
February 28th, 2013 at 2:21 PM ^

I've asked my friends who went to Illinois and they don't even know why they hate Michigan so much. Their answer was "we just do".  I know some of my older friends hate Michigan because of the 1989 basketball season.  They are still pissed about losing in the Final Four but as far as football goes there's no comparison so I really don't know why the hate wold be.

Years of domination maybe?  I've been to quite a few Michigan games on the road and for whatever reason I would tend to hear more heckling from their fans than some of the other fans with their clever "Muck Fichigan" and "Ann Arbor is a Whore" t-shirts.  The best was after we played them in 2007 which was a night game and I think a year or two before that they only had like 2 wins but for whatever reason some of the fans thought Illinois was better. They did go to the Rose Bowl that year but obviously this was before all of that.


February 28th, 2013 at 11:44 AM ^

The problem is going to be that most Big Ten fans hate us and will vote against Denard, while most SEC fans love Swope and will for vote for him.  The gap is closing.


February 28th, 2013 at 1:34 PM ^

I sent the link to as many friends as I could to vote.  Just "shared" the page and it was easy for them to pick Denard.  I really hope he wins.  I already have the covers with Charles and Desmond.  Would love a third cover.


February 28th, 2013 at 1:42 PM ^

Is Alabama out? I remember someone saying that the winner would be determined by adding the team vote and the individual player vote. Last I checked Alabama was way ahead in the team vote.


February 28th, 2013 at 4:39 PM ^

I may only have one MGoBlog account, but I run two business accounts on Facebook along with my personal acount. I've voted for Denard on every one of them.

Go Blue!