Satellite Camp Ban Rescinded

Submitted by EastCoast Esq. on



NCAA Board of Directors rescinds ban on satellite camps, source tells @ESPN

— Brett McMurphy (@McMurphyESPN) April 28, 2016


EDIT: Link to NCAA Release h/t M Gulo Gulo


Pro-Camp Coach Tweets:

Great news for potential student-athletes! Satellite camps are back on!

— Mike Gundy (@CoachGundy) April 28, 2016

Excited for student athletes that the satellite camp ban was lifted. #opportunites

— Rich Rodriguez (@CoachRodAZ) April 28, 2016

Avon Barksdale

April 28th, 2016 at 2:18 PM ^

I am here for the Harbaugh Posbang! Leadership with an Enthusiam Unknown To Mankind!!!!!! The NCAA did not like the idea of the Department of Justice sniffing around.


April 28th, 2016 at 2:48 PM ^

From a mod on the Alabama board giving the most obvious response to gettint their behinds handed to them:


"Could it be that Harbaugh and the Big 10 will rue the day that the satellite camp ban was rescinded?

I think we all realize that If this is the way the game is going to be played, Saban (and his disciples) will approach it with guns blazing.

In rescinding a ban that lasted just about as long as Marco Rubio's candidacy for the republican nomination, the NCAA has basically said to its member schools -- especially those in Power 5 conferences -- "have at it".

Led by Saban, no conference is better at "doing it big" than the one that has dominated the sport for more than a decade. And that hasn't been the Big 10.

Harbaugh got his wish. After the SEC machine gets going in what will essentially be another block on the recruiting calendar, he and his brethren may regret it.



April 28th, 2016 at 2:55 PM ^

These camps do very little for big, huge programs like UM, Bama, USC...  They have more benefit, arguably, for UM right now, while Harbaugh rebuilds the name that Brandon's 'brand' destroyed.  But in a year, or so, each of these programs will be on equal footing recruiting-wise and name-wise.  The SEC/ACC may have some inherent advantage due to geography, but that's okay.  I'll take my chances betting Harbaugh vs the field, any day...


April 28th, 2016 at 3:08 PM ^

That's why I added (Saban disciples). Smart, Muschamp and McElwain know the drill. And you're right about the rest of the league. If the SEC is going to be forced into doing it, I don't see it leaving anything in the bag.


Shit, now the bagmen are really going to start paying kids....


April 28th, 2016 at 3:41 PM ^

You wanna put an Alabama camp in all 50 states?  Go for it.  Not only would Harbaugh not be scared, he'll have a guy participate in Every.  Single.  One.  to see if you're doing something we should adopt.  Whatever happens, he'll always do it better than you.  And the students win by having more camps and more exposure.


Besides, with all that oversigning, no one's going to stick with their SEC commitment anyway.


April 28th, 2016 at 3:02 PM ^

It's not so much the SEC was mad at the Big10 or any other conferences, the truth is they are more worried about there own conference and what its going to do to the competition for recruits in there own conference. Now Alabama will set up in Florida, Florida will set up Georgia, Georgia in Tennessee, Tennessee is Louisiana and so forth and so on. That's the real issue here w the Satellite Camps. SEC is more pissed if they can go into each other's backyard and have a pissing contest w each other now more then ever.


April 28th, 2016 at 3:38 PM ^

Delany may not be a popular guy here, but I'd bet $1000 to a donut that Delany has been working things politically behind the scenes on this one over the last few weeks.  

Most B1G member institutions wanted the satelitte camps, and a good politician gets stuff done for his constitutents.  Work behind the scenes on the people who actually vote on these things, and leave the more fire-blazing public comments to others (e.g., Mike Leach) instead of making those comments yourself.

The satelite camp ban was a dumb idea from day one, and I'm glad it was rescinded.