Welcome to the Hotel California

Submitted by The Mad Hatter on March 19th, 2020 at 10:01 PM

You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave (your house).

Governor Newsom just announced that the entire state is under a mandatory shelter in place order. Apparently that report showing that 58% of the state would be infected within 8 weeks made an impression.

Any news from our MGoCalifornian's? Do you have enough toilet paper?

Have to figure more states will be soon to follow.


March 19th, 2020 at 11:03 PM ^

This governor: climate change is the biggest threat. Don’t recal having to quarantine due to the climate, now we do over what? Lack of supplies and infrastructure? Why do I pay taxes if you canT figure out how to provide an infrastructure for medical needs?

We are the number 7 overall economy in the dam world !  Can’t allocate funds for shit and invest accordingly, but keep paying taxes 

felt good to to vent 




March 19th, 2020 at 10:44 PM ^

Geez. If true, that’s upwards of 200k dead in CA by end of spring assuming about 1% mortality (not sure if that is the current estimate for mortality).  It all really feels like a tsunami right now that is just a few miles off the coast and approaching fast. 

Creedence Tapes

March 20th, 2020 at 3:57 AM ^

1% mortality if they are getting great care and the health care system is not strained. In Italy, where it is, the death rate is closer to 8% (3405) of total cases (41,035). The scary thing however, is that of the 7845 closed cases, or that have run their course, 57% recovered and 43% died. This is why people that know what they are talking about are asking others to stay home. 



March 19th, 2020 at 11:54 PM ^

There isn't just an absence of gas shortages, there is the biggest glut of oil and gasoline in perhaps the modern history of this country. Which is why the price of oil has dropped to levels not seen since the 1990s.

Essentials will continue to be open. There is no shortage of anything you want to buy. There is so much TP being produced right now that we're going to have to start wrapping people's houses like we're in middle school to get the inventories down.

Everyone: Coronavirus epidemics spike, they don't plateau. We're trying to make this one flatten a little so the spike is less pointy. In other words, we're trying to make this epidemic play out a little longer because longer would actually be better than shorter.


March 19th, 2020 at 10:56 PM ^

The data coming out of China in January was also suggesting a 60 pct infection rate.  I posted a simple math equation a few weeks ago showing 330 million x .6 x .032 for a worst case fatality rate. It's a big number which is what these Governors are also seeing.

blue in dc

March 20th, 2020 at 8:42 AM ^

You should probably admit Scooter was right on this.

we can all read the challenge he laid out “There was literally (and I mean literally) no one in China or anywhere else on this planet who was saying that in January or even before that.”

he pointed to real evidence that it had been said. 


March 19th, 2020 at 11:00 PM ^

Today I found myself at a fitness store buying dumbbells for my son, who's home from college. The gyms are all closed and he needs something to lift, as much for mental health as physical health. All we have are 10 pound weights. Anyway, the line was ridiculous, and I stood in it for 30 minutes. I've otherwise been at home except for a few trips to the grocery store. So if I succumb, it was nice knowing you fellas. I hope Michigan finally gets that elusive win against Ohio State. But in all seriousness, I'm happy to do my part to make sure hospitals don't get overwhelmed with this. From here on in, I'm staying put. 


March 19th, 2020 at 11:39 PM ^

Hello from Sunnyvale! It's not a lockdown, by the way. The order we've been under since Monday in the Bay Area even specifically has a carve out for anyone who wants to leave their house for "walking, hiking, or running." 

Well hell. If that ain't the most California thing ever. The Hiking Industrial Complex still rules this state.

Seriously, it's fine, the groceries stores are all stocked, and the worst thing that has happened this week is that they ran out of hard taco shells at Safeway. So, in other words, I'm hours from resorting to cannibalism.