Wolverine Blitzkrieg

December 14th, 2021 at 12:35 PM ^

It was a rough week for many of my fellow Kentuckians.  We were in the direct path here in my hometown in central KY, and then it just jumped right over us.  We were beyond lucky!  

Thanks to any and all of my fellow Wolverines for thoughts, prayers, or support offered to the heavily impacted communities.  

We are sending help and supplies to the impacted areas, but the damage was so great that help will be needed from far and wide.


December 14th, 2021 at 7:18 PM ^

Prayers for your neighbors and coworkers. If there's anything we can do, just let me know.

A pastor who lives here in Franklin, her congregation is near the Corvette museum and many of them lost homes. I just wish we could do more. I even have friends in Louisville wanting to just drive down and help but sometimes more feet on the ground is difficult.


December 14th, 2021 at 1:45 PM ^

No he's not. In fact, both yourself and jblaze are being divisive.

This is a thread regarding a massive tragedy, loss of innocent life, and how we as Michigan fans can come together and help those affected.

Injecting your political opinions (which no one gives two fucking shits about despite how important you think they are, or how important you think you are) is selfish, ignorant, uncouth (at best), and itself highly divisive. 

In fact, the only reason I can think of to make a political statement in a thread like this is sew divisiveness and start an argument. It's nauseating.


December 14th, 2021 at 4:21 PM ^

Hello, Kentuckian here.  I appreciate that you are willing to help despite your disagreement with one of the political leaders of my state.  Now, please allow me to inform you that this tornado didn’t care about political affiliation.  It also didn’t care about race, religion, or sports rooting interests.  Now you may and that’s your prerogative.  I know that when we were helping clear trees off the streets and helping my neighbors find and collect their belongings no one turned us away because of our affiliation, age, race, religion or the bright yellow Michigan hat I was wearing.  The world needs more doing good things because good things need doing and less 2 party system.  That system does little to help and a lot to separate and by defining yourself by it you are limiting the impact you can have.


December 14th, 2021 at 2:42 PM ^

I'm happy to reconsider, but that's not how I see things at all. I think sticking your head in the sand and aggressive over-reaction to how we're responding is much more divisive than anything I've done or said. 

But with that said, I'm sorry I made you upset and I hope that you contribute to help making this better. 


December 14th, 2021 at 4:02 PM ^

Natural disasters are not political. They're events. You are interjecting a politically driven opinion on how to respond to natural disasters. 

Imagine getting a donation thread nuked thereby resulting in less money going to people in need, because you had to make and continue to make political statements. In that case, you're actively hurting people of KY. 

The hubris/irony! 


December 14th, 2021 at 2:43 PM ^

We've been praying and collecting items non-stop for you all.  I was sickened to see the town when I arrived Saturday morning.  So many great people in such distress.  The sun shines bright and at some point, our Kentucky lady will weep no more.  Go Cardinals/Eagles!      

-Ballard County resident


December 14th, 2021 at 1:27 PM ^

On the one hand, it's very kind to post this here. We should all do our part.

On the other hand, it's so pathetic how often requests for disaster relief money, money for healthcare costs, etc. have to be made by people.

Isn't the point of a government to provide for things like this? It does in every other "advanced" country.


December 14th, 2021 at 1:33 PM ^

There is absolutely government money going toward this. I see MANY national guard trucks going in an out of Mayfield every hour. I also have seen private enterprises such as ServePro, T-Mobile, Tide, Lowes, multiple banks, and a host of others descend to our area as well. 

Additionally, every major disaster around the world for the past 100 years has been supplemented with massive donations from Amercians -- and vice versa. All this is to say that help comes from all corners. The government is directing these efforts, but the donations of others certainly helps things along.


December 14th, 2021 at 1:53 PM ^

this thread is going to get locked because all these jack-wagons feel the need to vomit their stupid, asinine political opinions in this thread when

a) it's not about politics and;

b) no one fucking cares about their opinion anyways.

it isn't the time or place but man, they just can't help themselves.

i've seen people handle heroin addiction better than most people handle political discussions


December 14th, 2021 at 3:07 PM ^

You have a kernel of a point, but you also seem like a colossal asshole spewing the very same shit you claim to detest. 

Whether you like it or not, the political views of citizens actually is germane to the question of policy, which includes policy pertaining to disaster aid. 


December 14th, 2021 at 1:55 PM ^

Yesterday I stepped outside of my normal work life and had the opportunity to help support relief efforts in Mayfield. It was jarring, and this is even after having been through a major urban tornado a little less than 2 years ago here at home. One part that never ceases to amaze me is the "randomness" of destruction and how a tornado works, especially around the edges. Seeing the devastating impact up close is really hard to describe. Clean-up crews are working quickly, most of the area was still without power yesterday and will be for a while. 

The handful of locals we met were so grateful and super accommodating. They were also very quick to tell us about other areas across Kentucky that needed help as well. Almost like they felt guilty that Mayfield was getting so much attention. We were happy to do what we could do (specifically we were helping empty out the local municipal animal shelter), and left wanting to do more. 

Yes, by all means, if you have the ability to assist, don't hesitate to give.




December 14th, 2021 at 2:25 PM ^

Has anyone seen the chaser videos of this thing? Mostly hard to see at night but this was a MONSTER possibly record breaking tornado. If I saw something like that in real life I'd need a change of pants or two. I can't imagine.