Perkis-Size Me

May 18th, 2015 at 9:05 PM ^

I wonder how much this sudden change of heart had to do with the fact that this would've likely become a PR nightmare for Auburn all offseason. In addition to a potential media firestorm they would've faced, everyone from Alabama to Purdue could've used this to negative recruit the shit out of that program. 



May 18th, 2015 at 9:33 PM ^

My biggest concern with this would actually be 2017. The 2016 class is so big the next year the team will be limited to around 80 scholarshiOf course, ps, given the 25/year limit. This will worsen that. 

Yes, yes, Harbaugh caveats apply. I trust the coach.


May 18th, 2015 at 9:40 PM ^

Several people are implying that Harbaugh is interested in Moncrief transferring to UM. Do we have any evidence of this? On the contrary, he's not even allowed to talk to him or even discuss the possibility of his transferring. This is a one-sided thing, he like many players is interested in the possiblity of playing for Harbaugh, but in the end it will come down to Harbaugh seeing a need, a fit, and the university accepting him, all of which are in up in the air, assuming he even gets serious about his interest. 

This story is more about what a jerk Malzahn is, assuming there was some truth to the initial restrictions on his release. 


May 18th, 2015 at 9:34 PM ^

Even if Moncrief does not go to Michigan in the end, this is probably much better for Auburn. I really was having difficulty trying to imagine how they would defend singling out one school short of having to admit they were jealous / pissed / combination of both. Nice of them - for their own sake - to squash a story before it became a nice old-fashioned story. 


May 20th, 2015 at 9:42 AM ^

He went to a CC for two years due to grades issues in high school.  I mean, I wish him all the best, but I've heard for years on this board that someone like Moncrief can't get past admissions/transfer courses counting.  Have I been misled all this time?