Best NIL deal yet, Mike Morris and Mike Morse the lawyer

Submitted by ldevon1 on November 7th, 2022 at 4:32 PM

Just saw that commercial and couldn't stop laughing. For those out of region, Mike Morse is a big time personal injury attorney in Michigan. Obviously a Michigan fan. Go Blue!

East German Judge

November 7th, 2022 at 5:06 PM ^

You are spot on, however, in the one commercial he is wearing a blue suit, so in the other he could have had a blue jersey - just sayin'

What still bugs me is why can't our Mike Morris wear his U of M Jersey and say he is a Michigan football player???  WTF, I am tired of hearing that U of M needs to "protect" the Block M, no weird fonts or colors, etc. - lame ass excuses.  His jersey is the right color, font, etc.  Let the kids wear them, FERGODSAKES!!!

Santa, HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!


November 7th, 2022 at 5:42 PM ^

Sincere question: is that a policy only Michigan has?  Do other schools allow their students exercising NIL to use the logo jersey?  I myself honestly do not know.

I can see why Michigan might prevent the wearing of the jersey with the Nike / Jordan logo ... that probably gets into some copyright issues outside the university.  If they're prohibiting use of the block "M" and the name, I wonder -- honestly, I'm just speculating here -- it has something to do with avoiding the appearance of support / involvement / endorsement of the student athlete?

I spent 35 years in a large multi-national IT company, and for many of those years I swore the lawyers ran the company.  It was astonishing how restrictive they were on certain things.  Some I understood (example: never make performance guarantees); some I didn't understand (example: having to spell out well-known and widely-used acronyms every time).

So I'm really raising a big question mark about the whole thing. 

I did find it somewhat interesting that the very distinctive maize and blue colors were okay.  I guess the lawyers decided that's okay, even though not many would confuse that uniform with, say, West Virginia (very similar colors).


November 7th, 2022 at 6:10 PM ^

The United States has more lawyers per capita than any country in the world. 1 for every 248 residents. Once you get past Italy (#2 at 1:260) it's not even close. 

Why do lawyers run the show at big companies and institutions? Because the perception of deep pockets attracts people trying to get "easy money" any way possible. 

To directly answer your question:

Mike Morris wearing clothes which happen to match Michigan's colors is MIke Morris' choice alone. Mike Morris wearing Michigan/Jumpman branded clothes (which Nike/UofM most likely provided) now becomes Mike Morris & Michigan. Who are you going to go after if you are trying to get big money: Mike Morris or the University of Michigan? The first scenario keeps Michigan out of it. No idea what other schools do, but the less you have to lose, the less you worry about these things. 


November 7th, 2022 at 4:47 PM ^

This is what I imagined when NIL became legal...knowing all the other BS would be reality. 

Happy for the real Mike Morris. Hoping he's getting paid well for everything he brings to the team. 

LSA Aught One

November 7th, 2022 at 5:55 PM ^

Quick aside:  What could I do as an NIL program for UM when I win the Powerball jackpot, tonight?  

Immediate thought: open a Free-Play arcade on South U and hire the players to hang out when they have time.  $10k per player per month.  That'd be just under $1m per month.  If I invested the after-tax $1 billion in winnings at 2%, that'd be over $20 million in interest revenue per year, less $12 million in ad expenses and capital gains taxes.  I'd still be in the black and I'd get to play video games and pinball all day long.