Saturday Drinking Thread

Submitted by skurnie on

Well I'll start it. It's been a strange week for Dad had major spine surgery on Tuesday and is recovering well and should be going home tomorrow, which is good news.

I picked up a growler of Harmony Crossroads in Eastown Grand Rapids earlier today after spending the day with my Dad at the hospital. I'm moving on to Troegs Nugget Nectar and some Bells Smitten in a bit. Back home and relaxing with the family now. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.


February 20th, 2016 at 8:08 PM ^

I'm drinking everything I've got, determined to get good sleep tonight. My wife has a big week or two ahead of her with lots of medical scans/tests. I've been going crazy trying to get answers from Dr. Google, which 99% of the time leaves me depressed and pessimistic.


February 20th, 2016 at 8:40 PM ^

I typically steer patients toward Cleveland Clinic's (proud alumn) or Mayo's website.  Good starting point, and the info provided is designed more for patients.

If you really want to delve into the nitty gritty (clinical treatment guidelines, clinical trials, etc), Medline/PubMed via NIH is a good starting point.  VERY MUCH caveat emptor; lots of published research is garbage, and requires the background in medical research/statistics to pick out the good from the crap.


February 20th, 2016 at 8:12 PM ^

It’s one of those “empty out the various beers in the fridge, while Netflix and hopefully chill” nights.  Starting now with my personal favorite Bell’s Two Hearted.  Then planning to move to a dog fish 90 minute to start a nice weekend buzz.  After that, the wife should be home, so it’s finally time for the finale of Narcos , which I think is an appropriate time to transition to a little crown on the rocks.     


February 20th, 2016 at 8:30 PM ^

Hype? Love the idea (how humidity can effect the barrel aging process), but the stuff is so darn expensive compared to some relatively-available barrel proofs (Elijah Craig, Stagg Jr) that I haven't pulled the trigger.


February 20th, 2016 at 8:42 PM ^

so that explains the wine. 

mended fences today with the melt off.  if we can get to the fences with the snow melt, so can the livestock, so we got after it as best as we could.  they were watching us but weren't overly curious.  very sunny most of the day so that was an added bonus for mid-feb day.   haircuts for the 3 middle sons too.  it's a wild time down on the farm. 


February 20th, 2016 at 10:33 PM ^

Please fill in the blanks. You are a Michigan grad. Prosecutor or Cop on left coast. Retired? Came back to Michigan. UP or northern Michigan. You know the Boardman river so... Now a farmer with lots of kids and you coach football too. You are one interesting dude. Anyway here's to you. Shorts Bellaire Brown. For us locals.


February 21st, 2016 at 6:33 AM ^

i'm not retired - my wife and kids all want me to so i'll be home with them, but that isn't financially in the cards right now, especially with a boatload of college decisions to make in the coming years.

question:  beloved mgowife wants me to get some 'not your father's root beer' so that we can try it (we don't drink much beer).   where would i find that in the TC area?


February 20th, 2016 at 9:00 PM ^

Nothing yet but c'mon Huskers!! Looking forward to seeing if Purdue can keep playing bi-polar and knock off Indiana. Wicked Weed Oblvion and some sort of barrel-aged Stout later when home (and finishing up Bloodline on Netflix).


February 20th, 2016 at 9:49 PM ^

Started with Bitter Waitress a black ipa which was ok. I just switched to Sawdust City's I, The Mountain & The Leprechaun Flute red ipa which is quite delightful. Who knows what I will grab out of the fridge next.


February 20th, 2016 at 10:15 PM ^

Grandma died this morning.  Drinking some tequila tomorrow in her honor (since I can't make it to Mexico).

Tonight I drink coffee because exhausted.