META: Scores in BBall Post Titles

Submitted by mvp on

I have a question about main page posts with scores in the title.

What do people think about having the score in the Basketball posts? e.g. "Maryland 66, Michigan 56"

I truly dislike it and would prefer that the score not be in the title.  Rather, something like "Maryland Michigan Game Report".  Obviously, I understand that this is less informative.  But I have had the result of several games this season "spoiled" due to the MGoBlog HD App sending me the headlines to my phone.

Almost all the time, I truly appreciate the feature of the system that sends the title of a new post that is available.  But, especially with kids activities, I am very often watching the game on a one- or two-hour delay.  Also, even if I'm home to watch, I'll often TiVo the game and start watching 30 minutes after it begins to be able to skip through as many commercials as possible.

For what it is worth, I'm not suggesting that the first line of the post be anything other than the result.  I know it is silly to try to stay in media blackout in this time of twitter and realtime updates for everything.  But I would really rather not know the outcome if I can avoid it.  And it is hard for me to avoid those banner updates as I'm often needing to check my phone for other messages, emails, etc.  

Who is for and who is against this idea?


March 1st, 2015 at 10:48 PM ^

You miss his point. Some of us get notices on our cellphone home screen when something is posted to MGB. You cant avoid it. Its like "haha you just missed this" -- or, regrettably, more often like, "hey now here's the score, game just ended, now you dont hVe to wstch it."

Sent from MGoBlog HD for iPhone & iPad


March 2nd, 2015 at 7:49 AM ^

It is a sad indictment on society and phone use when the idea of turning a phone off or adjusting settings seems unconscionable.

Do you get phone calls? Texts? Personal contact during the game that might ruin it? If you are able to isolate yourselves from that, you can with less effort turn off the notifications on your phone


March 1st, 2015 at 10:49 PM ^

Does any version of the app push notifications to the header/console?  If not, best option is just not open the app until you've seen the game.  I have a kid too and don't always see games live, but I don't see why Ace and co. should change their style so as not to "spoil" a game already played just because people like me are behind.


March 1st, 2015 at 10:53 PM ^

Anything outside of "Game Report" would probably give away the result, even if the score isn't given. Something like "So Close" or "Muppets" would give it away anyways.


March 1st, 2015 at 10:55 PM ^

  I can't remember the game, but I had successfully avoided friends, family and chats with everyone about one of our football games.  I had even somehow managed to convince my wife to queue up the game in a manner such that I wouldn't see any scores or commentary.

  I was within moments of getting it rolling, or it may have even been somewhere within a suspenseful 3rd quarter, and POP!  A message from MGoBlog pops up on my phone.  Not via text message... nope, the outcome of the game included in the title and there was no way for me to avoid it.  

  I'm in favor of it.  


March 1st, 2015 at 11:33 PM ^

but I think it's a reasonable request. Turning notifications off after games and then on again is a bit of a nuisance.

Jeez by the responses in this thread you'd think OP was asking them to sacrifice their firstborn.


March 1st, 2015 at 11:41 PM ^

I'm in favor of this as well. I understand notifications can be turned off but I'd rather keep them for 99% of other posts. Obviously a selfish point of view but I don't understand the argument for since those of you for it having the score posted would have already seen the game/know the score.

Ty Butterfield

March 1st, 2015 at 11:41 PM ^

I don't mine the scores in the title. Besides, attending home football games I stopped watching games live a long time ago. I just can't take it. I check MGoBlog and if Michigan wins I watch the game and if they lose I tape over it.


March 1st, 2015 at 11:46 PM ^

im not completely sure if it's possible to do this, but you might be able to set up a rule in the "if this then that" application to handle the auto on/off settings for you


March 1st, 2015 at 11:55 PM ^

In favor for no scores or results in the titles - have had a couple games spoiled. Given my addiction to MGoBlog I am notified a couple different ways. Also, I watch most things on DVR.

Sent from MGoBlog HD for iPhone & iPad

Voltron Blue

March 2nd, 2015 at 12:58 AM ^

Currently I turn off notifications before the end of any game I don't want spoiled, and then turn them back on after I've watched. Which is annoying. So I'm in favor of this request.


March 2nd, 2015 at 1:39 AM ^

Sometimes I miss games because of work and use the notifications on my phone as the way to get the final score. That's why I like having the score in there. 


March 2nd, 2015 at 2:13 AM ^

I'm in favor of keeping it out. I've occasionally ruined a game because I reflexively hit mgoblog on my bookmark toolbar.g Having said that, I have the mgoblog android app and check the site on my pc easily without having notifications. It really doesn't make mgoblog difficult to reach...


March 2nd, 2015 at 8:13 AM ^

Keep score in title. OP, you can control your own access to this information. Just learn how to disable alerts on your phone.

Blue Mike

March 2nd, 2015 at 8:37 AM ^

Let me get this straight:  you are so anxious to know everything this site posts the instant it gets posted that you have push notifications to let you know a new article is available, but when it comes to game scores, you're happier sitting through the 2-3 hours of commercials, scoring draughts and terrible foul management to be surprised at the end?


March 2nd, 2015 at 10:23 AM ^

I will personally text you the final score. And sky-write the final score over your house. And roam your neighborhood with the speaker car from Blues Brothers yelling the final score.

Blue and Joe

March 2nd, 2015 at 11:47 AM ^

This makes about as much sense as trying to tell everyone in the world to stop tweeting about Game of Thrones instead of you just signing off for the night.

This is your problem. You fix it.