[by Seth]

Punt/Counterpunt: Rutgers 2018 Comment Count

Seth November 10th, 2018 at 8:48 AM


By Bryan MacKenzie

My Fellow Americans,

Well, we gave it a good shot, but it doesn’t look like it’s going to be enough this time. So, it is with a heavy heart that I announce that I have officially conceded defeat.

I have called my thirteen opponents, and professed my appreciation and best wishes for all of them going forward. Most were extremely supportive, and wished me nothing but the best. I had a little trouble understanding Wisconsin and Minnesota, but that’s been the case since I got here. Maryland was particularly sympathetic.

From the beginning, our platform was clear: Border Security. Restoring our waterways. Independence and Self-Determination. Student Loans and Greater Academic Opportunities. Drug Use. And I think these issues resonated with the people. By the end of our campaign, you could barely utter the name “Rutgers” without eliciting a smile. And the energy at our campaign events was palpable.



[After THE JUMP: Speech Speech Speech]

We started off so strong. We won two of our first four B1G conference basketball games, and beat Michigan in our second-ever conference football game. Michigan! Can you believe it? And after staff shake-up in 2015, I thought we brought in some real go-getters who were tough, smart, and didn’t throw basketballs at our heads on a regular basis. Everything seemed to be coming together. All of the pundits—and I mean ALL of them—spoke openly of a dynasty in the making.

Still, it wasn’t enough. Our message of hope, more hope, and hope straining credulity wasn’t enough to compete with our opponents. They had all the structural advantages of the establishment elite: resources, infrastructure, talent, offensive lines… and in the end, those proved too much to overcome. We’ve run the numbers, and with a conference winning percentage of .200 in football and .150 in basketball, it has become clear that we no longer have a path to victory. Any victory.

/crowd shrugs, nods.

In some ways, they were so close. (Barron)

I would like to thank my running mate, the New York Cable Subscriber Footprint. He has been a steadfast companion on this entire journey. He was actually the one who convinced me to get into this race. He was our campaign’s primary fundraising force, and he was really the source of energy on the campaign trail. Heck, sometimes I wonder if I would have even been IN this race if it weren’t for him.

/lighthearted chuckle

I would also like to thank all of you. If nothing else, I hope this campaign allowed you to become closer with your fellow man and woman, and to learn that we can cross party lines and embrace each other in a spirit of bipartisanship.

But this campaign wasn’t about me, and it wasn’t about the New York Cable Subscriber Footprint. And it wasn’t about you. And it wasn’t about the tens of millions of Big Ten fans throughout the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic. Hell, it wasn’t even about football or basketball, or athletics generally, or even academics. Honestly, I can’t even remember what this campaign was about. I’m not even 100% sure where I am right now, or how I got here. My point? I don’t know. Do you? I… uh…

/flips through cue cards

Oh, right. I remembered. This campaign was a campaign of ideas, and particularly one idea: that anyone, anywhere, can have value as a member of the Big Ten if we as a people decide that to be true. And I still believe that, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I don’t know what I’ll do next, but rest assured, I’m not going away, and you haven’t seen the last of ol’ Rutgers.

Please clap.

Michigan 87.3%
Rutgers 11.4%
(97% of precincts reporting)




By Internet Raj

There’s something particularly insidious about growing up in an upper-class suburb while being squarely middle-class yourself: you occupy a unique rung in the social hierarchy wherein you are simultaneously privileged enough to be economically secure and have no real reason to gripe, but also constantly reminded about all the cool shit everyone else has that you don’t. My parents are extremely hard-working first generation immigrants who sacrificed everything for their children, including moving to a neighborhood that was beyond their means just so we could attend first class public schools. And while I can fully appreciate that now through the wisdom of adulthood and thoughtful reflection, my perspective was appropriately warped when viewed through the lens of an ungrateful middle schooler.

Middle school trends 1990’s were fast, furious, fleeting and almost always expensive. Limited edition Pokémon cards, Tamagotchis, Pogs, Fireball yo-yo’s, Beanie Babies, devil sticks, Game Boy Advance, Soap shoes—the list is longer than any fully-starched popped collar polo from Express. But I’ll always remember one trend that swept my middle school by storm: the Adidas three-stripe tear-away snap pants.


The ultimate middle school drip in 1998.

Looking back, the fact that athletic warmup pants took middle schools around the nation by storm is absolutely preposterous. But the fact remains that anyone who was anyone at my middle school had ‘em. Naturally, I begged my mom to buy me a pair and—as was the case whenever I made an impassioned plea for cutting edge fashion—she made her traditional pilgrimage to TJ Maxx. While I am confident my mom made a valiant effort, she ultimately returned home with a $9.99 generic brand version of the Adidas pants I so desperately coveted. In an apparent attempt to skirt intellectual property law, the pants featured a glaringly blasphemous extra fourth stripe. Summoning what would turn out to be misplaced courage, I decided to roll the dice and rock my new random Chinese brand pants at school the next day, only to be unforgivingly roasted by my classmates. I love my parents but damn, sending your kind to a middle school full of yuppies with four-stripe knockoff Adidas pants is an insanely savage move.

