Blue Vet

March 27th, 2021 at 10:54 AM ^

I hesitated to post the article, assuming it'd get down-voted. Partly because that seems to be standard for many posts, but mostly because of the content of the article.

So It surprised me to log in again and see so many up votes.

Then I read the comments. Support. Snark. Congratulations. Objections. Moving testimony (like GoBluePhil, who knows Hillmon's family—and thanks for your work with the men's team). Declarations of what is obviously wrong about other people's ideas.

At first the wrangling bothered me. Then in one of those small flashes of insight the world sometimes gifts us I felt that the comments are part of the same work that Naz, the women's team, KBA, Howard, the men's team are doing. Stating our mind AND recognizing others do the same—and if we're lucky, listening to each other as we all try to sort out America's original sin.


March 27th, 2021 at 7:34 AM ^

It is astounding to me that the OP has been negged-which is the current standing. The pathologies of many "centrisms" remain a bane of the human race. While such tendencies seem to be in our DNA this does not mean that they should be embraced. Addressing our faults is not easy nor is it pleasant work-congratulations to the Michigan women's basketball team for taking up the task. Racism, in its many forms, remains an issue-and always will.  For those who are surreptitiously negging this, could you at least demonstrate some  character and defend your position. 


March 27th, 2021 at 8:11 AM ^

The people that neg articles like these (ie: directly about Michigan sports teams) are racists.  And most of them aren't dumb enough to try defending their racism.  This is why we need the point counter back - remember that the old site provided a list of who voted a post, and which way that vote went.  There was some accountability.  The anonymous voting we have now allows racist cowards (and everyone else) to vote without blowback.


March 27th, 2021 at 8:27 AM ^

i have no idea why folks would neg this since unless they are an NYT subscriber they/we can't read the article.  i will take a guess that is has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not xtramelanin lives matter.  i think actual racism in/on a blog like this is very close to 0%.  i'll guess the negs are more about the actual organization 'BLM' which is (or at least was, i'm not going back to their website) an organization that is full-on cultural marxist and misandrist as any you might come across.  they may have cleaned up their act since last summer, but the BLM founders were hard-core, man hating racists.  BLM, the general idea, is a 100% winner.  BLM the organization is antithetical to this country's founding principals. 

the other irony in all of this is that this blog is populated by what, 95%+ lilly white bloggers?  got to be close to that.  do you know that in many cities and even some states in our union that more children of color are aborted than are allowed to be born?  i mention that not because i want to discuss abortion (do not start, do not, do not, do not) but because if you are checking yourself on how you really feel about race, maybe a fuller orbed view might be helpful.  

do black lives matter?  without any possible doubt.  are the kids that are promoting that thought doing a wonderful thing?  you bet, and how cool is that they are carrying a sincere torch for that idea.  i wish them the very best and i suspect that 99.99% of the folks on this blog do, too. 

El Jeffe

March 27th, 2021 at 9:16 AM ^

Don't forget the thing about BLM being Marxist man-haters, again without evidence. People who think BLM is Marxist have clearly never read a word of Marx. Marx would have hated BLM, which shouldn't change anyone's opinion about BLM one way or the other, but just saying.


March 27th, 2021 at 11:17 AM ^

Since mgoblog know-it-all "blue in dc" cites politifact, I'm assuming that's an acceptable source to reference here... So to El Jeffe's point:

People who think BLM is Marxist have clearly never read a word of Marx.

Black Lives Matter was founded by community organizers. One of the three co-founders said in 2015 that she and another co-founder “are trained Marxists.”

What's even more ridiculous here is a Black dude posts his opinion about BLM and all the white knights come to pile on him. SMH.  If you personally do not know what it's like to be Black in America, shut up and listen and learn.

XM didn't post any hate.

XM certainly isn't a racist.

It isn't anything Q-ish.

XM posted an opinion.  Which, ironically for some of you, parts of which are backed up in fact -- people from BLM SAID IT THEMSELVES! 

Some of you fucking people need to learn what a fucking opinion is.  Seesh.


blue in dc

March 27th, 2021 at 12:07 PM ^

Not entirely sure why you felt compelled to throw my name in the middle of this debate , but since you did, I think you may be missing where many of the negative reactions came from.    If xtra had just written his first and third paragraphs, I doubt he would have gotten anywhere near the backlash, but that second paragraph is quite a doozy.

