OT: So things are getting pretty bad out west...

Submitted by Hotel Putingrad on September 11th, 2020 at 4:50 PM

Firstly, our thoughts are with all of you dealing with this right now. I've been there myself, as our second child was born while we were evacuated from our San Diego home in 2007. It's scary stuff.

Secondly, there doesn't seem to be any hint of rain in the forecast until Tuesday. If 500K are under one of the three evacuation levels now, how high will that number be by the end of the weekend?

Lastly, does anyone really think this won't get worse every year from here on out in the PNW?

Glen Masons Hot Wife

September 12th, 2020 at 2:51 AM ^

I for one am SHOCKED you live in Portland.  The Antifa US HQ! Land of the walking zombies meth'd out of their minds. Burning the Elk Statue because Racism!!

This place would be a comedy if it weren't real. But yeah, all of it is Trump's fault.  Has nothing to do with tolerating adult babies throwing their tantrums on a daily basis, in some of the nicest parts of the city.

And you can't call bullshit, I basically lived there for months (work project).  The place is a f***ing disaster.  I saw it day after day. But yeah bro, the sad state is Totally Trump's fault


September 12th, 2020 at 3:08 AM ^

What amazing place do you call home? I've traveled all over the country and have lived in several places in the Midwest in very recent years. Portland is by far the best place I've lived. Sorry you were scared of the big spooky Antifas protesting after 10pm on like two blocks, with life otherwise being completely normal in the city. 

Also, at no point in my post did I blame Portland on Trump (though the protests got dramatically larger and more violent when he sent in his thugs). I was merely pointing out the sheer idiocy of an obvious Trumper accusing any government official of being incompetent.


September 12th, 2020 at 2:01 PM ^

Sorry you were scared of the big spooky Antifas protesting after 10pm on like two blocks, with life otherwise being completely normal in the city. 

People like you enable the antifa terrorists.  There are no terrorists at all where I live, so it’s better than Portland.


September 12th, 2020 at 2:47 PM ^

Terrorists? Man, turn off Fox News and OAN for a second. That shit is rotting your brain. I live one mile from the main protest site and a few blocks from the ICE center, which is where the protests occasionally take place. My life is barely affected by the protests. The city is not burning, people aren't gripped with terror, etc. Life is pretty damn normal if you aren't in one of the isolated spots where the protests take place after 10pm. 


September 12th, 2020 at 3:04 PM ^

Call me crazy, but I have no desire to have black clad murderers lighting police stations on fire anywhere near me.

Yes they are terrorist and I’m glad you’re not affected but it doesn’t change the fact that they are violent anarchists.  

Any sane DA would have ended this long ago.


September 12th, 2020 at 9:48 AM ^

For... basically... months. 

Wow. We bow to your superior knowledge and experience. 

I wouldn't go as far as to say that this situation is "all" Trump's fault, but he has certainly fanned the flames at every opportunity. We all know exactly why, though you'll never acknowledge it. 

Goggles Paisano

September 11th, 2020 at 6:41 PM ^

Yes you are but you are speaking to a board that leans heavy to the left.  If there were any Republican cities on that list, could you imagine where that blame would be placed!?!   I see the CNN chat rooms have migrated over to MGoBlog over the last several months.  

Shop Smart Sho…

September 11th, 2020 at 7:02 PM ^

47% of Californian forests are federal land. 

For years the GOP, admittedly with help from corporate Democrats, has underfunded the US Forest Service and BLM because they hate functional government. But please, continue to tell us how it's the fault of mayors.

Glen Masons Hot Wife

September 12th, 2020 at 2:40 AM ^

that's not the half of it.  They take dumps in "designated streets".  

I guess that's a step up from San Francisco where they just take dumps on any street/sidewalk.

before you take a shot, p*** off I live in BA, I see it all the time.

Blue Vet

September 11th, 2020 at 5:41 PM ^

I helped pay for Michigan by fighting fires in the West. On a crew based in Oregon, then another one in Montana, I enjoyed it. We went on a fire anywhere in the West, worked hard—hardest physical work I've ever done—and then had the satisfaction of finishing. Then it was back to the base, and normal 8-hour days, grab a beer and flirt at Diamond Lake, later Flathead Lake.

But now? The job is endless.


September 11th, 2020 at 5:55 PM ^

It's remarkable how quickly you guys adopt bad arguments from dipshits while completely ignoring one of the closest things to a consensus that exists in the scientific community. Sure forests could be managed better. That doesn't stop the fact that historic forest fires are occurring all over the world constantly in recent years. Scientists predicted climate change leading to more intense fires. Keep blaming the libz.

Blue Vet

September 11th, 2020 at 10:24 PM ^

Sorry if I seem to be one of "you guys" but you're conflating two different issues. One is climate change, which is making things much worse.

The other is fire POLITICS, where lumber companies and rich people with houses in the woods have clout, and force every fire to be fought and put out. Fire POLICY knew better, knew that letting fires burn HELPS the forest, that it's part of the life cycle of forests.

Blue Vet

September 11th, 2020 at 10:19 PM ^

It's less poor forestry policy than bad forestry politics. The timber industry wanted their wood and rich people wanted to build their dream house in the forest, and both of them had clout, so the goal to manage forests got shifted to It's-burning!-PUT-IT-OUT!!

As a result forests didn't get natural management — i.e., fires burning out the dead stuff on the ground, which enabled low vegetation that helped support wildlife — and instead simply built up fuel decade after decade.

L'Carpetron Do…

September 11th, 2020 at 5:47 PM ^

Good luck to all you mgoOregonians out there. Stay safe, be careful and God bless. 

The next president (whoever that is) should bring back the Civilian Conservation Corps to fight and more importantly prevent these horrible fires. They could also work on other major projects relating to climate change. My grandfather was in the CCC back in the day and he helped build Glacier and Shenandoah National Parks and a lot of the other corps members fought forest fires. We need something like this more than ever these days!


September 11th, 2020 at 6:01 PM ^

Yes, we need to bring back the CCC, WPA and similar programs. With a massive impending recession and levels of unemployment unprecedented in the last 80 years, employment and public works programs are desperately needed.

Although, they will hopefully work on projects backed by sound science in the future. Some of the projects they worked on in the past have led to irreparable environmental damage. 


September 11th, 2020 at 5:48 PM ^

I’ve lived in the bay area for over 20 years. The last few years of fires, of which this year far exceeds all others, is absolutely unprecedented.  I’m not in a wooded area but I can’t leave my house because the air is at a level where the EPA used to say “evacuate” now.   

Climate change was not a debate back before the Koch Brothers (All fossil fuel money) started founding think tanks to undermine climate policy.  What selfish ass holes. 


September 11th, 2020 at 6:52 PM ^

Actually Climate Change back then was news. Just not for the masses like you that only see the headline news.  You also have it backwards. Climate Change wasn’t headline news back then because the fossil fuel industry hadn't started debating it yet.  

And you just sunk to a new low with your last comment calling me a liar.  You're using the orange fraud’s favorite go to BS tactic when he knows he has no facts to stand on.  Next you’re probably going to be calling me fake news.  But I’m not going to do your research for you because you really could care less about the facts.