Old sights at Michigan Stadium

Submitted by WolverineHistorian on

The discussion on the panoramic big house photo listed some observations of things that you no longer see at home games.  (Fans wearing white, location of the marching band, grass turf, etc.)  This made me think of other things, the majority of which are no longer allowed. 

1.  Flags and flagpoles inside the Big House:


2.  Male cheerleaders doing backflips on to the field after scores for every point UM had on the scoreboard.  (Makes sense they had to stop doing this once the field was lowered in 1991.  They'd kill themselves trying that today.)  



3.  Toilet paper explosion after touchdowns:


4.  Marshmallows in the end zone:


5. Students drinking beer in the stands:


6.  Packed student section for pregame regardless of opponent.  I really hope we get back to this:


April 28th, 2016 at 10:38 PM ^

I think the backflips would kill me without even needing to worry about the field being raised. My back and lower legs hurt from that GIF and I do remember the cheerleaders doing backflips at games I was at as a kid. 

As for the drinking, that might have been the original "Game Day Thread" going in that section there. It certainly is equipped correctly. 


April 28th, 2016 at 10:38 PM ^

I went to the Utah game and Utah allows its fans to bring flags. After touchdowns there were probably 100-130 flags waving and it was incredible to see.


April 28th, 2016 at 10:43 PM ^

I always notice the toilet paper flying when I watch your old videos. The games look like a lot more fun back then. And I wish we could have alcohol in the stadium.


April 28th, 2016 at 10:54 PM ^

I miss when they used to bring in a small farm animal representing the opponent and then unleash a caged wolverine to devour the thing before kickoff.

James Burrill Angell

April 28th, 2016 at 11:01 PM ^

I remember sneaking marshmallows into the stadium. I think the day I remember it going wrong was when someone wadded up a couple an lit them on fire and threw it and it it stuck to my friends hat. Fortunately someone saw his hat on fire, took it off and stomped out the fire.


April 28th, 2016 at 11:16 PM ^

In the 70's and into the 80's, early in the year, when we were usually playing some MAC doormat, they'd invite 30 or 40 high school marching bands from around the state to play at halftime. It was a pretty cool thing to see, all the colors.  The bands I'm sure got free tickets, but the proud parents of all those kids were anteing up to pay to see their kid on the then-Tartan Turf.


April 28th, 2016 at 11:48 PM ^

Band Day began in the 1950s. Around 1970 they were inviting 13,000 high school band members to fill the field at halftime. Band Day died out in the mid 1970s--as soon as we began selling out the stadium for every game. (The 100,000+ streak began with the penultimate game of the 1975 season.)

Julius 1977

April 29th, 2016 at 9:05 AM ^

I guess there’s not much video of that.  It always took a while to get the post to fall.  I knew a guy who actually had a good sized piece of one in his apartment.  


April 29th, 2016 at 10:39 AM ^

I remember the end of the 1983 Ohio State game.  A guy in a gorilla suit climbed up there as the game was winding down and it was clear we were going to win.  The crowd pelted him with just about anything they could throw.  The goal posts eventually came down, sans-gorilla.


April 29th, 2016 at 10:30 AM ^

Appreciate The Memories
Was a freshman in 1969. Goal posts being torn down after beating OSU was awesome. Don't know how the size of the student section was back then compared to the 18-22,000 in recent years. But certainly there were fewer girls and more in-state students than now. Wish we did maize outs back then.

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April 29th, 2016 at 11:16 AM ^

How about the guy (Rob, I think was his name) that would go stand on the wall in the SW corner and spell out M-I-C-H-I-G-A-N after every touchdown? I've only been to about one game a year since 2001 and haven't sat in that area for the games I've been back, but man I loved doing that and pointing to the visiting fans in the South endzone as a kid. If the game got out of hand, he'd get "creative" - I remember spelling out C-O-R-N for Iowa one time.


April 29th, 2016 at 12:29 PM ^

'86 was my freshman year, and man -- did I have a good time going to the game that season!  I seriously remember this Illinois game.  Mostly because I drank an entire leather wine skin filled with schnapps.  I ended up so drunk/hung over, I couldn't even function the next day.  Does ANYONE drink from a wine skin, anymore?  Jeez.

I used to love when the "dude" cheerleaders would sneak up on the opposing mascot, and then run him into the goal post, 'nards first.  People were less up-tight about stuff back then, so it was all in good fun.



April 29th, 2016 at 12:38 PM ^

things change, but a lot of it should be tolerated at least and is a reason for your #6 and ticket sales declining in general. I miss the days and see no harm in flagpoles, drinking, throwing TP, crowd surfing...marshmellows and white shirts i could do without. I would add facing better competition to your list. But it's all about forging memories right, not conjuring excuses to ruin fun


April 29th, 2016 at 2:01 PM ^

I was a student in the mid 70's and in 1 blowout game a girl was passed from the bottom row all the way up. She was screaming and flailing and creating quite a scene. By the time she got to the top, most of the crowd was watching. I was sitting near there and I saw some guys drop her into their laps, then toss a dummy that was dressed exactly like her over the top of the stadium. Then came the loudest gasp I've ever heard from the crowd. That was a classic.