OT: So Jared Leto's Joker is uhh.... edgy?

Submitted by OccaM on

I've learned not to pre-judge actors' takes on beloved characters after Ledger's Joker, but Leto just looks like he's trying a bit too hard... I mean the forehead tattoo? Is that necessary? 



April 24th, 2015 at 11:24 PM ^

the batman vs superman movie is based on one of the best comics ever done called the dark knight returns. and in that those two do fight to nearly the death


April 25th, 2015 at 9:12 AM ^

You would think so.

Since 1986 they've made Batman this supreme strategist who can figure out a way to defeat anyone in the gotdamn universe. I love Batman to death but come on. I'm sure he'd formulate one hell of a plan(ala Dark Knight Returns) but what can you really do against a being who has damn near every superpower there is?

I'm Batman

April 25th, 2015 at 4:02 PM ^

The comic book reader, or movie watcher. None of the characters have our insight into Superman's intentions. They just know that thanks to his presence on earth, aliens showed up and tried to exterminate us.


April 25th, 2015 at 4:36 PM ^

Batman has been portrayed the past thirty years as actually having a superpower level of intellect and planning.  The idea is that, given time to prepare and his wealth of resources, Batman can defeat ANYONE.

Furthermore, Superman is very by-the-book.  He exhibits restraint when fighting anyone who isn't nigh invulnerable in his comics all the time.

Batman plans for this fact accordingly.


As to why they are in conflict - well, that's what makes it a fine story (assuming the film is based on Miller's outstanding book).  But essentially, Superman is portrayed as a government stooge following the agenda of the power elite,  while Batman is the vigilante who gets things done but often has to ignore a few laws in order to do so.  Superman is tasked with reeling Batman in.  Batman tasks himself with taking Superman down a few notches.


So, to apply the football simile:

Superman is the football team loaded with talent, and a brutally simplistic Manball style of play.

Batman is the football team with good talent, but a maniacal level of preparation, trick plays, and execution.


April 24th, 2015 at 11:36 PM ^

I think this looks interesting.

Before seeing the Dark Knight no one thought Ledger could touch the Joker after Nicholson's take for Burton's Batman but he nailed a different interpretation of the character. Both Nicholson and Ledger's characters are great in their own way, I dont see why Leto cant do the same. 

and as for the forehead tattoo... "why so serious?"


April 25th, 2015 at 12:52 AM ^

This looks like the super gritty & grim tone that DC is extending to their entire movie universe. Superman straight up murders a dude. Batman and Superman fight because they're angry ARGH. Joker has damaged tattooed across his forehead.


I have as many DC comics as Marvel comics (well maybe not as many, but I have some good representation), so I say this not as one of those (Marvel pwns DC fanboys), but Marvel is killing DC when it comes to movies/television.


April 25th, 2015 at 1:20 AM ^

Actually DC has Marvel beat pretty badly in television ranging from their animated movies to their TV shows like Flash and Arrow. 

Now could that change with Jessica Jones and Daredevil? Sure, but Agents of Shield ain't gonna cut it on TV for Marvel haha. 


April 25th, 2015 at 11:23 AM ^

Animated movies, yes. And, I don't dispute that The Flash and Arrow are doing really well. But don't knock Agents of Shield. That show got really good starting with the 2nd half of last season.

And if you haven't seen Daredevil, it blows either of the CW shows out of the water.

I'm just disappointed that rather than do their own thing, DC chose to just copy Marvel's plan (and poorly, if the DOJ trailer and this picture are anything to go by).

DISCLAIMER: No DC movie has come out yet, therefore all these judgments are based on the tidbits of information and the aforementioned trailer/picture that has been released.

Blue Baughs

April 25th, 2015 at 12:10 PM ^

"I'm just disappointed that rather than do their own thing, DC chose to just copy Marvel's plan"


The irony in that statement is staggering. Considering almost the entirety of the Marvel Universe is a direct rip off of the characters DC has been building since the late 1930s.

Blue Baughs

April 25th, 2015 at 12:08 PM ^

Looked more like he straight up saved a family who was about to be murdered. Even moreso he straight up saved the entire planet who Zod had sworn to exterminate.

This current love affair with Marvel is honestly a joke. Iron Man, the two Captain America movies, Avengers, and Guardians of the Galaxy were all awesome movies.

