
Submitted by Eli on June 5th, 2019 at 10:41 AM

Hey everyone. I have had Bigfoot discussions with a lot of people so I thought on a boring day with not much going on, why not see what the Mgoblog community thinks about the topic.

I am a believer, but not sure if Bigfoot is extinct, supernatural or has somehow just managed to stay hidden (government cover up potentially). I am not a conspiracy theorist, but I always like to keep an open mind on ALL topics.

I have a hard time believing that American Indians and many other indigenous peoples have made up these stories for so many years. Yes, I think a lot of people who come up with sightings are full of it or crazy, but that doesn’t settle the debate in my opinion. 

Some of the areas I have spent time in where I could definitely see this thing hiding out are East Texas (nothing for miles and miles and plenty of Forrest. Crawford County Michigan, East Tennessee and areas in Central California near Sequoia National Park. 

Do you think Bigfoot could be real? Still today? Supernatural? ( I always keep an open mind to this).

What do you think of my observations?

What areas have you been to in this country or world for that matter where something like this could elude humans? 

Last note, The Patterson Gimlin film still looks real to me. The suits they make nowadays are not even close to how real that thing looked. 

Take it easy, everyone. 

Blue Mind and Heart

June 5th, 2019 at 11:11 AM ^

Zero chance it exists.   It's shocking what some people will believe.  No evidence on trail cams, no footprints, no fur, no bones, no leftover food.  They can get DNA from licked stamps and yet no big foot DNA.   


June 5th, 2019 at 12:58 PM ^

Have you ever actually read anything on legit Bigfoot claims or some of the new footage that definitely doesn't look fake?


There has been multiple studies where hair was collected at a fishing camp in NW Ontario along with some blood when an unknown creature stepped on boards with nails which was meant to keep bears away from their camp.

Blood was tested and came back with results of some type of unknown homonoid or however you spell it that is not on record.


Look around and there is actually plenty of decent stuff if you can filter thru the bs


June 5th, 2019 at 12:26 PM ^

*Insert "I want to believe.jpeg*. It's like the idea that we only use 20% of our brains. It isn't true and it was never even close to accepted in psychology. Some guy postulated it like 100 years ago, and it's just kept going because it'd be really cool if it were true. And on that note, if you're looking at fMRIs of people at various levels of skill regarding basically anything, the people who have the LEAST activity are the ones who are best at it. When you're really good at something, you use less of your brain, not more, which makes total sense when you think about someone like Les Claypool who's able to sing while still playing some insane bass.


June 5th, 2019 at 11:31 AM ^

I believe at some point there was a Bigfoot/Yeti-type creature, but at this point the lack of genetic diversity and habitat likely means it's extinct.  Assuming they have a reasonable life expectancy of similarly-sized creatures (20-40 years), you'd need a pretty healthy community to keep them going for multiple generations.  The fact we haven't found a dead one is pretty telling, but even if we accept that perhaps we just haven't been lucky yet, the fact that a 7+ foot humanoid omnivore creature would be able to exist for an extended period of time with a food source similar to a bear and not be seen seems unlikely.  The most remote areas of the world simply wouldn't be hospitable enough for it, and the areas that could support it are reasonably well known.  


June 5th, 2019 at 11:37 AM ^

My Grandfather swore, even on his death bed, that he and his brothers saw a huge man/monkey looking animal carrying a baby calf under its arm across the field on the family farm back in the 1940's. He said his father came out and shot in the air to startle it. It turned, looked at them, and ran to the tree line still carrying the calf. All three of the his brothers would tell the same story. Hard to believe I know, but he never backed down from it. 


rob f

June 5th, 2019 at 10:12 PM ^

I must correct, then, my earlier post:

Murderwolf killed the last domestic Bigfoot in the early 1900's; since that time he has frequently protected our northern border states from the occasional Bigfoot that wandered in from The Great White North.


June 5th, 2019 at 11:37 AM ^

Well, I'll tell you, I believe in ghosts. About 99% sure there's at least one in my house. I believe in UFOs. I've seen one. Not like a flying saucer but a blinking light that bobbed and weaved like a man made item couldn't.

With that said I am on the fence about Bigfoot. I believe there's something out there.

You know, humans come in a lot of sizes from 5'0" to almost 8' tall. Why is it hard to believe another species wouldn't have the same phenomenon.

Aliens probably saw Manute Bol and Yao Ming and thought they were Bigfoots?????

