OT:Big Ten Glasses

Submitted by UM Indy on March 21st, 2020 at 1:56 PM

I have attempted to upload a picture. Never done it before so fingers crossed. 

This is a set of glasses with the seals of each of the Big Ten schools circa the 1960s. These glasses were available at Marathon gas stations of all places. They now have a very vintage and classy look to them and with the extra time this quarantine is providing I’ve finally properly displayed them on a shelf in my basement. Anyone else have this set or familiar with them? 

Stay safe and healthy and Go Blue


March 21st, 2020 at 2:14 PM ^

Took the liberty of downloading and pasting the link.

Oh by the way. Just got off an hourlong phone call with a good friend who is a staff emergency room physician at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. As of Thursday night, per a federal order, no one in the hospital (or others, presumably) is being given a coronavirus test from the CDC for any reason if they haven't had one ordered already. No one is being tested. No one. No matter what their symptoms. They supposedly want to keep the numbers from exploding [ed.- that's her editorial comment only]. They are allowed to use in-house tests if they've developed them but those numbers won't be rolled into the CDC numbers.

Have a nice day. Nice glasses.

[EDIT: I thought about pasting the above info into the long testing thread from earlier this morning, or starting a new one with just the above information because it was fairly mind-blowing, but decided "hell with it, I'm burying this thing in a random non-Coronavirus thread and going on about my day like I never heard it."]

[EDIT No. 2: aaaaaaaaannnnnnd it just hit the news. Kind of. Only healthcare workers and presumably indispensable celebrities get the test. LINK  except this news makes it sounds like patient CAN still get the test if the MD orders it, but that is flatly not what the doc at Cedars is telling me, she says she flatly cannot order any tests for ER patients or otherwise, and it's not because they don't have kits, so either she's making it up (not bloody likely if you know her) or the news isn't 100% right. Money quote at the end of that news blurb:

Naturally, limiting testing in America's two largest population centers would also likely lead to widespread under-counting of total cases.

Yeah, no shit.]


March 21st, 2020 at 2:56 PM ^

I'm not saying she's making it up, I just wonder if there is a disconnect somewhere.  If you call a testing center in Michigan with a fever, sore throat, and persistent cough but are say 20 years of age they won't test you.  They will tell you to stay home for two weeks and treat like you have the flu.  It's just that if hospitals were under a federal directive not to test anyone since Thursday, just to keep new cases artificially low, I really don't think the first any of us would have heard of it is on MGoblog on Saturday afternoon. 


March 21st, 2020 at 3:06 PM ^

Yeah, that's why I buried it in a "Big Ten Glasses" thread. But it's not coming from Counterstrike Guy. It's coming from a staff ER physician at one of the best hospitals in LA. I'm literally texting with her right now to make sure I didn't misunderstand. She says there are no tests being given at the hospital, to anyone, and this was an order promulgated to them in a teleconference staff meeting by the hospital admins as coming straight from DC. It's clear that it's hitting the news in some capacity but the news reports seem like a very watered-down version of what she's telling me.

Definitely hitting the big papers. But this headline says "hospital patients" can get tested, and she's saying admitted or not admitted, you're not getting a test. You're just going to get treated. If you die, the cause of death is whatever your co-morbidity is (e.g., if you had an underlying chronic congestive respiratory disorder, that's your cause of death, not COVID-19).


Lest anyone object to choice of news providers, Fox ran this a few hours ago indicating LA County gave a similar-sounding order:


A surge in coronavirus cases has Los Angeles County health officials telling doctors to give up on testing patients in the hope of containing the outbreak and instructing them to test patients only if a positive result could change how they would be treated, according to a new report.


March 21st, 2020 at 3:00 PM ^

a.  nice glasses

b.  wouldn't the limiting of testing really have its biggest impact on the denominator.  and the smaller the denominator then the larger the mortality percentage and the bigger the fear factor? 

so limiting the testing is a 2 edged sword.


March 21st, 2020 at 3:13 PM ^

Good question. I think that's where the cause of death issue comes in. If there's no positive test for coronavirus by the time the patient dies, the cause of death is whatever underlying health condition the patient was already known to have, which is almost everyone who will be dying. So it would actually keep the death "off the books" so to speak regardless.

Anyway, according to her, because of the lag in testing the people who already have a test ordered plus the lag in getting results (CDC test has to be sent back to them for at least 5 days), the pipeline of "number of positive people" will continue to surge for about 2 weeks or so, and then you'll get an artificial plateauing of those CDC numbers because of the restricted testing.

I don't know, man. Weird times. I'm taking the dog for a walk.

EDIT: another update-- ER Doc says guidance keeps getting updated, last email to staff says testing guidance is "if sick enough to be admitted and is a resident of SNF (skilled nursing facility)." So there's that. Plus Cedars has developed in-house test that they can flip in 8 hours instead of the 5 day turnaround from CDC and that test is just about ready to roll out. So there's also that. 


March 21st, 2020 at 4:16 PM ^

Viral testing has two purposes 1) To quantify and contain the disease by knowing who has it and contacting those people's contacts 2) To know how to treat the disease  The first is no longer realistic. We needed to be doing massive, drive thru testing a month ago for that to work.  Right now we just have to assume if you have the symptoms, you have the disease.  If it's mild go home and stay home for 2 weeks.   A very sick person will be tested so they know how to treat them, as will a resident of a nursing home or a healthcare worker because it's still important to know if they have the disease.  If we continue to test folks with mild disease we waste valuable PPE that may become in short supply.  THAT'S the reasoning, not some "low numbers" conspiracy.  (That was the stupid thinking that got us into this mess in the first place but that can be litigated another time.  And it will)


March 21st, 2020 at 6:17 PM ^

I've seen this kind of fake news in every crisis in the last 30 years. After 9/11, the story was about some lady's loving middle eastern boyfriend disappearing with a strange note before becoming one of the terrorists. I don't buy this story one bit. A rising case count is expected and it only drops the fatality rate that much more which should cause thinking people to relax when they realize this isn't a doomsday virus.

Sandy Lyles Revenge

March 21st, 2020 at 6:38 PM ^

Was in the LA times today. Seems to be a LA county directive 


here’s a direct quote from the article with regards to the ‘giving up on testing pts’ 


The department “is shifting from a strategy of case containment to slowing disease transmission and averting excess morbidity and mortality,”

rob f

March 21st, 2020 at 2:14 PM ^

Do we need x-ray glasses to see them? You know, the kind they used to advertise in comic books so you could see through clothing and stuff... 

St Joe Blues

March 21st, 2020 at 6:24 PM ^

An elderly friend of mine had the entire set. She was cleaning house and broke it up, giving them to people who are fans of specific teams. I have the Michigan glass on a shelf in my kitchen.


March 21st, 2020 at 9:46 PM ^

My grandfather collected all 10. And they’re in my glass cabinet. I tend to only use my two alma maters.  It’s a cool set. And I’ve seen them on eBay. 


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