
May 4th, 2020 at 6:18 AM ^

"Thank you, my young apprentice"

"And somebody tell JJ Abrams to get fucked for jacking up my character in the latest Star Wars movie"


May 4th, 2020 at 9:19 AM ^

Except for the blow planets up part you could make an argument that the Empire may be the good guys trying to keep law and order by suppressing a civil revolt.  Alot of the planets in the Empire have a token federal presence and really don't interfere much with planetary cultures.


May 4th, 2020 at 7:57 AM ^

Star Wars is crap. Billion dollar crap. In a perfect world good movies would make a billion dollars and we wouldn’t have endless marvel and Star Wars. 

Special Agent Utah

May 4th, 2020 at 11:58 AM ^

I never got over Spock dying as he fixed the warp drive on Millennium Falcon so it could get away from the Galactica before it exploded the Genesis device. 

Perkis-Size Me

May 4th, 2020 at 9:26 AM ^

I'm looking forward to the Obi Wan series they will eventually be making, but I have to say that I do not care one little bit about the Cassian Andor series they are planning to make. Diego Luna appears to be a good actor, but I don't care about his character. He does nothing for me, and I have no real emotional attachment to him. He was just some guy who appeared in one movie.

Seriously, there are so many other characters you could make a TV series about that would be more compelling. Palpatine in his younger days rising through the Sith, Qui Gon and how he found/trained Obi Wan, Yoda in his younger days. So many options to explore with far more compelling characters. 

I just hope Disney doesn't royally fuck up the groundwork that KOTOR laid with telling stories about the Old Republic. 


May 4th, 2020 at 8:02 PM ^

Just watched Episode 9 (Rise of Skywalker) and was underwhelmed.  I am firmly of the opinion that this enterprise has been declining ever since Empire Strikes Back (the Disneyfication accelerating this process).  Obscene amounts of money will continue to be made on it (as I read this morning that yet another Star Wars movie is in the works), but from a quality standpoint it jumped the shark long ago.