
January 28th, 2019 at 5:18 PM ^

Today, FWIW, is the 33-year anniversary of the event.

I'm old enough that I can remember "where I was when I heard" (4th Grade, right before lunch - recess was indoors instead of outdoors that day because of the cold - St Anne in Warren Michigan).  Time marches on, only the 40+ year old set remembers.


January 29th, 2019 at 1:20 AM ^

It's funny - I say "I clearly remember where I was when the Challenger exploded" - but doing the math now I got it wrong.  I was the class of '89.  So, I was in the 5th Grade (not 4th).

So I was 6 years ahead of you.  Same class as Coach Nick's oldest daughter Kristen, who passed away back in 1991.  As I think about it, she died on 28-January.  Which is today.  That was so sad.  And it still is, all these 28 years later.

Unfortunately, I have no idea what happened to Dr. Engel or Miss Karen.  I did like Dr. Engel.

Anyway, good to see another Eagle, and looking at your post history, another De La Salle Pilot!  Back-to-back state football Champs! 


January 29th, 2019 at 10:40 AM ^

I know where I was; at the Defense Language Institute (Presidio of Monterey, CA) learning Turkish when the admin for the Turkish department came in the classroom, told us about it and turned on the TV for us.  We had an Air Force Colonel in our class who knew one of the astronauts.  We didn't learn much Turkish the rest of that day.

Tragic day.  I went to a bar that night (SOP when I was in the Army) and people were already telling Challenger jokes.  We have a bizarre way of coping with grief.


January 28th, 2019 at 3:50 PM ^

If MST3K's revival keeps going, eventually it is going to run into a movie with Les Miles, which seems like it is the equivalent of what the original series did in riffing almost the entire filmography of the justly panned Coleman Francis.


January 28th, 2019 at 5:19 PM ^

If you want to see something so bad that it's good, catch the Found Footage Festival the next time it’s in your area.  Saw Nick and Joe narrate their all time favorite VHS clips on Sat. in Chicago and I don't think I've laughed that hard in a long time.  The "dinner dancing" clip had me crying I was laughing so hard.  Some of the most over the top local community local, foreign, and other stuff these guys dig up at flea markets, old video stores, etc.  They are on Facebook, so you can watch the clips they post there and on their website.

You Only Live Twice

January 28th, 2019 at 11:23 PM ^

Ah yes, Dean Cain. 

He's one of the Hallmark stable of actors, which I am actually not saying disparagingly as I will watch these movies whenever I want to see something simple, uncomplicated and happy.