It's Super Hero Thursday and I Have Questions

Submitted by XM - Mt 1822 on August 4th, 2022 at 1:22 PM


There is a little known law (really, never before this very moment discovered or disclosed) that declares the first Thursday in August 'Super Hero Thursday'.  I actually suspect that some of you may be super heroes and that's why you are anonymous.  However, given that its 'Super Hero Thursday', there are questions:

1.  Who is your favorite Super Hero?  Bonus points for 'why'?

2.  If you could create (or be) your own Super Hero, what/who would it be and, other than of course beating ohio every year, what would be it's (your) super powers? 

3.  What is/are your existing super powers?  Don't be modest, dish. 

XM (Decidedly lacking any super powers....)


August 4th, 2022 at 1:35 PM ^

Great questions.

1. It's gotta be superman because he can fly. And that x-ray vision is pretty awesome.

2. Don't know, but my superpower would be the ability to become invisible. It would be really fun to mess with people when they couldn't see you.

3. I can hit peak orgasm in under 5 seconds.

Peter Parker

August 4th, 2022 at 2:46 PM ^

1. I really looked up to Tony Stark/Iron Man as a role model both as a fellow super hero and also in my non-super hero life. It was pretty devastating when he sacrificed himself to stop Thanos. It was pretty nice to finally get that hug, though. I thought maybe Stephen Strange could be another good role model for me, but he's been kind of messing things up a lot lately. . . 


2. I'm pretty happy with what I have right now, to be honest. Although it would be nice if I could have the super power of printing legitimate legal tender.


3. I'm still growing into my powers, but so far: Super strength, super agility/balance, accelerated healing factor, ability to stick to surfaces allowing me to climb up walls/across ceilings, and this weird sense I get when I'm in danger.


August 4th, 2022 at 2:48 PM ^

1/Spider-Man,  just because it resonated with my 10 year old self.

2/healing factor like wolverine but able to transfer it others as well.

3/I can teach myself anything.


August 4th, 2022 at 3:29 PM ^

Eddie Brock Venom. My fight name was Venom when I did MMA. He's been my favorite character ever since I was a kid and his first appearance in Amazing Spiderman 300. I have a Venom tattoo. My kids know how much I love Venom, especially the growth of Brock. During the King in Black storyline, Eddie Brock came back from the dead and became the most powerful character in the Marvel universe to defeat the King in Black. He's now the new King in Black and trying to reverse all the damage that was done while his son has become the new Venom. 

Mr. Awesome with the power to pause time and do what is needed while everything else is paused. 

Being pure awesome, haha.



August 4th, 2022 at 3:44 PM ^

1) I like how batman's comics and movies sorta grew up as i did, but the kid in me still loves superman. All Star superman is one of the all time best. The john williams score from the first movie is still great.

2) My super power would be to alway have the best, quippiest comeback. ON TIME. not like five minutes later.

3) I do heal from injuries rather quickly, even as an old man. So i guess i'm a knockoff wolverine. Also, I am able to know when my child is about to cause chaos. But my wife definitely has that better developed than me.


August 4th, 2022 at 3:45 PM ^

Favorite: Wolverine.  Partly because he'd be bad ass even without being a mutant.

I would like the ability to time travel.

I currently possess the ability to send my wife into fits of rage for doing little things incorrectly/differently than she prefers. (time travel would allow me to skip that and see her on birthdays and anniversaries)

Kapitan Howard

August 4th, 2022 at 3:53 PM ^

1.  Who is your favorite Super Hero?  Bonus points for 'why'?

I like Doctor Strange a lot. I was given a bunch of my dad's Doctor Strange comics after he died, and they're cheesy as hell but fun to read! They're from the 60's so the ads are fascinating. My favorite is a full page comic ad about guy who dropped out of high school to earn $60 per week, but he keeps getting laid off so he gets his correspondence school diploma and now earns $105 per week.

2.  If you could create (or be) your own Super Hero, what/who would it be and, other than of course beating ohio every year, what would be it's (your) super powers? 

I'm not going to think too big here and say I would like to speak to animals so I could talk to my pets. I would have to go back to school to earn my PhD, but I could be called Dr. Dolittle.

3.  What is/are your existing super powers?  Don't be modest, dish. 

I have an incredibly high pain tolerance (both physical and emotional) but not in a way that's self-destructive. I've had a perforated bowel and the people at the hospital were surprised that I was able to walk and that I was in relatively good spirits.


August 4th, 2022 at 4:35 PM ^

I did not have a fav superhero...until now:  

Leatherboy is an obscure Marvel comics villain and an enemy of Squirrel-Girl, he is infamous amongst fans of the series for being the one who killed one of Squirrel-Girl's beloved squirrel pets and was arrested shortly after the incident, his killing of the animal was extremely graphic and also involved "unnatural acts ...




August 4th, 2022 at 5:08 PM ^

1.  Buffy the Vampire Slayer

2.  I've always been a little envious of the T-1000 and T-X and their ability to shape shift.

3.  I have superhuman strength and can terminate people.  I also have an incredible sense of humor.

See the source image



August 4th, 2022 at 5:27 PM ^

1. Anyone shown here:
2. I've been writing a short story for the last several years, about a guy who discovers he has the ability to slow down time. He gets shot at, and he's able to watch the bullet come at him slowly enough that he's able to sidestep. Probably never gonna finish that, you know how writers are, but I think that would be a pretty cool superpower.
3. Finally, pretty late in life, I'm getting some radio voice gigs. Always did have a rich, sonorous, hint-of-James-Earl-Jones baritone, finally cashing in on it.


August 4th, 2022 at 5:47 PM ^

In real life, it has to be Martin Luther King, Jr.  He had his flaws, but his non-violent work for change in attitudes surrounding our great national (in a historical sense) sin was monumental.  In the context of how you put the question, I’m partial to Thor.  I’m a sucker for a sense of humor.

I’m not convinced I’m cut out for super powers.  I think that requires something akin to maturity.

My existing super power?  Sounding like I know what I’m talking about most of the time.

oriental andrew

August 4th, 2022 at 6:30 PM ^

Favorite Super Hero? Some sciency guy like Ray Palmer (Atom) or Hank Pym (Ant-Man). Smart dudes who physiologically alter themselves to be super. Cool. Bruce Banner (Hulk) qualifies, although that power sure took a left turn at Albuquerque. 

Create-a-Hero? The ability to teleport myself and who/whatever I'm touching accurately and secretly to anywhere in the world. You don't want to end up teleporting into a wall or into a crowd of people who proceed to freak out at your sudden presence. And can you imagine the time and money savings if you don't have to pay for airfare to get halfway across the world? "Ok kids, we're going to France - we'll be there in 3...2..1..." 

Current Power? Dad jokes. 

Brewers Yost

August 4th, 2022 at 8:23 PM ^

1) Batman- Due to the movies.

2) Mystique- I like her skill set and it’s not OP like some super heroes. 

3) I have an innate ability to identify popular songs in jazz and classical arrangements, etc. For example on HBOs Westworld I could/can pick out songs on the player piano almost immediately. My wife finds it somewhat amusing, so I guess it’s not a complete waste.