
February 12th, 2015 at 12:21 AM ^

I'd like to hear Hail & Unite first before passing judgment.


A Blues Brothers vibe like the Denard gif I see here plenty and I'm on board.

Mr. Owl

February 12th, 2015 at 12:25 AM ^

Let the idiot has-been rapper write a new song for Sparty.  Take that Kid Rock fellow with him too... and stay there.  They can tip cows and burn couches and tip cows (nothing else to do.)


February 12th, 2015 at 12:42 AM ^

What is this fools name again? No doubt a frat boy from the east coast who doesn't know shit about Michigan's history and tradition. Let the Student Goverbment do whT they should be doing, always do, and want to do: make meaningless resolutions about the arab-Israeli conflict and add another line to their resumes.

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February 12th, 2015 at 1:30 AM ^

Am a fratboy from the east coast and was at those hearings for BDS at Michigan last year. They are not "meaningless" to thousands of students on both sides. 

Oh and....

I hate the idea for a new fightsong too. It's a terrible idea! 

So you can now go fuck yourself you over-generalizing close minded prick. 


February 12th, 2015 at 3:02 AM ^

the combination of two things really pisses me off: 1) we don't need a new song; and 2) the fact that this kid isn't even presenting a new song, rather he's presenting a request to ask for money in order to toss that money at someone who is actually talented to write a song for him. 

I'd love to imagine that I'd be in the 'well, let us see how it sounds' group if a song actually existed.  

As is, I'm in the 'I hate everything and I have a cane' group and, frankly, I'm okay with that.  

Ivan Karamazov

February 12th, 2015 at 9:43 AM ^

Your second reason is all I needed to go dust off my pitchfork and find some oil-soaked rags for my torch.  Why is this being brought before CSG for funding? There are mutliple crowdfunding sites for that. I understand that trying to get a new song into the University repetoire would require some CSG input ... but there is no song yet.

Jack Harbaugh

February 12th, 2015 at 9:38 AM ^

Except it's not intended to replace The Victors. We have multiple songs we play. Ever heard of Varsity? It once replaced The Victors as our fight song for a brief moment. If it's another song that becomes a Michigan tradition, it's a great thing. If not, forgive and forget.


February 12th, 2015 at 7:14 AM ^

If they want to have their "Lean On Me" school song moment, let them give it a whirl. I just don't see this being something that people will get behind. They're kids. Let them get it out of their systems.


February 12th, 2015 at 7:30 AM ^

This petition is dumb and a waste of time. Wait until the song comes out. I'm sure it will be awful and the lack of anyone liking it will kill it for good. Maybe it's good. Who knows.


February 12th, 2015 at 10:12 AM ^

Now if music students wanted to be given the resources to try to create something themselves.  

Maybe Peppers being a rapper(assuming music major), wanted to some sort of collab with other students, then see where it went and have it professionally retouched and paid for with CSG money if it was approved then that may be okay.

Hype video, something to play on the giant televisions instead of a game from 1960 or an ad for having your family reunion in the big house or w/e.  That I think would make sense.  Or if the band wanted to be involved in writing something original instead of piping in SNA/Sweet Caroline.

Trying to use university funding to hire a rapper is retarded though.  People who think this is an idea to replace victors need to clean the wax out of their ears though.  I doubt that was ever on the tables.  I do think funding students to make something internally would be useful for their experience and portfolio's though, even if never approved/used.


February 12th, 2015 at 8:48 AM ^

I don't even know where to begin.

"Hail and Unite"?  I'd rather have Pop Evil played in the stadium.

"The Victors" is the greatest college fight song ever written.  Glad the peitition is up, just surprised only 130 or so have signed it.