Big Ten Update: "They simply don't have enough teams to play" - Dan Patrick

Submitted by BeatOSU52 on September 8th, 2020 at 11:49 AM


Dan Patrick on his show a moment ago says that, per his source,  it's still up in the air, but "they simply don't have enough teams to play. I was told The Michigan teams not going to play, Illinois teams Illinois/Northwestern not going to play, Maryland's not going to play and Rutgers probably won't play."

He says they were originally going to try and start in October, but now some are pushing towards November (so no post-season play then)  .  January could technically still happen but it's not the consensus.

Patrick also says they were more optimistic a week ago, but now the likelihood they play at any time seems very doubtful .  Says a lot players at "certain universities" don't want to practice anymore due to wondering why they are practicing when there probably isn't ever going to be any games played.  




September 8th, 2020 at 12:10 PM ^

I swear, Sir Yacht has to be Patrick's source because they are equally wrong all the time.  It's almost comical.

Anyway, I'm shocked that Dan Patrick was wrong because his one friend in the B1G keeps making shit up.


September 8th, 2020 at 3:00 PM ^

Yeah, if someone makes some unsourced, wild-ass accusation it's not good business to respond to each one, even to just say no, because it gives credence to the wild-ass speculation.  I don't know why anyone at the Big 10 or UM needs to respond to Dan Patrick, squinting at his phone while on the radio, talking out of his ass with some frequently-incorrect "source".

In reply to by Wolverine Devotee


September 8th, 2020 at 12:28 PM ^

@WD it sucks cheering for another team, but I think it’s time to be realistic and say Michigan won’t play until 2021. I guess I’ll still enjoy college football. It just sucks all the way around that we aren’t playing. 


September 8th, 2020 at 2:25 PM ^

Why do we want more testing if the testing is so sensitive that it could be picking up dead fragments that are not a threat to anyone? If 80% of tests could be re-classed as negative by simply changing the cycle count, how useful are they? 

11,000 new infections and 0 hospitalizations means we are working through the virus and gaining immunity. Why stop it now?

Perkis-Size Me

September 8th, 2020 at 12:29 PM ^

Seems to be a new story, development, or rumor every day from someone who is just trying to stir the pot and generate clicks.

The only thing that seems to stay consistent is that the real decision-makers, the presidents, have largely kept their mouths shut, or have been silent altogether, since they decided they were axing the fall seasons. Which to me says they've moved on and are not interested in having this discussion again. 

If you don't have their buy-in, you can pretty much forget about any kind of season happening or any kind of proposal you were planning on putting together for a season. 


September 8th, 2020 at 12:38 PM ^

Most of the confusion has been some combination of 'sources' leaking internal chatter and the President tweeting about this. I don't think the Big Ten has really wavered, but people keep running with the latest rumor and then act shocked when it wasn't true like they got their intel right from a Big Ten press release.


September 8th, 2020 at 12:58 PM ^

i've stated this before, in an unusual year, there is no reason you have to play 12, 10 or even 8 games. 100 years ago there were probably teams that played 4 games when others played 9. it's up to the school and players whether or not they should play, regardless of the number of games.


September 8th, 2020 at 1:00 PM ^

Fire Shlissel ASAP!  What a tool he is.  And fire Whitmer too.  They both blow!!!


This has got to be a huge disappointment for MICHIGAN.  Fuck this.


In the end you will see whom wanted to rule as DICTATORS and whom wanted FREEDOM. Which governors wanted to control every aspect of your life and whom pushed for freedom? I WILL REMEMBER.

The players are getting effed over.  They will be at Shemmy Hall watching others play on TV with their logs in their hands.   Effed Up.




September 8th, 2020 at 1:10 PM ^

Hasn't Dan Patrick been wrong about everything so far on this?  All the supposed "sources" just keep pushing back the goal posts of what they're "reporting" is going to happen.


September 8th, 2020 at 1:43 PM ^

Did you see the fans at JJ's game in FL?  Now that was crazy and I wouldn't even consider expecting that as part of the solution, but we can't even play football without fans?  

Especially when we have months of data that say that Jim and his team have done an absolutely phenomenal job of keeping themselves out of harms way?  However, the President of our great university won't be deterred by this data.  More importantly and actually sadly, he won't be bothered by these facts.


September 8th, 2020 at 2:29 PM ^

Good point and I was hoping this was part of the reason for keeping the games within the conference.  In order for the B1G to go forward, they would need to implement protocols that ensure that all teams in the conference have the systems in place like UM.

This can be managed at the League level and could actually show America how a good system and a great League can actually solve (ok probably better said manage) this problem rather than hiding from it.


September 8th, 2020 at 1:45 PM ^

#letthemplay Quit living in the basement.  They can do it responsibly and keep everyone safe.

Dr. Hutchinson's comments hit the nail on the head on this subject.  



September 8th, 2020 at 1:58 PM ^

I don't understand why the presidents are deciding if they play.  The coach makes the big money because he is the CEO of the football program.  Jim Harbaugh is better qualified to make the decision vs the snowflake president.  Besides the players want to play.  


September 8th, 2020 at 3:12 PM ^

I don’t understand why the CEO of a GM is deciding whether to close the plant or not. The manager at the GM plant makes big money because he’s the CEO of that plant. The manager is better qualified for deciding whether or not the plant is profitable and should stay open. 

That’s how you sound right now. Except you’re saying Schlissel with his medical background is less qualified to deal with a viral outbreak than a football coach. 


September 8th, 2020 at 2:18 PM ^

More chaos from Dan Patrick. What will he say tomorrow? Wasn't there supposed to be another vote last Saturday by B1G presidents to play later this fall? What happened to that?


September 8th, 2020 at 3:54 PM ^

Yeah, Billy. I have it on good authority that the virus is going to disappear the day after the election. The LIBRULLS have been hiding effective treatment. Plandemic. Where we go one, we go all.