Atlanta writer supports Harbaugh recruiting practices

Submitted by OC Alum91 on

Atlanta Journal Constitution colulmnist Mark Bradley succintly summarizes much of the recent UM FLA Spring Practice dialogue.  He doesn't go into much detail, and we already know many of the quotes verbatim by now, but I include because it:  1) shows not all SEC writers are territorial homers; 2) lists a great prior quote from UGA athletic director about using a motorcade of Chevy Tahoes for recruits: "It's up to the coach to be creative.  If it's legal to do, and passes compliance, fine." (a sub-linked article also lists what UGA spent on chartered planes, providing context for Harbaugh's $130,000 over 10 days.  UGA spent $1.3 mil on recruiting in 2014; UM $750,000 in 2014-2015.  So we're not as bad as some of those headlines implied.)  3) The comments about Harbaugh/UM in some of the sublinked articles are pretty funny--I'm used to reading the UM perspective.…



February 28th, 2016 at 9:47 AM ^

writer down here in Atlanta - so this is fantastic to see from a local source.  As an added bonus, he contributes regularly to the sports talk radio outlets in the Southeast.  I am hoping this column comes up numerous times and he speaks to it on these shows= more praise and publicity for Harbaugh and Michigan in enemy one of their own!!!


February 28th, 2016 at 9:48 AM ^

Is this guy a Georgia Tech fan? I'm assuming so because he's in Atlanta. This may be more of him wanting to call out the coach of his rival. But it still illustrates the SEC hypocrisy so mission accomplished regardless.

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February 28th, 2016 at 10:01 AM ^

I suppose I don't need validation from some writer in Atlanta to know that Harbaugh is doing a great as MICHIGAN head coach. I don't care about the whining, bitching and moaning and already understand the context of the travel expenses and how creative recruiting works. Bottom line - winning is the best recruiter and MICHIGAN has that ...the other stuff is purely for entertainment and pissing off the SEC fat cats, bitter Spartans and idiots coaching in the SEC is awesome. Screw some Atlanta hacks opinion - it's no more important than anyone else's.

GG Allin

February 28th, 2016 at 10:22 AM ^

Maybe it is time for Michigan to open up a Satellite Education Campus in Florida and that way the SEC and NCAA will have to shut their frickin pie holes once and for all!

snarling wolverine

February 28th, 2016 at 11:42 AM ^

So we're not as bad as some of those headlines implied

I don't think we're "bad" at all. We have broken no rules and haven't done anything improper.  (It's OK to take a basketball team to Europe but a crime against humanity to take a football team to Florida?)

Jim just recruits with EUTM and the rest of the college football world doesn't know how to react.



February 28th, 2016 at 1:14 PM ^

on this issue is so obvious even Southerners can see it.  Of course as we speak SEC athletes are competing mostly at HOME in many different sports so this "its all about the student athletes" argument from Skanky and the SEC is laughable..Do they really think the rest of us are that STUPID that we cant see right though them?


February 28th, 2016 at 1:23 PM ^

Bradley is a longtime and well respected sports writer. This article is a good example of why..Hes been around a LONG time..UGA is big in Atlanta (naturally) but hes no SEC homer.Hes seen alot of SEC hypocricy through the years Im glad he called them out on this. 


February 28th, 2016 at 2:12 PM ^

The more Durkin talks, the less I like him and I was already pretty pissed at him for the way he left for a team in our conference......and then trying to poach coaches.....and recruits.


February 28th, 2016 at 3:44 PM ^

My favorite part was the end:

'Think about it. If an SEC coach told his players, “Men, you’ll be spending spring break in Ypsilanti,” he’d be down to 15 scholarship athletes by nightfall.'

Lmao that shit was hilarious

(sorry for the formatting; on iPhone)

M and M Boys

February 28th, 2016 at 5:54 PM ^

...he last worked in SF for that Napleonic Richie Rich Nitwit and Bird Brain Jed York.

The envious SEC, ACC mosquito chirpers are things Harbaugh squishes at light speed while he is doing something really important like shutting off the water when he brushes his teeth...


February 28th, 2016 at 6:44 PM ^

Durkin is getting a lot of mileage out of this..but his reaction was kind of odd...he thinks  what JH is doing is great but he thinks its going to be outlawed....he didn't need to add that second part..but if he's going there then he should give his rationale.