Harbaugh to Spend Night at Quinn Nordin's House

Submitted by winterblue75 on



“Under the exact rules, he’s going to be at my house at 12:01 he said. That’s when it’s legal for him to be at my house,” Nordin said. “He said we can watch a movie, see how well we gel and he said he would sleep over after that.


“I was in tears laughing when he said that. He said the next day, if my parents didn’t want me to miss school, he would go to every class with me and go to lunch with me. I was laughing so hard.”



January 12th, 2016 at 6:39 PM ^

The man is committed to coaching and recruiting. Love the enthusiasm, it's contagious. Other coaches should be taking notes!


January 12th, 2016 at 8:43 PM ^

...I couldn't care less what our rivals think about it.


The MSM knows how to spell our coach's name and doesn't confuse us with the school up the road.


Our senior team leaders don't bash their coaches for boneheaded schemes or lack of execution, then bail on their last year of eligibility for the almighty dollar.


If sleepovers and cakes and prom proposals are what it takes to get recruits who are committed to bend over backward for their coaching staff and not think twice about staying to earn their degree, I'll take it!


January 12th, 2016 at 7:12 PM ^

It's this kind of stuff which makes the college football offseason tolerable, even enjoyable. Last year was great with all the Harbaugh developments. This offseason looks to be the same. Love it!

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January 12th, 2016 at 7:19 PM ^

Are we sure this was a serious discussion? First time I read it I assumed he was just messing around with him and they were having a good time with it.


January 12th, 2016 at 8:27 PM ^

for my liking.

I'd almost be relieved if I heard it was a ruse and Harbaugh took the kid downtown for a game of poker and then the strip club thereafter rather than sleep next to a teenage boy.


January 12th, 2016 at 8:34 PM ^

mkellycpa gets my award for the best literary/cinematic allusion relevant to this thread.

I love Boston Legal and I love our crazy coach!

Go Harbaugh!


January 12th, 2016 at 8:47 PM ^

I take this as Harbaugh joking with the kid. Given that Harbaugh has a huge profile and it would generate media attention the creepy angle is off the table. Any random person asking to sleep on the floor of high school does in fact remain creepy.


January 12th, 2016 at 9:45 PM ^

I expected a lot of great things from Harbaugh including recruiting success. But I didn't expect him to make the off-season nearly as fun as he's been able to make it. It's like he makes football season a full year event single handidly.

Damn, that dude. 

Tweet the pajama and pizza pics. You know they are coming.