
April 8th, 2011 at 10:53 PM ^

Or, since it's basic math that any 5th grader could do and not algebra, you could try that. 


Or wait, no, if you type it in correctly in the algebra section, it actually gives you the correct answer. 




April 8th, 2011 at 10:37 PM ^

holy shit, you are all so far removed from reality at this university it is scary.  You just can't believe you would ever be wrong.  If this is something professors are actually telling you in your classes then its a good thing snyder is cutting education funding


April 8th, 2011 at 10:42 PM ^

hahaa I saw this come up on another forum (not the bodybuilding one) a few days ago and it exploded to some ridiculous amount of posts.  Just lock this up now before it's too late.


April 8th, 2011 at 10:43 PM ^

A lot of people are getting 2 because they're so used to dealing with fractional problems, (i.e. they think the 2(9+3) is in the denominator).  This question is designed to use PEMBAS on an problem that's annoying to read imo.  People who say 2 aren't necessarily stupid, just making an honest mistake out of habit.  People who say "OMG ITS 2 LOCK THIS THREAD LOLWTFBBQ' are stupid.  However, this seems to constitute 90% of the RCMB.

Thanks for the lulz, Sparty.  =D


April 8th, 2011 at 10:51 PM ^

My calculator comes up with 2 and I punched it in the exact same way.

I don't know what that means, but I think it means I'm right, you're wrong, and Sparty sucks.

Edit: when I punch in "48 / 2(9 + 3)" I get 2, and when I punch in "48 / 2 * (9+3)" I get 288.  Pretty sure that means my calculator was programmed by Sparties.


April 8th, 2011 at 10:46 PM ^

This is what happens to your board when your basketball team drops out in the 1st round and your hockey team fails to make them playoffs.  Thank God we are better than these meat heads...