submitted by maizerayz on May 6th, 2020 at 8:16 PM

I know this is OT, but just in case anyone is interested, thanks for your time.

Early on before testing and other precautions ramped up in Korea, there were 2 hospitals that both admitted patients with flu symptoms who ended up staying for multiple weeks. It was only after a week the covid19 tests came back positive for these patients.

Both hospitals were in an uproar. Covid19 patient for a week mixing with all the doctors and nurses and patients? Everything was cancelled, everyone was tested, everything was cleaned. To make things worse, multiple patients shared the room as the covid 19 positives, staying together almost 24/7.

Guess how many got infected?


Not a single nurse, not a single doctor, not even patients in the same small room.

To further drive the point, one nurse from one of these hospitals later on that week went to a church service without a mask for 90 minutes and get infected

The only thing they did? The patients had masks on the entire time because they had flu symptoms when they were admitted.

The medical professionals concluded they prevented the spread almost completely via masking the patients. And in case you're wondering Korea has some of the best medical systems in the entire world.

The hospital? Back to full workloads, only with mandatory mask requirements. Nobody was fired or furloughed obviously.

Just google translate the following link. In case you're wondering this is one of the most conservative and highly read news sites in Korea.



May 6th, 2020 at 8:20 PM ^

or as doctors here say...masking up goes against every bit of human immunology that exists...by masking up you are not only exposing yourself to whatever you have trapped in the mask, the lack of exposure to flora and bacteria is sacking your immune system...so it has two sides to the argument. Once is heavily silenced...the other is simply accepted as the gospel...believe what you need to believe. Universal precaution and avoiding sick people...yep...masking for the sake of fear...I'll hold judgment



May 6th, 2020 at 8:25 PM ^

well since you cannot see past the difference in an ER/hospital setting vs. six feet apart in a parking lot/grocery store, etc where the 'possibility' exists...yep...its not even close.Sorry for using big words.


May 6th, 2020 at 9:45 PM ^

Where do you stand on the Pitt researcher killed in his home when he was about to uncover some development on SarsCov2? Or the new ASU study showing a weakening mutation that COULD mean this is basically wiped out by July as strains lose strength...I'm sure that's all bullshit too because we need to live in Complete fear for another 24 months...or until Bill Gates saves us.


May 6th, 2020 at 10:22 PM ^

Look let's just assume you're right and sociopaths are trying to take over the world because they don't care about people. Do you think they'd overcomplicate things by taking a virus and hoping people magically believed them without evidence? It would be much easier to release something deadly people needed to protect themselves from.

Personally I'm super creeped out by Bill Gates, but you acting like a flat earther about basic safety protocols and risk management doesn't make anyone want to take any questions you ask seriously.



May 6th, 2020 at 11:46 PM ^



Here maybe left-wing media helps...all the stay at home, all the isolation... cuomo is SHOCKED...66% of new cases are not health care workers, not essentials... they are home...but hey, they got this. The CDC is in control, and everything we have been told is spot on. How about accept the CDC, China, Fauci, WHO...really...don't...know...and if for half a second you think excessively rich dudes don't have an agenda...well I really can't help you out. It's hard to explain when everything must be black or white, right or wrong instead of...hey that might be some hefty bullshit...but you know...some of it does make some sense. I know it's hard here. The Michigan arrogance is incredibly strong. The herd mentality knows all... throw down a dozen or so negs, get the same loudmouths talking shit...and poof...must be wrong. It's ok.  I do understand your type. It's hard to believe something that doesn't fit a narrow-minded concept.


May 7th, 2020 at 12:22 PM ^

I mean the comical thing about all this (IMO) is that you point out "excessive rich dudes with an agenda" as if there aren't an equal number of excessively rich dudes on both side. So your "view" is equally tainted by the Kochs or some someone else similar; but please feel free to go on thinking you area a free thinker and are fighting against the "evil billionaires"


May 6th, 2020 at 8:32 PM ^

Or you can expose yourself to all the flora/fauna you want when you're not in the vicinity of people who may have covid-19 (the other 23.5 hours of your day). Having been the grocery store, it is virtually impossible to actually stay 6 feet from people, so the mask helps.

You're setting up a straw man argument that those who wear a mask when within range of others are not ever breathing fresh air. Or will somehow get sicker from breathing with a mask for a few minutes.

Taiwan has been wearing masks since day 1, has more densely populated cities than NYC, had almost no lead time to exposure to covid, and has ~300 deaths. But hey, let's stop wearing masks because our immune systems may weaken by 1% against allergies while 3000+ die per day.


