Wife Day 2022 – Appreciating whoever supports your fandom

Submitted by mi93 on October 19th, 2022 at 9:44 AM

With the bye week (and while I appreciate two weeks of “Hate” week), the past weekend previews of the bye week, inclusive of a pic of Denard carrying shopping bags was very much a favorite of mine.  For those who don't know or haven't seen in awhile, I believe these are the originals: The Preview, and the precursor to FFFF.

In honor of those that put up with our passion (or confirm and participate), please share an appreciation of someone that tolerates your rabid fandom.

In my case, my spouse, and an anecdote of how she gets me…Sunday night, a four-lane road, a red light, but the left-middle lane is car-free and as I change to the lane, green light.  BOOM, through the light and gone before anyone else leaves the intersection, and nothing but grey pavement in front of me.

Me: Wow.  That was as easy as running on Penn St.

Spouse: <crying laughing emojis>

Me: Hit the hole and gone.

Spouse: Nothing close behind us, nothing in front of us, headed for the score.


Who gets you?  (Other than those of us here.)

And have a great rest of the week!  Go Blue

Mr. Elbel

October 19th, 2022 at 3:15 PM ^

My wife is much more interested in playing sports or watching our kids play sports. I never thought I'd root for a team as hard and as passionately as I do Michigan, but my children's teams? I root for them pretty damn hard. So I enjoy that side of sports with my wife.

She doesn't really get football. She's attempted to learn some things, but she has a hard time following it. She tries regardless. Our little family roots for Michigan, watches games together, and we've gone to other games (volleyball, hockey, baseball), just not football. One day we'll make it to the Big House on gameday. Fall is a difficult time to travel with kids.


October 19th, 2022 at 4:33 PM ^

On my and my husband's second date, we went to dinner at a place with a television on the wall. I sat with my back to the television, and my future husband pretty much watched it over my shoulder during the course of the entire date (maybe he thought I couldn't tell?). I learned that day never to let him face the television at a restaurant unless there was also one of the opposite wall for me to watch, too. 


P.S. He didn't go to Michigan but loves Michigan sports as much as I do. We're huge sports fans, especially football and baseball. In fact, we're planning to go to Arizona for spring training in 2023. He works security at Wrigley and he's hoping he can work some games in Mesa. 


October 19th, 2022 at 4:38 PM ^

I’m sending my wife on a weekend getaway to Vail with her friend while I watch the kids. Helps offset my overnight trips to Ann Arbor. 


October 19th, 2022 at 5:52 PM ^

My dearly and recently departed better half was a true, lifelong Michigan football fan. Her father attended U of M's medical school, she was born in Ann Arbor, raised in Saline, and enjoyed attending games when her father, an OB-GYN, was called to duty. We were married in downtown Ann Arbor, but the day we initially wanted was a home football game, so we chose another date. Over the 38 years we were married, I'd say she yelled at the TV as much as I did. She was not as fond of basketball, despite being 5'11", but over the past four years of her cancer journey, the success of the men's basketball team was a welcome escape, and we rarely missed watching a televised game together. In the fall, I would frequently share Opponent Watch to her, and Saturday morning breakfast was a time to read Punt/Counterpunt aloud.

Both of my children are fans, my daughter so much so that when she drove up from Florida last weekend to be with me, she didn't leave home until after the PSU game was finished.

Every day in our house was "Wife Day" over the recent course of her illness, so this Saturday would have been no different, were she still here with me. I am thankful for her rescuing me from being born into a MSU family, and will toast to her memory when we beat Staee next weekend.


October 19th, 2022 at 5:59 PM ^

Whatever my wife has in store for this weekend, I will gladly go along with!

We had a wedding to attend last Saturday and were happy with the noon start time for the game.

My wife and I were able to go to the game and still make it to the wedding that was an hour away. She was able to get ready on the way from the game and looked amazing. Love that she was willing to pull that off and we didn't have to sell the tickets. 

It was an awesome day!



October 19th, 2022 at 6:58 PM ^

My wife could care less about sports but she tolerates my fandom. For an anniversary gift this year she got us a night in Ann Arbor and a tour of the Big House the next day. And it’s not even the first time she’s surprised me with a trip to AA. Lucky for me she really enjoys the town itself.