
April 18th, 2015 at 11:23 AM ^

I feel the same way. I have been waiting for justice league to be done right since the original spidey came out, but to have them cast affleck as Batman seems the cruelest of jokes. I assumed when I first heard it that it had to be a false rumor as no one in their right mind would EVER cast him as a super hero again after seeing Daredevil. (Which is a pretty good new series on Netflix btw)

Fuck affleck. I saw the trailer and all I could keep thinking was it's him under that costume.



April 18th, 2015 at 11:40 AM ^

Ben is a great actor. I can guarantee you he proves everyone wrong in this movie. The problem is everyone will be comparing this to the Bale Batman movies, but this one has absolutely nothing to do with those films. It is a completely different story and not a continuation of Nolan's story.


April 18th, 2015 at 9:28 PM ^

They spent all this time telling the story that Nolan told, and now they are just s***-canning it for a totally NEW Batman.  And for what reason exactly?


The continuity of the DC movies is so  jarring that it is imposible to get to invested in them.  This will now be the THIRD iteration of both Batman AND Superman in my lifetime.   Meanwhile, outisde of the Hulk, which did get screwed up multiple times, Marvel has done a pretty darn good job of getting all of its characters right out of the gate--Iron Man, Captain America, Thor.  And even though none of them have the panache of Superman or Batman, they are all now more interesting because they live and breathe in one universe that you can believe in, and that you can pretty sure isn't going to just go away tomorrow in yet another reboot that is done for no reason. 

The fact that Marvel made Guardians of the Galaxy, a comic book I had never even heard of, into one of the best movies of 2014 just comvined me that they have some of the best people in the business working for them.  DC?  I'm not sure what they've got going for them, except that they still have amazing characters.  They just don't really know WTF to do with them. 


Victor Valiant

April 18th, 2015 at 10:06 AM ^

The only people who could possibly have any complaints about this trailer/movie at this point are the nostalgics who think the Tim Burton movies cannot be beat and won't listen to reason. Affleck does nothing here to suggest he won't make an excellent Batman. The premise is outstanding. The cinematography looks fantastic. Haters gonna hate I guess but all I see in this thread is statements supported by zero facts or even informed opinions.

Doc Brown

April 18th, 2015 at 11:29 AM ^

Or people who think DC is trying to hard to copy what Marvel is doing in a rushed manner with building the story lines. Marvel did a masterful job building the MCU. The DCU is rushed and hamhocked to keep up with the MCU. DC did a great job with its TV universe and the Dark Knight universe. The hope was and is that Snyder would build upon that universe and not worry about Marvel.

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Avant's Hands

April 18th, 2015 at 10:18 AM ^

I've never been a fan of DC aside from Batman. I know a little about this comic arc and you can see the tone they are setting for the movie. I still think the dark tone is weird for superman, but it fits the bat well. I'll definitely be seeing this, though. Was that a metal Batsuit at one point? Also, they took the Batvoice to a whole new level at the end there.


April 18th, 2015 at 11:07 AM ^

I am reserving judgment for now. I saw the Avengers 2 teaser and thought that it was going to be terrible before seeing the actual trailer which completely turned my opinion around.

I grew up on watching the classic Justice League cartoons and also really enjoyed the new Justice League cartoon as an adult so I want them to get this right. It's hard to have high hopes for Zach Snyder and Jesse Eisenberg though who are two people I find very overrated.


April 18th, 2015 at 12:03 PM ^

Meh, Im not a fan of Snyder. I cant recall anyone smiling in any of his movies unless they were about to kill someone. It just seems like he couldn't care less about the acting sometimes. Its usually hard to sympathize with a bunch of characters who have the emotional range of a teaspoon. And his movies usually have a ton of explosions, way too many, some not even explainable.

I watched Man of Steel the same way I watched Transformers. First time I'm like "HOLY SHIT THIS IS AWESOME!" And I'll watch it like 7 more times, and by then I'm thinking things like, "That joke sucks", "How did that blow up?", "If I were him, I'd be happy in this situation", and "Why didn't he just kill him there...?"

Regardless, I'll still see this movie. 


April 18th, 2015 at 6:46 PM ^

I watched MOS and loved it... Went back to the theatre the next day and caught some god awful lines. Then again, for all of Nolans genius there was some cheesy / shitty lines in his adaptations as well.

I'm reserving judgement until I see it, but they should have thrown bale and nolan as much "fuck you" money as possible and blown Marvel away.


April 18th, 2015 at 12:44 PM ^

So, here's the thing, Marvel changed the game when it came to superhero movies by creating a cohesive universe spread across multiple films (and now television shows). It was and still is a brilliant strategy. Because companies tend to follow rather than lead, DC says, "hey, we should do that too."

But, there's a problem. Rather than build off an insanely popular movie featuring a great actor in an unforgettable (and perfect) role, they decide to build off an awful film (I could list the myriad of issues with Man of Steel, but I won't). Oh, and after an entire generation spent billions of dollars fawning over a trilogy featuring their most popular character, they decide to recast said character with a polarizing actor/celebrity.

And, they hired Zack Snyder who has now made 1 okay movie and 2 really, really bad movies.

Still, that's not their biggest problem. Guardians of the Galaxy was a huge success. Iron Man was a huge success. You know why, outside of the MCU connection? They were fun movies. You enjoyed watching them.

This trailer makes me want to gouge my own eyes out with a fork. Everything is bleak and deadly and mopey. That's fine for a Batman movie. It's not okay for a Superman movie or a Justice League movie.

DC is trying to copy Marvel, but doing a piss poor job of it.


April 18th, 2015 at 1:53 PM ^

People praise the Joker now, but prior to the moving coming out there was a bunch of haters that did not want Ledger to play him.  I always take the approach of just wait to see the movie before you pass judgement.




The Shredder

April 18th, 2015 at 3:23 PM ^

Great Job explaining everything NEVER. The Dark Knight Returns is the best comic ever imo. Its a must read for even people who don't read comics. If you won't read it then watch the three hour movie. Its damn close to the comic and does a great job taking the comic and putting it in a adult cartoon form. It wouldn't suprise me if that movie is better then this since I have little faith in Zach Snyder.

this suit = this



April 18th, 2015 at 4:23 PM ^

Superman as a super hero to me never was impressive.  Hard to buy into the guy that's only in trouble when the least available element in the universe is his only weakness.  All other heroes have massive deficiencies that they have and must overcome to succeed.  It's what their villians strike at.  Superman is predictable.  Maybe this will change my mind and I will see it, but I'm not stoked nearly as much as I am/was for any of the Marvel movies or even Bale's Batman trilogy.  

The Dude

April 18th, 2015 at 7:52 PM ^

Superman v. Batman is like a pro team against a college team. I know it is just a movie, but I cannot accept Batman has some kryptonite laying around and his gadgets would not have any effect on Superman. 


April 19th, 2015 at 10:54 AM ^

God it would suck to be as jaded as some people on this thread. Enjoy life. If you don't like the movie, it will probably be rebooted in 5 years anyways. Who cares. It's a movie.