Bringing your own water bottle to the Big House? Forget it.

Submitted by a2bluefan on
I am not normally someone who whines to others (well, not much anyway) about things over which I have no control. But this one has got me pissed enough that I just have to rant a bit. And what better venue than my favorite blog, where others who flock to the Big House can relate? New for 2010, No water bottles of any kind may be brought into Michigan Stadium. No bags allowed? Understood. No smoking allowed? It was inevitable. But now I can't bring even a bottle of water? Good grief!! For years, I've brought in a single bottle of water, making sure to not open it and warning whomever is with me not to do so either until we got inside. For the early September games which are usually boiling hot, it was practically a tradition to throw a couple bottles of water in the freezer on Friday night, so that we have nice COLD half-frozen water to drink through the first half. No more. DAMN IT. Are they so desperate to make a buck? Well, I would think not in this case, since free water is available. Besides, I will NOT buy the bottled water at the stadium for two reasons: the price is ridiculous, and (unless they've changed brands since last year) Absopure water sucks. Just me, perhaps, but I think it tastes funny. So yeah. No more bringing your own water in. And if you're one of those who was planning on bringing in such a bottle and filling it with change to make a noise-maker, guess again. /rant (Thanks for reading.)


July 28th, 2010 at 7:36 PM ^

I thought they were switching to Dasani with the switch to Coke products? Either way, that sucks. I don't understand the point. It can get damn hot in the stadium. sealed water doesn't seem like a hazard.



July 28th, 2010 at 7:42 PM ^

How much does ti cost to pick up all of the empty, complimentary water cups after the game?

Edit: And on top of that, this out of ignorance of the cup variety, and generally less impactful point, are we talking cups that can be recycled easier, or are talking paper/styrofoam cups that will be trashed?


July 28th, 2010 at 7:49 PM ^

Absopure water is heaven in a bottle.  They used to have the fridges stocked with it at Schembechler (I assume they still do).  Best water around folks...don't give me this b.s. Aquafina or Dasani.  Tastes terrible.

Absopure is local too...gotta support the area.

Tully Mars

July 28th, 2010 at 11:22 PM ^

In case anyone just wants to cut and paste, here's the feedback I submitted:

"Hello, I recently received my football season tickets and was very disappointed to see that sealed water bottles will no longer be allowed into the stadium. I realize that there are free small cups of water and drinking fountains available. However using these sources will cause me to have to leave my seat during the game (I normally never leave my seat so I don't miss any of the great action). I'd like to ask that you reconsider this ban. At the least, perhaps you might allow entirely empty bottles so that individuals can fill up their bottle at the water fountains prior to going to there seat and then not miss any of the game. 

Thank you for your consideration."

I'm sure someone else can put together a more elegant response.  However, if you're gonna be lazy then you can't be choosey (well I suppose technically you can...). 

Tony Soprano

July 28th, 2010 at 8:09 PM ^

However, you can still do the change in the bottle noise maker thing, you just have to drink a bottle of water or dump the water out first.   .  I'll be there every game, making the noise....except, not for the Wisconsin game (wedding in

I do feel bad for the water bottle vendors outside the stadium - $1 was a good deal. 

Section 1

July 28th, 2010 at 8:13 PM ^

Usually there is a reason.  Or at least a stated reason.  It may be a dumb reason, or an illegitimate reason; but at least a reason.  Anybody?  I'm just the curious type.


July 28th, 2010 at 8:53 PM ^

I actually tried to come up with reasons before I posted my little rant. None of 'em made any sense:

- Reducing waste? No, I could just buy one in the stadium.
- People throwing them? No, same reason.
- Possible use as an explosive device? Well, I just don't know enough to say, honestly.
- People sneaking in booze? I suppose, but there are other ways of doing that.

Like you said, I'd just love to know the thinking here. Maybe it actually is just to make a buck.


July 28th, 2010 at 8:16 PM ^

I usually bring in a bottle to make sure my voice isn't shot by halftime, but I'm not gonna go get a drink out of a fountain and risk missing the game. And I really don't want to pay $4 for a bottle, either.


July 28th, 2010 at 8:39 PM ^

This is absurd. I felt bad for the vendors that sell water also. I guess just put the water in your shorts pocket or hooded sweat shirt. Too many people walking in to seach you up and down.


July 28th, 2010 at 8:58 PM ^

I want water pretty badly during the games, but this could have some serious health implications for dehydrated students with hangovers, who will badly need water.  As funny as that sounds, being really hung over, then spending 3 hours in the blistering sun can lead to heat injuries.  Fans pass out every year, and many people will object to buying $3 water in the stadium.