Freep (sorry) Editorial Board equates UM and MSU

Submitted by M-GO-Beek on

In today's Freep, the Editorial board published an article equating the sexual atrocities resulting from the inbreed culture at MSU to the unseemly and conflict of interest-ridden (yet legal) manner in which UM invests its endowment.  This clearly self-serving editorial, based on their own expose released a few days ago, obviously didn't gain enough traction, so they felt the need to tie it to the only real story in Michigan these days, the MSU scandal.  Yet another reason to never read the Freep.

Edit: link removed

Edward Khil

February 3rd, 2018 at 2:13 PM ^

I followed Nick Baumgartner over when he left mLive last year.I'm sure he was inspired by MGoBlog to raise his game; and he always has. All the yohos responsible for practice-gate are long gone, as far as I can tell. I still only read the sports section. The only place I've learned anything about the endowment bs is from you fine folk, as the Freep has kept their sports section (of the website, at least), endowment-free.


February 3rd, 2018 at 2:43 PM ^

Interesting because msu invests it's endowment with Renaissance, an investment firm owned by a racist who provides money to hate groups, Mercer.


February 3rd, 2018 at 2:47 PM ^

The Freep hatred here is insane. Most of the majorly cupable idiots who were there are long gone. One columnist is dead and another was either fired or chose to move on. Good riddance.

As for the column, for you Freep haters, it is hard to evaluate if you don't read it. You need to judge content based on the value of the content, not on the source. Granted, some sources are almost always bad. Chat sports and others are almost always a waste of time. Until they prove otherwise. You have the freedom to choose to read or not read the Freep. But to make gross generalizations (it is found in the Freep, ergo by definition, the content is bad, or wrong, or false, or deceitful, or poorly written) is just dumb.

Regarding the criticism made,

  1. Quit being reflexively defensive. Criticize Michigan when deserved.
  2. As far as I can see, the editorial doesn't equate UM & MSU. It makes an analogy.
  3. The point of the analogy is simple, and is apt:  be transparent.
  4. The analogy is comparing the current response of two public universities to things they each want to keep hidden.
  5. Analogies are never going to be perfectly equal. To jump from "they are both being less than transparent" all the way to "they are equating sexual abuse with financial disclosure" is ludicrous and moronic.
  6. There is nothing wrong with Michigan investing with firms run by alumni.
  7. There is something unseemly about making different rules and passing laws in order to hide such investments and their returns. Maybe one of you can explain such laws, but I don't like them, at least as portrayed.
  8. In a general sense, as Brian pointed out in a very long front page post, this is the ideal time for Michigan to examine itself and its practices. It is much easier to get your house in order when things aren't falling apart. MSU is in a world of hurt because it was entirely too insular and too dismissive of problems. Same thing with Penn State. The best outcome is for Michigan to deal with this NOW.
  9. In a specific sense, Michigan needs to give a credible, believable, defendable and cogent argument for why investment returns can and should be hidden  from the public.
  10. Also, as Brian has argued, it appears Michigan needs to do a much better job in compliance with FOIA requests.


February 3rd, 2018 at 2:48 PM ^

And if anyone read a shitty newspaper's editorial board comment, I would care. There was always going to be false equivalances with this situation, and this is just another example of that.

4th phase

February 3rd, 2018 at 6:05 PM ^

I didn't read the article but I assume the comment section is full of Sparties yelling about how the Nassar issue should not be conflated with anything else. Its a stand alone issue. Nothing to do with Izzo, Dantonio, or Michigan.


February 3rd, 2018 at 7:01 PM ^

is ridiculous. If I name my rich uncle as my kid’s godfather to potentially get in his will, that is murky on the ethical scale. If I ask my brother to help me bury a dead body to cover a murder, that is legally/morally/ethically a standard deviation or two lower on the ethical scale. Sure, both can be harpooned as nepotism, but conflating them is lazy logic. I guess nothing less should be expected from the Freep editors.

Mr Grainger

February 3rd, 2018 at 8:42 PM ^

I said earlier, the Freep would cook up a U-M scandal in an effort to get the heat off MSU. Too bad it didn't work ... That story ran days ago and this was the first I heard of it.


February 4th, 2018 at 1:09 PM ^

The University administration has responded point-by-point to what they view as not just an inaccurate, but intentionally misleading, characterization of the endowment operations.  In one case, the response even goes so far as to say, "The Free Press knows that, yet they chose to tell their readers otherwise."

I would say that the University administration would agree with this board's perception that the Freep has been shown to flout the canons of professional journalism on occasion.