Corey Malone-Hatcher releasing DPJ video

Submitted by FanNamedOzzy on

I collaborated with CMH again to create a video for DPJ - will update post when it drops. Let's get it trending! #DPJtoAA

So excited about this move today guys. We NEED this guy // BEST athlete in the country and its not a secret #GoBlue #??toAA

— Corey Malone-Hatcher (@CMH2017) October 5, 2016

**EDIT** Here's the video - (Music is definitely NSFW)


C A S S T E C H , D E T R O I T
---------------------------------------------------#DPJtoAA #GoBlue

— Corey Malone-Hatcher (@CMH2017) October 5, 2016

The Victors

October 5th, 2016 at 12:40 PM ^

We will has all your hyphenated names and turn them into stars.

Current Roster:

  1. Juwann Bushell-Beatty
  2. Elysee Mbem-Bosse

Current 2017 Commitments:

  1. Corey Malone-Hatcher
  2. Benjamin St-Juste
  3. Kai-Leon Herbert (ok, I cheated with a hyphenated first name)

Current 2017 Targets:

  1. Donovan Peoples-Jones
  2. Deron Irving-Bey
  3. Jaylen Kelly-Powell


October 5th, 2016 at 12:52 PM ^

Could this constitute a recruiting violation? The effort and time to make such a video as a booster of the program is being given to a recruit for free. Extra benefit?

Asking for a friend.

Full disclosure: My kids go to the same school district as CMH and I'm friends with his HS coach.


October 5th, 2016 at 1:00 PM ^

Giving anything to recruits for the purposes of helping recruit others can be considered an extra benefit. If you weren't giving cmh your services, he may have to pay someone to do it. The going rate for video editing can be very high or very cheap, but they do get paid. Either way, he has access to you only because he's a Michigan football recruit.

If you do other videos for non-Michigan football recruits or non-football recruits in general, you're probably fine if you do those for free too.

Just throwing it out there as a "watch out."


October 5th, 2016 at 1:09 PM ^

I get what you're saying. If I were getting paid for all my Michigan videos except these, I'd see the issue. I don't. This is simply something I do for fun and the only difference is that it's CMH posting it instead of myself.

Furthermore - Coach Harbaugh himself retweeted the Tarik Black video - I bet if he thought there was even a chance for a recruiting violation he wouldn't have done that.