Bringing up a highly controversial, politically and religiously charged topic.   Making no coherent point with that topic, saying that he can bring up the topic, but no one else should talk about it, and then throwing out some factoid, that while undeniably directionally true, is sure to invite some level of skepticism.    It is unclear what we are supposed to shut up and listen and learn from in that paragraph.    I am sure there is a point in there somewhere, but I am at a loss as to understand what it is and I don’t think I am the only one.




March 27th, 2021 at 1:28 PM ^

Not entirely sure why you felt compelled to throw my name in the middle of this debate

Because on this board part I of your shtick is to consistently attack other people who have an opinion but don't post a link.  And when people do post a link, then you attack the data source when it doesn't align with your narrow world view.

So I was just making sure it's okay to cite politifact since I've noticed you've sourced them before.  Got it?  Reading comprehension -- try it some time!

 but that second paragraph is quite a doozy.

How so.  XM is challenging the white knights to look at something undeniable but is outside of their echo chamber.  You calling it a doozy or me citing a fact you don't agree with as skeptical illustrates your narrow world view.

I am sure there is a point in there somewhere, but I am at a loss as to understand what it is and I don’t think I am the only one.

Ahh,  part II of your shtick comes out... reply with ad hominems and arrogance when you disagree.  Your "loss" does not equal a problem on my part.

4th phase

March 27th, 2021 at 2:31 PM ^

Did you even read that whole link you posted? Cause it doesn’t support your point as much as you seem to think. 

If people declare themselves Marxists, they are in effect Marxists, but "there really is no standard" of what Marxism is, "there’s no way to verify anything."

It’s important to recognize that movements evolve.

One person in the organization being a self described Marxist doesn’t make the organization equivalent to the made up term “cultural Marxism”, and no where in your link does it say the phrase “cultural marxism.” 

You’re above post basically says that we all have to agree with XM because he has a little xtra melanin. 

blue in dc

March 27th, 2021 at 2:48 PM ^

I am a bit perplexed by your reply.   

“me citing a fact you don't agree with as skeptical illustrates your narrow world view.” - the fact you are referring to was made by xtra, not by you.

Your "loss" does not equal a problem on my part.   Why would my loss to understand be a problem on your part?   

Both of those statements would make perfect sense if this was a response from xtra, less so if it was a response from somebody else.

Interestingly, it is also part of xtra’s schtick to bring up my name in threads I haven’t even commented on,

Are you one and the same?

Either way, you should look up ad hominem.   (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.   Saying you don’t understand the point someone is making is not an ad hominem.   Most of your attacks on the other hand seem to be more about me as a poster and not my ideas.   Interestingly, xtra also has a history of ad hominem attacks and like you, a fair amount of anger towards me.

Clarence Boddicker

March 27th, 2021 at 3:15 PM ^

I'm also a black dude. I've attended a BLM demo. I own a BLM facemask. I also have a masters in English. So I can tell you with some credibility that the idea that BLM a Marxist organization because two organizers identify as Marxist is a logical fallacy. This Is the same logic HUAC employed. Two people in this organization were communists--THEREFORE THE ORGANIZATION IS A COMMIE PLOT. And how'd that work out for Joe McCarthy?


March 27th, 2021 at 5:42 PM ^

The founders of BLM said out of their own mouths that they are 'Marxist Socialists'. 
It's a quote, on video, and used to be on their website. Not something people made up. The website had been scrubbed of all that stuff over the summer sometime. So a lot of people don't support that ideology, but do support black lives, including me. Which I think is what xtramel was saying. 

People need to stop being so black and white, this or that. Lots of things can be true or false at the same time. Not supporting black lives matter organization does not make you racist, sorry not sorry. 

fish on a hook

March 27th, 2021 at 9:31 AM ^

I am genuinely confused about what point you are trying to make with your second paragraph.    People of color are also disproportionately impacted by gun violence, air pollution, covid, climate change and a whole litany of controversial issues I could list.   Wouldn’t a “fuller orbed view” necessarily include all of those things?   

Is the point that you are trying to make, that what you say on a blog says less about how you truly feel about an issue than how you act as a person?

BTW - did find multiple cites to your point based on some data from NYC.  While people certainly have differing views on the solution, I believe that most of them would agree that those are numbers we would like to see changed.


March 27th, 2021 at 9:36 AM ^

Your comment: "...this blog is populated by what, 95%+ lilly white bloggers?  got to be close to that.  do you know that in many cities and even some states in our union that more children of color are aborted than are allowed to be born?"

Like the judge said:  "Saying it's true does not make it so."