4th phase

June 5th, 2019 at 2:28 PM ^

If you believe in aliens and ghosts then you should believe in Bigfoot. Bigfoot could be a ghost or an alien after all. That would explain the lack of evidence. If they are able to disappear and pass through things like ghosts. Or have their own flying saucers to return to 


June 5th, 2019 at 11:37 AM ^

If there is a Bigfoot we need to recruit one or 5 for our offensive line.  They shouldn't have a problem with Michigan's GPA requirement as they've been smart enough to avoid social media all these years!

Bobby Digital

June 5th, 2019 at 11:50 AM ^

I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry, and that's extra scary to me. There's a large, out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside. Run, he's fuzzy, get out of here.


June 5th, 2019 at 1:41 PM ^

Bigfoot IS a blurry dude, Mitch Hedberg was right! That is because they are transdimensional. You do not go into the forest looking for a Yeti, you go into trance and the Yeti finds you.

There is an awesome lecture on the Yeti from a transpersonal conference in the early aughts. I couldn't find the lecture, but there is a song the samples the lecturer, www.youtu.be/W6sckN4loVE


June 5th, 2019 at 11:51 AM ^

I just ...... *sigh*

Could there be aliens, ghosts, Nessie, Bigfoot?  Like is it plausible or possible?  Sure, I guess.

But there is absolutely zero data that support the existence of any of them.


June 5th, 2019 at 12:01 PM ^

Bigfoot and Nessie, absolutely agree.

Ghosts I have no idea, mostly because so much of it is tied into various religions that it requires a couple leaps of faith.

Aliens, based on what we've seen in the news recently, certainly feel possible.  Hell, it's pretty much a given that humans aren't the only sentient creates in the universe; it's silly to assume otherwise.  But the chances they visited Earth is less likely.


June 5th, 2019 at 12:27 PM ^

"Hell, it's pretty much a given that humans aren't the only sentient creates in the universe; it's silly to assume otherwise.  But the chances they visited Earth is less likely."

I agree that given the near infinite vastness of the universe, there must be sentient creatures elsewhere.  I would assume that if those creatures visited the Earth, really bad stuff would have happened as they would be far more advanced than humans and treat us as we have treated insects and other lower creatures (much less how we have treated conquered civilizations).


June 5th, 2019 at 1:30 PM ^

That in the vast cosmos of the universe there isn't another planet that can sustain life that would be sentient?  Considering we can't get human beings past the closest celestial body to us, the fact we haven't met another race that might be at a similar stage as us isn't remotely dispositive of their lack of existence.  

Fine, if you want to demand a dead alien on a slab for proof, then fine.  But I've yet to hear a compelling reason why assuming there isn't intelligent life out there is wrong.


June 5th, 2019 at 5:06 PM ^

There was a board post last week about aliens and one MGoBlogger linked an article that mathematically proves that it is a toss-up.

There is just as likely to be sentient life life on another planet as it is we're the only sentient life in existence.

I'll try to find the link.


June 5th, 2019 at 11:52 AM ^

I watched a really interesting documentary about bigfoot recently:

I mean, there he is. He's with John Lithgow for crying out loud. He's f&^%ing real, ya'll!!

Roy G. Biv

June 5th, 2019 at 11:58 AM ^

He's obviously an extraterrestrial.  There is a series of documentaries beginning in the late 70s chronicling the activities of one of them, many years ago in a distant galaxy.  He was fighter for freedom and against oppressive empires.  As a matter of fact, there is another installment coming this Christmas.


June 5th, 2019 at 12:04 PM ^

I believe that, after the mass adoption of cell phone cameras, Bigfoot transformed from the prior form to that of a racist white lady who enjoys harassing black people.   Haven't seen any old Bigfoot sightings from cell phone cameras lately, but have seen a lot of the latter.  Just a theory.



June 5th, 2019 at 12:05 PM ^

"Take it easy, everyone."

I don't have any issues myself with radically OT stuff, but if you're going to put it out there you have to accept what comes your way without whining. Asking for kid gloves in advance is bullshit weak sauce.


June 5th, 2019 at 12:09 PM ^

Someone do the Drake meme for me saying no the aliens thread but yes to the Bigfoot thread.

I think there’s a significant probability that Sasquatch exist. There are centuries of eye witness reports, most native cultures discuss Sasquatch as a real thing, we are constantly discovering new species, so I don’t find it too unlikely that a highly intelligent and probably endangered ape could be undiscovered to date. I’m not in the “it’s definitely real” camp, but it would not surprise me at all. I’m like 50/50 or even 60/40 real.

Now, mancheetahs, those are real.