Much like my mom, Jim Delaney and the Big Ten went shopping in 2014 to address that era’s own en-vogue trend: conference expansion. Everyone was doing it, but instead of just sitting this one out and playing it safe, Delaney decided to barrel ahead with complete disregard of the consequences of his actions. Delaney eschewed the sexy Big XII brand names like “Longhorns” or “Sooners”, and instead visited the Big East TJ Maxx, where he went straight to the clearance rack. It was there that Delany found his own brutally hideous fourth stripe: the Rutgers Scarlet Knights.


Rutger Tag, retained in case customer service allows pity returns

Rutgers is uglier than any knock-off brand of warm-up pants could ever be. This season, the Scarlet Knights boast an overall record of 1-8 and are winless in conference. Last season, Rutgers finished 4-8. In 2016, Michigan roasted Rutgers by a scoring margin (78-0) that would even the most hardened middle school bully would consider over-the-line. In 2015–one year after being added to the Big Ten—Rutgers head coach Kyle Flood was suspended for three games for harassing a professor and five players were arrested and ultimately kicked off the team for their involvement in violent crime.

This column is traditionally supposed to provide some measure of analysis of the week’s game and conclude with a score prediction. But there are some games you just want to close your eyes, forget about, and quickly move on from. Later today, Michigan is going to have to wear its own version of embarrassing pair of four stripe pants and while it will surely come out victorious, it’s still Rutger. Nothing can make this pretty, not even that dope shirt from Hot Topic.

Let’s just get out unscathed and get on to next week, where Michigan will get to try on a marginally more chic pair of pants: JNCO jeans shipped direct from Bloomington.

Michigan: Metal Pogs slammer, Rutgers: Capri Sun straw that was broken when trying to break the pouch’s seal


True Blue in CO

November 10th, 2018 at 9:22 AM ^

The despair caused by Rutgers being a conference opponent brought out the best in both writers this week.  May the same happen today on the field with The Team as we continue the pursuit of bigger goals. The Delany damage may never be undone but we move forward. 


November 10th, 2018 at 9:25 AM ^

Does anyone know what it would take to replace Maryland and Rutgers? Is it even a possibility? If so why hasn't anyone asked them politely to move on? And who could we replace them with? 


November 10th, 2018 at 9:51 AM ^

I've seen/heard lots of talk (nothing official, of course) of people wanting Syracuse and Pitt to replace our two ugly stepchildren.

Unfortunately, Pitt has Mr."60 minutes of unnecessary roughness" Narduzzi and Syracuse has Mr."I don't give a shit about dirty program critics" Boeheim.

Come to think of it, they'd fit right into the B1G East.


November 10th, 2018 at 9:54 AM ^

A lot of people lump MD in with Rutger and ask why can’t we get rid of them both. I don’t think that’s fair to MD though (for selfish and unselfish reasons). While MD may not be good at football, they manage to not be a total dumpster fire in a difficult division. MD adds a lot of value in other sports like men’s and women’s basketball and lacrosse. 

I realize MD isn’t in a traditionally Big 10 area, but I’ve been to both games since I moved out here and they are almost 50/50 UM/MD people. Usually more UM than MD at the end of the game. 

I went up to Rutger once to watch the 78-0 beating, but I’m not going back this year. Rutger takes way more than it adds to the conference and having to play them every year is an insult to the game of football. 


November 10th, 2018 at 9:46 AM ^

When they announced this game was going to be a 3:30 start I was really, really bummed cause my wife has us going to some local school fundraiser that has basically consumed her for the past two months in trying to figure out what to wear.  Night after night she'd be on her computer looking at dresses, looking at what other women wore last year to the damn thing while trying (unsuccessfully) to find the perfect dress cause God knows none of the 200 or so she already owns would work.

So I knew that there was no way in hell for me to get out of this thing and with the gala starting at 6 in a bar there was no way for me to record the game and duck the score.  It also means i cant drink much (if any) during the game cause no way it would be OK for me to show up to this thing more than a little buzzed.  

But then I remembered two things.  One - that with any luck OSU will lose to MSU thereby basically locking us in for our first B1G East championship while also making all my OSU honk friends I'll see tonight really, really sad.  And two - that it's fucking Rutgers and the game should be in the bag by halftime.


November 10th, 2018 at 10:08 AM ^

You are obviously a married man or a very smart single guy.  Rest assured whatever the misses has on tonight will be complimented lavishly by yours truly given the insane amount of effort she's put into selecting it.  And I've been sworn to not say a word tonight to the people at our table about it (I've made several comments lately re the time that's gone into the selection)

To be fair though I'm sure to her it's just as bananas to spend as much time as I do worrying about the implications of the bowl committee selections so I've got to cut her some slack here.


November 10th, 2018 at 9:52 AM ^

I’m happy to watch with no pressure today.  Another nice feature of today is that one of the teams and fan bases I hate more than anything will suffer a defeat today in the Douchebag Bowl. That will be joyous.  


