Less Miles

Submitted by the blue planet on

Could have used less Miles during the broadcast yesterday.  No wonder ESPN is bleeding out.  I couldn't focus on a word of that interview while the game was raging.  I tuned in to watch "my damn strong football team", not some Les Miles Notre Dame audition.  They should save those for halftime instead of during a crucial nail-biter.      


November 20th, 2016 at 8:55 AM ^

I was getting pretty freaking annoyed with that yesterday as well.  I don't give 2 shits about Les Miles, never wanted him as a coach of Michigan, and didn't want to watch him be interviewed over watching our team play.  It's like the game was the afterthought.  I was loosing my mind during that stretch.

CRISPed in the DIAG

November 20th, 2016 at 8:56 AM ^

I was streaming brandy/dierdorf broadcast with the tv audio muted. In addition to a few uneventful minutes with Les, Dick Enberg stopped for a long visit in the second quarter. Enberg was classy and unobtrusive. It was like having three of your old friends in the booth.

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November 20th, 2016 at 9:33 AM ^

Putting the blame squarely on Les means you just weren't paying attention. The questions, primarily about him being fired, were awkward at best, offensive at worst. Les answered the questions graciously but awkwardly. The awful interview was somewhat on Les, but moreso on ESPN. 


November 20th, 2016 at 9:58 AM ^

My impression was that Les was watching the game and the interview questions were a distraction to him, so he fumbled around with answers while he tried to watch the plays.  He even made a quick comment on a play at one point which was ignored. 


November 20th, 2016 at 10:55 AM ^

The Michigan radio broadcast had some guy on they were interviewing and it seemed like 5 minutes of game time was missed. Then Miles came on and the same thing. Miles was whisked away to do his ESPN interview which was very similar to the radio one. Finally the crew got back to calling the game. But it was a difficult follow at the beginning.