May 6th, 2020 at 9:35 PM ^

So t-shirt.masks are now.effective PPE...check. because I'm damn certain you aren't wearing surgical or N-95 masks...keep clicking. It's OK. Fauci and Gates are counting on your fears. Just save me some damn toilet paper for a change. I know it's really hard to think beyond your own paradigm


May 6th, 2020 at 11:28 PM ^

I travel for work in China so I had N95 masks on hand because of pollution. Nice try.

You can build ~N90 or use surgical masks which still offer protection. I can't say I know the efficacy of bandanas/tee-shirts, so you could always be right there. Again, though, you're providing a straw man argument.


May 7th, 2020 at 8:10 AM ^

We had several boxes of N95 masks for the sanding/painting work we were doing around the house.  Gave some away to friends that cared for their elderly parents.

I also travel for work and never get the flu.  I was on 2 to 4 hour flights weekly from November through mid April, east coast to west coast out of ATL (busiest airport in America) and believe I was exposed to Covid-19.  I never got sick and likely have antigens.  Also, I don’t wear my N95 masks when shopping.

There is some truth to allowing the virus to take its course.  Closed systems like cruise ships and jails show the death rate is very low for those without pre-existing conditions.


May 7th, 2020 at 9:44 AM ^

I love the irony of this morons argument. He tells us not to listen to the media, but he’s spouting off some unsubstantiated claims about masks made by an ER doctor who in the first two minutes of his video spouted so much BS that I had to turn it off. (eg applying the tests applied::positive cases ratio to the entire state of California). 

But we are the cultists with the herd mentality. 


May 6th, 2020 at 9:18 PM ^

I watched it.  Tried to be objective.

Some interesting clips that make it seem real in the beginning.    But she lost me when she said the virus was intentionally manipulated. Not true. Then she started pushing hydroxychloroquine and I realized I was watching propaganda.  There is in fact about 5 clinical studies for hydroxychloroquine and it isn't working.  Finally, they started talking about liberty again and I broke out in laughter.  

Part 2 will blame China and talk about the cover up by Fauci in regards to bleach injections.


May 6th, 2020 at 10:01 PM ^

Wtf are you talking about? Social distancing and quarantining have done exactly what they were supposed to do and  reduced deaths and cases by an astronomical amount. 

I'm sure you and your conspiracy videos have more answers than the health experts


May 7th, 2020 at 10:27 AM ^

How do I know that social distancing and quarantining have worked? Are you that stupid?

Hmmm maybe because the curve has been flattening and cases have been going down exactly as they should be due the quarantine. Cases would be rising exponentially otherwise


May 7th, 2020 at 8:45 AM ^

Also they acted early, and uniformly, which we most definitely did not. They didn't have a president standing up there telling the world that we were doing a fantastic job, when they were actually doing nothing at all (or very close to nothing). They made people wear masks, right away. We... uh... didn't, but it's worse than that. Our govt told people not to wear masks, because we didn't have nearly enough. 

None of this will matter for the "very powerful light" crowd. Their minds are made up, and facts will be bent, or of the alternative type, as needed, to fit their narrative. 

It's fucking insanity. These people carrying on like the dimwit above should be denied medical care should they contract the virus. It's no big deal after all... 

the fume

May 6th, 2020 at 9:23 PM ^

There's plenty of time in the day where you don't need a mask. When you're sleeping, home, alone outside, maybe driving alone in your car.

I don't think missing a few hours of flora or whatever will make a difference one way or the other.


May 6th, 2020 at 9:25 PM ^

Do we have any mods that can ban this guy? He’s peddling conspiracy theories, I don’t want this site turning into some weirdo 4chan blog where we just let any insane person continue posting just because they’re a Michigan fan. I’m fine with differing views on opening and closing our states, but he keeps pushing this insane YouTube video and pushing against proven data driven science that masks do provide a defense, even if it is small. Let’s get him out of here


May 8th, 2020 at 1:40 AM ^

I'd rather let fools talk and be rebutted. Banning just makes other idiots think it's credible because it's "the truth they don't want you to hear". America would maybe be smarter and in less of a cultural civil war if we confronted dumb ideas to debunk them for others rather than clutching pearls and hiding from dumb ideas like they're so powerful we think they'll catch on if anyone reads them.


May 7th, 2020 at 7:13 PM ^

Have the claims relevant to Fauci's agenda and patents able to be secured by researchers, races to profits, etc been refuted? I found those parts to be the most intriguing, and don't know why it was cluttered with everything else. Major conflicts of interest up and down our entire medical infrastructure need to be addressed, if true.

/not a conspiracy theorist, wasn't able to watch full video before YouTube removed it, which is another convo