Tom Brady suspension nullified....

Submitted by DFW_Michigan_Man on
Can't link from phone but just saw on Twitter. Go Blue!


September 3rd, 2015 at 11:30 AM ^

There were no established metrics or procedures for testing balls, balls for both Indy and NE were underinflated, and all the offending balls were taken out by the end of the first half anyhow.

When you build your castle on sand, it tends to collapse.

LSA's point is the best one: out of all the issues that the NFL faces, it was idiotic for Goodell to draw his stupid line in the sand over this one. It's like obsessing about dirty dishes in the sink when your roof is on fire.


September 3rd, 2015 at 11:41 AM ^

No, wait a second ----- no he's not.  Goodell may be the single most self UNAWARE person on the planet.

I'm not a Tom Brady or New England Patriots or Bill Belichick fan --- their general arrogance I find to be obnoxious --- but they were right on this one.  


September 3rd, 2015 at 5:21 PM ^

When the Supreme Court declines to take up the case (or, you know, takes it and decides on it but that obviously wouldn't happen here), then you're out of appeals.

The NFL has announced that they will appeal, but did not request a stay, meaning the ruling goes into effect and Brady can play while the appeals process happens (I'm doubtful a judge would have issued a stay anyways--you have multiple criteria which don't seem to apply in this case). Since the initial read is that the ruling is pretty strong, I think this goes through the appeals process relatively quickly (because no higher court agrees to take the case) but I could be wrong (I'm not a lawyer, just have general interest in the law, so I'm particularly likely to be wrong).


September 3rd, 2015 at 1:49 PM ^

The appeal?

After reviewing the decision, the prospects for a successful appeal are slim - as usual. The decision sets forth several independent grounds to reverse the "award". Two of grounds relate to discovery and evidentiary rulings, which will be hard to overturn. Moreover, the Court did not address alternative arguments. So, even if the ruling is reversed, Brady has additional alternative grounds to hang his hat. The ruling also makes substantive rulings which make a "re-trial" impossible without a reversal as to these issues.

It also appears that this high priced lawyer failed to issue a spoliation letter to Brady or his agent - particularly as to the phone.

Good luck to the NFL to win any appeal or subsequent appeals.


September 3rd, 2015 at 5:25 PM ^

Didn't see this mentioned before, but the NFL has indeed appealed. They did not request a stay, so Brady will play in the first game even if this ruling is overturned eventually (which I think is very unlikely, and thus a stay would have also been very unlikely to be granted).

I thought the NFL might just let this drop, but apparently not . . .