November 10th, 2018 at 9:57 AM ^

It would be horrible if two 747s full of Notre Dame fans collided right over the stadium and wiped out 80,000 of those douchebag fans, both OSU/MSU teams full of douchebags, and both douchebag coaches.  

Hotel Putingrad

November 10th, 2018 at 10:01 AM ^

Overall, Bryan's column was better, but damn, if Raj isn't the king of conference analogies.

I can so clearly see Delany combing through  those clearance racks, looking for a Turtle Wax and Shining Armor box set for Christmas.


November 10th, 2018 at 10:04 AM ^

Great work, as usual!  Have you ever read something in the internet and think, “I’d like to have a beer with the guy that wrote that”?  I think that every Saturday morning when I wake up and read P/CP.   Thank you both for making me laugh and keep up the good work. 


November 10th, 2018 at 10:18 AM ^

Reading P/CP is the reserved for the first thing I do after I finish my morning coffee.  It's not that the act I'm involved is in any way a commentary on what I'm reading.  Quite the contrary.  Like any piece of art consumed, whether screen or written word, there is always something lost when you are interrupted.  Having a family means you will inevitably be interrupted if they see your face staring into the soul of your phone.
So, during this reserved time without intrusion, I have the opportunity to read such wit and brilliance.  I laugh heartily, and possibly even chortle or snort.  I have no cares if I do either, as I'm enjoying myself too much to worry.
But then I leave the bathroom after finishing all the tasks that I had set out for.  My family stares at me with a mixture of confusion and contempt.  What could have possibly been that funny to make those kinds of noises in there.
It then becomes perfectly clear to me.  For my family, I am the fourth stripe.  

Confusion grips me and I'm uncertain if I should find some Axe body spray or a stadium hot tub to jump into.  Aware, but not fully aware, of what I should do next, I grab my teddy bear and small magnets. 

You Only Live Twice

November 10th, 2018 at 11:09 AM ^

heh, well done fellas :-)

Now.  In an ideal world... if Rutgers simply concedes the game early, that's less time I'll spend wringing my hands worrying about injuries.


November 10th, 2018 at 11:22 AM ^

Brilliant PCP this week you guys.

It seems wasted on Rutgers, but perhaps only the insanity of Rutgers could bring out this kind of off the wall perspective.



November 10th, 2018 at 11:29 AM ^

The Rutgers Problem solves itself. During the course of this century, New Jersey and its 130 miles of Atlantic Coast will be subsumed under the Atlantic Ocean. Unless people evolve into fish-mutants very rapidly, therefore, there will be no Rutgers because there will be no New Jersey. So there’s nothing to worry about.

Now, whether College Park, Maryland is far enough inland to survive the Great Warming Flood is an open question, but I’m saying there’s a chance.

Great Lakes levels are more difficult to predict, of course, but for now scientists are telling us they are unlikely to put Ann Arbor, Madison, and Minneapolis under water.

I know what you’re all thinking: will the Scioto and Red Cedar rivers overflow and inundate Columbus and East Lansing? Highly doubtful, and I don’t think we need worry over the Huron, either, but if it were to happen (heaven forfend), Michigan sports the best Hydraulic Engineering program in the world, so our school’s continued existence is assured.

I hope this little discussion allows everyone to enjoy the remaining Michigan-Rutgers football games, if not for the quality of the competition, then for their fleeting historical significance. 

Go Blue!


November 10th, 2018 at 11:43 AM ^

As the brother in law of a (former) politician and very close in age to Raj I relate so hard to everything in this article. I think my capacity for empathy grew reading Raj’s story in particular. 


November 10th, 2018 at 11:55 AM ^

Alabama has the Citadel; we have Rutgers. Good teams need a cup cake late in the season to heal up; solve problems like the field goal kicking game; give the third string some game experience and pad the win total. It's better than the Citadel in that this game is a conference win!

Don't knock Rutgers! Celebrate that they McGoo's can move us one step closer to our goal.



November 10th, 2018 at 12:12 PM ^

Raj that was absolute gold!  As a 35 year old single male who grew up in Saginaw, MI you nailed middle school on the head.  I've screen shotted this and sent it out to like five of my buddies already and we are all hysterically laughing!  Bravo my friend, I hope you write for C/CP for many, many more years!


November 10th, 2018 at 1:22 PM ^

I laughed out loud at this: "In 2016, Michigan roasted Rutgers by a scoring margin (78-0) that would even the most hardened middle school bully would consider over-the-line."


November 10th, 2018 at 6:48 PM ^

".... and instead visited the Big East TJ Maxx, where he went straight to the clearance rack. It was there that Delany found his own brutally hideous fourth stripe: the Rutgers Scarlet Knights."

I didn't even see that coming, how you connected that up. Here I was watching the fullback dive into the line, yet somehow the flanker had the ball and scored before the camera could follow. 

Not worthy, Raj. 

Both you guys rock.