Sometimes keeping prejudicial assumptions to oneself is golden. 

matty blue

March 27th, 2021 at 10:09 AM ^

man, this post is a JOURNEY.  

a complete flamethrower of a first paragraph, obviously intended to raise hackles, followed by a tenuous (and frankly ridiculous) connection to abortion, but with the caveat that you apparently don't want to get into that, because...reasons?  a "fuller orbed view?" whatever that means?  THEN this weird, "can't we all get along" closer?

like i said.  quite the journey.

1989 UM GRAD

March 27th, 2021 at 11:28 AM ^

XM with the "Candace Owens" take on BLM.  

(Yes, I am a "lily-white" guy, but I've been fortunate to have many Black friends and colleagues with whom I've had lengthy, in-depth conversations re: this take on BLM.  They all feel that it's a bullshit way for Black Trump supporters to feel make themselves feel better about and justify their political leanings and views.)


March 27th, 2021 at 12:54 PM ^


Its like you were sitting there this fine Saturday just thinking to yourself: 

"Hmm, How can I take a feel good post about fine, upstanding UM athletes' efforts to make the world a better place...and torch it with a flamethrower of entirely unrelated hot button political topics?"

"I know, let's throw in some claptrap about "cultural marxists" (no I idea what means, but sounds scary) and let's see...let throw in something about abortion, which I clearly DO NOT want to talk about,  I especially do not want to get called out on the bogus facts I just made up."




March 27th, 2021 at 1:19 PM ^

This is a rollercoaster of a post, whipsawed between dubious assertions sourced from what I assume are questionable Youtube videos and what appears to be a genuine feeling that minorities are discriminated against in this country and a need to support students and staff for fighting against it.  

Anyway, the people who negged this post aren't looking for deep, meaningful discussions about the various systemic issues facing POC in this country.  They're mad athletes are acting like human beings and the NYT reported on it, and so they'll click that thumbs down and go about their day. 


March 27th, 2021 at 8:15 AM ^

My guess is that you are trying to be cute. Otherwise, I do not support your inference. Each of us has the opportunity to, in our own small but important way, make the world a better place. And I fully support the taking up of said task by each of us-because this is in fact how the world changes for the better-and, sadly, for the worse too. It really is that "simple".


March 27th, 2021 at 8:18 AM ^

My wife and I have known Naz and her mother for three years.  I remember when Naz first got here she was shy and like most freshman, didn’t know how things worked and what to expect.  Along with KBA and her mother (who played at Vanderbilt and in the WNBA) they molded this young women into a leader and a great team player.  You only have to watch a recent video of her getting all choked up while talking to reporters about what it meant for Michigan Women’s Basketball to be recognized as a team worth their position in the tournament.  I can tell you, she is as kind and good hearted as any player I’ve followed.  She works so hard and handles the pressure like no other yet is as gracious and unassuming as you can get.  She is a true example of “Leaders and Best”.


March 27th, 2021 at 8:39 AM ^

The 'right thing' is always the right thing to do. Obvious, I know, but what is less obvious to our more shallow human counterparts is that it leads to better outcomes while at the same time improving our mental state, i.e. seeing things right, thinking along sound lines. It might not be comfortable or pleasant to view or reflect on this article, but it should at least be acknowledged - in our minds and hearts - as a good thing, a right thing, and not negged carelessly with little impact on our hearts and minds. Or the wrong impact.

matty blue

March 27th, 2021 at 10:16 AM ^

so, so true.  KBA in particular seems to make an active point to refer to her players as "women," which seems like a small, obvious thing, until you start listening to other coaches on both the men's and women's side, and you notice how rare that is.

i also really appreciate that she and juwan (and jim harbaugh, to a lesser extent) both actively raise up their players' activism rather than just sort of ignore that it's happening.  you don't have to look far to find coaches who either ignore their players' growth as off-court leaders, or only give it desultory lip service.  we're really lucky to have these two.


March 27th, 2021 at 10:29 AM ^

Great stuff.  Really proud of Hillmon and the rest of the team for speaking out about this issue.  And the MBB have been outspoken as well.


March 27th, 2021 at 10:36 AM ^

The world is a better place for having Naz and KBA in it.  Just because the NCAA treats their labor pool as subhuman doesn't mean they have to see themselves that way.  The oldest truism about the human condition is "What you expect to see is what you will see" and the Coach and players see their capacity to create change for the better.  It is the best example of the value of education and mentorship.