Iron Man 2 and 3, both Thor movies, both Hulk movies were all questionable.

Plus even Joss Whedon has recently said that they made a major mistake by bringing coulson back from the dead and thus destroying the most impactful moment from the original Avengers movie.

At least in the DC universe the actions of the heros have real consequence.


Avant's Hands

April 25th, 2015 at 12:33 PM ^

I think it's pretty ridiculous to call it a joke that people like certain movies. I happen to really enjoy the Marvel movies and I'm really looking forward to the new Avengers movie next week. People like different movies. I feel like a lot of people enjoy the more light hearted comic book movies, but that's just my guess.

Personally, I liked the first two Nolan movies, but couldn't get into MoS. Just never cared for Superman. I don't know much about Suicide Squad, but i will probably go see it. I like that DC is taking a different approach to their movies, but the darker grittier movies are really hit or miss for me. Really liked TDK and Daredevil but not TDKR or MoS.

Also, I really liked Iron Man 3. I really don't understand the backlash it gets from some comic fans.

Rug Dog

April 25th, 2015 at 1:01 PM ^

Most comic book fans hate it due to the fact that they absolutely botched one of Iron Mans biggest enemies in the Mandarian.  The twist ruined that whole movie.  Kingsley nailed it, then they made him look like a joke at the end.

They could have made that movie so much better had they just left the Mandarian alone, just made it deeper and had Mandarian actually BE the Mandarian with one of ten rings (if you watch Iron Man 1, "The Ten Rings" is referenced as well so you know they had an idea bringing in Mandarian long before the third movie).  One of the rings could have been an infinity stone as well, would have been easy to tie into the Avengers.  Instead it felt like they couldn't figure out a way to make the movie ending good enough so they just threw darts at a wall.


April 25th, 2015 at 1:03 PM ^

My biggest beef with MOS is the fact that even when everyone knew Krypton was falling apart they decided to send Zod and his army to the Phantom Zone instead of letting them rot and die with Krypton. So they basically saved them as punishment for trying to overthrow the leaders. That logic, combined with Snyder's affinity for Snap Zoom fight scenes which is just annoying as hell.

Blue Baughs

April 25th, 2015 at 1:34 PM ^

i think the Phantom Zone was supposed to torture them in perpetutity.

Plus they make the point that the genetically modified Kryptonians at that point were all a slave to the system they had created, where you were locked in to the genetically placed purpose you were designed for. Therefore it reasons that placing them in the Phantom Zone was the only possible outcome based on his genetic predisposition to do what he is supposed to do.

Hence why Zod  says, " You won't kill us yourself! You wouldn't filthy your hands but you'll damn us to a black hole for eternity! "


April 25th, 2015 at 7:59 AM ^

I will admit that this makes me curious to see what they'll do with Will Smith and Margot Robbie, for starters, considering they'll be Deadshot and Harley Quinn respectively. I think this might be the first reveal on what the makeup for "Suicide Squad", and it is definitely not what I was assuming - I'll put it like that. 

The Geek

April 25th, 2015 at 10:38 AM ^

and Heath Ledger's Joker is one of my all-time favorite villain characters...

But I like the Leto prison-hardened Joker. Looking forward to this one.

Brewers Yost

April 25th, 2015 at 11:50 AM ^

Glad Harley Quinn will be in a movie. A couple years ago I was the Joker for Halloween and wanted my wife to be Harley Quinn. Wife, correctly, said nobody would know who she was; so she went with Poison Ivy.

Rug Dog

April 25th, 2015 at 12:21 PM ^

Just no.  Get rid of the stupid "DAMAGED" tattoo and remove the grill.  Also, he needs to grow that hair out more.  I do not want.

Perkis-Size Me

April 25th, 2015 at 12:40 PM ^

Definitely a different take on the Joker, but I will not judge him until I see it. I hope they don't completely do away with his iconic outfit, but as long as Leto delivers a truly psychotic, zero empathy character, I'm looking forward to seeing his work.

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April 25th, 2015 at 12:59 PM ^

Nothing screams "mommy daddy problems" like getting "Damaged" tattooed on your forehead. They pretty much tried being as blunt as possible saying that hes crrrrraaaazzzzzy everyone!

This isnt edgy, this isnt scary or disturbing. This looks like someone who frequents Hot Topic and Spencer's at the mall.

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