META: MGoBlog HD iPhone App no longer supported?

Submitted by HenneGivenSunday on

I wondered if anyone else has this same issue.  I just tried to pull up the MGoBlog HD app on my iPhone and it is telling me that it is no longer supported.  Anyone else have this same problem?  I know there was a stretch recently where it wasn't working at all, but it had been working just fine lately.  


January 31st, 2017 at 6:35 PM ^

I for one wouldn't mind paying for an app that worked well like the HD app. It's also hard to read the site on mobile when it isn't responsive. I would absolutely spend money to get either of these things. This change will sadly most likely decreas my overall usage of the board since I mainly use it on mobile.


January 31st, 2017 at 6:47 PM ^

So was the creator of the HD app sent a cease and desist? Or was the iTunes Store sent a trademark infringement to remove the app.

Apps don't just disappear.

I understand this isn't a democracy but as many have said donations wouldn't be a problem to get this site out of the dark ages.

In one day the funds would be raised to support the HD app or make the forum Tapatalk compatible.

Seems like there could have been a compromise reached but the choice was made not to.


January 31st, 2017 at 7:30 PM ^

This really sucks. I'm a huge HD app fan. The original one is not even close to its functionality. It's a sad day. Yes I get it's free, blah blah, but come on dude. If funding is really the problem set up a gofundme.

Perkis-Size Me

January 31st, 2017 at 8:45 PM ^

What a total shocker. Another major site issue with absolutely no explanation of what the problem is or when/if it will ever be fixed. Wouldn't even be remotely surprised if Brian and Co. just decided to fold up shop one day without even telling anyone. We all show up the next morning to a 404 error and all run around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to figure out what the fuck is going on.


January 31st, 2017 at 8:53 PM ^

1000x this. I've been visiting this site in a variety of ways daily for 10 years, but I've relied heavily on MGoBlog HD because it was without a doubt the best experience. Most of my viewing came from there. Admittedly, that hurts Brian & Co.'s bottom line, but as a past supporter and someone who consumed daily I would be MORE than happy to use the MGoBlog HD app for a cost or even a small monthly fee if I knew it was going to the site's revenue.

I used the original MGoBlog app a couple years ago and the experience was awful. No way I'm doing that or viewing this site on Safari. He may gain a few more page views from me over the course of the month, but my engagement will drop dramatically. I might open the MGoBlog HD app 10 times per day. No way I'm visiting the page on a computer more than once per day.

My advice to Brian is to find a way to get the developer for MGoBlog HD on board and find a way to monetize the thing. Everybody wins there.


January 31st, 2017 at 9:55 PM ^

To whoever coded the HD app.  Really enjoyed using your app and am stunned it is being squashed in favor of a far inferior product.  Hoping you and the powers that be can put your heads together and figure out a way to bring back the app we all knew and loved. Would be happy to pay for the HD app.


January 31st, 2017 at 10:30 PM ^

To be fair, the Android App hasn't fully worked in literally years. Can't sign in or post, some images dont even display. Embeded video? Not a chance. 

Brian mentioned somewhere that an app update was in the works, but ill believe it when I see it. 


January 31st, 2017 at 11:05 PM ^

The app was far and away the most pleasant app to navigate, read, and comment. On top of that, it was easy to refresh and keep a steady stream of the comments going.

This site? Not so much. 

Makes sense to kill it. However, I'd have paid for it. 

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