Let's Help RB Commit Eric Gray by Donating to St. Jude's

Submitted by redwhiteandMGOBLUE on

Future UM running back Eric Gray is dedicating his senior season to charity in an effort to raise money for St. Jude's childrens research hospital.

He and a teammate are attempting to raise $10,000 by their scoring of touchdowns and field goal kicks.

I'm sure our awesome members can once again roll out the Michigan Money Cannon to assist these young men in reaching their charitable goal and maybe even beyond.

You can make a one time donation or a pledge for each touchdown scored or field goal made throughout their 2018 football season. Here's a link to the article about Eric and his commitment to St. Judes's:


The University of Michigan commit has scored plenty of touchdowns in his high school career, but this one was different. Not only would the score help the Lynx tie the Shelby County record for consecutive wins (28), but it was also his first touchdown that would have an impact on the children of St. Jude's Hospital. 

"Knowing that my touchdowns mean so much more than just points on the board, it's really giving me the chance to save lives," Gray said. "It's really impactful on me."

Here's the link to the pledgeit.org page to donate if you can help in any way:



I will be dedicating my senior season to helping the kids at St. Jude Children’s Hospital. For every touchdown that I score you can give a one time donation or a specific dollar amount per touchdown. The link to donate is in my bio. Please help me reach my goal and help the kids! pic.twitter.com/2cmp9KuWf4

— E.Juice¹ (@ericdgray1) August 16, 2018

Ron Utah

August 18th, 2018 at 2:07 PM ^


Lets make sure we are helping Eric and raising money for a good cause and not putting his eligibility in jeopardy. 

We need someone from UM athletics to chime in here. Even if we have to post a “separate thread” that’s “totally unrelated” to Eric Gray, let’s get this done. Good ideas by good kids need to be enabled and rewarded. 


August 18th, 2018 at 11:30 AM ^

I don’t care about stars anymore. Gimme 25 kids like this every year.  Absolutely awesome.  Glad the young man knows and appreciates that theres a bigger world out there just past the glow of the Friday Night Lights.  Hats off To him. 



August 18th, 2018 at 12:35 PM ^

I agree. A lot of these football players end up falling in love with charity work through what they do with Motts. Wouldn't be surprised if this kid chose us with that playing some kind of role. Feels good to have good people on the team


August 20th, 2018 at 7:43 AM ^

Well, Mr. Gray and Mr. Charbonnet may be the two best backs in the class. So, yes, do not worry about the stars. These two are a tremendous blend of power, balance, quickness and speed. I can't imagine that, from a recruiting side, Michigan is not getting/keeping these two in close contact to form a bond that will keep both in this class-and catalyze their becoming a most dynamic duo. 


August 18th, 2018 at 12:04 PM ^

This is a good example of how good intentions may have bad consequences.  There is no problem in Eric Gray raising money for a charity as part of a school project.  Every student presumably has that opportunity.  However, once he ties the success of his fund-raising to his athletic performance, it becomes a potential problem.  He has converted a simple fund-raising effort to an effort to achieve financial charitable contributions from his athletic success.  It shouldn't matter whether he choses his favorite medical charity or church or high school football program.  The matter is compounded and made worse by the fact that Michigan boosters are now being solicited to contribute as well.  Hopefully, Eric will receive some smart advice quickly and de-link his fund-raising efforts from his athletic performance.  In fact, even his endorsement could be seen as an NCAA violation.  Here is a link to a Reddit discussion on the topic:  https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/5nknrx/would_charitable_donations_be_a_ncaa_violation/


August 18th, 2018 at 12:30 PM ^

This may be the stupidest thing I have ever heard. I mean, NCAA, so of course, but I absolutely refuse to believe that there is anything wrong with this. 

Now, if he said, I will come to school X if their boosters make a certain amount of donations to this charity that I like, I could see a problem. Or if he said, whichever school's alums donate the most gets me, or something like that. 

But here, the kid is going something awesome for a well-known and great charity. People need to just let a good deed be a good deed and stop looking for more. 


August 18th, 2018 at 3:32 PM ^

I do not believe this. Contrary to all the hand-wringing in regards to matters such as this it is generally not true. Any court would shoot down any charges of "violation" here. You're crazy if you believe that the NCAA wants a court battle over something of this nature.

Otherwise, Charbonnet and Gray will make quite the backfield. And again, the hand-wringers who are hyperventilating about the possibility of these two ending up elsewhere just need to get a life.