Politics - Passing of RBG

Submitted by Hab on September 18th, 2020 at 7:47 PM

Delete when the discussion takes a turn, but I thought it appropriate to post, particularly given her significant legal career.  RIP.



[Locked.  Thread has run its course, also see other primary reasons for the lockdown in my post at the bottom of page 9]


September 19th, 2020 at 6:41 AM ^

Liberals want it both ways..When Obama was President he said Elections have consequences...Now that the shoe is on the other foot they cry for Packing the court its the ONLY Answer.. only answer to what?  the Constitution? Hypocrits. Dems only play by the rules when it favors them otherwise they have to be changed


September 19th, 2020 at 8:58 AM ^

The GOP has changed more rules to maintain/enhance its own power in the last 4 years than the Dems have in the last 20 years.

And do you really want to talk about packing the court?  Packing the federal bench has been the only thing the Senate has done in the last 5 years.  It started with the egregious stonewalling of Merrick Garland, and has continued through to this day.  The court is packed with extreme right loyalists - not qualified, independent judges.

Unless you're white and rich, the federal court system will not work for you.  In fact, in many cases, it will actively work against you.  (Disclaimer: I'm white and make a fair income.)

SC Wolverine

September 19th, 2020 at 12:52 PM ^

Packing the court actually refers to increasing the overall number of judicial seats so as to secure a majority.  Other than that, there is no doubt that the Republicans have been super motivated in this regard, and that the opportunity was created by obstruction during Obama's last session.  I have long thought we might be at our best when the White and the Senate are in different hands, regardless of which one is which.


September 19th, 2020 at 9:56 AM ^

Obama won the national popular vote by 7.4% and 3.9% while Trump lost by 2.8%. The electoral college has only stolen elections for the GOP within living memory. One would imagine the popular vote margin would be larger if the GOP wasn’t actively working to disenfranchise minority voters across the country.


September 19th, 2020 at 10:41 AM ^

We heard you the first fourteen fucking times when you said elections have consequences.

in most elections, though, usually the person or party that gets the most votes is granted power. Our grand old society seems fine with saying “nah fuck that” and giving more power to the minority.

can’t wait to see how white people spin this when we’re no longer the majority in a decade.


September 19th, 2020 at 7:55 AM ^

I am a die hard conservative. 

The nuclear option for Supreme Court nominees is wrong. 

RBG served her country, and should be remembered for doing so.


September 19th, 2020 at 9:29 AM ^

LOL!!!  So you're telling me that anyone in the Rep Party will feel free to speak their mind and vote their conscience?  Sure, they will...  Because that has happened so often in the 5 years that Trump has owned the party.

I could still be onboard with a lot of what the GOP used to stand for, but its travelled so far right in the past 5 years that its not worth fighting for.  It no longer cares about democratic norms or precedence, and it wants NOTHING to do with fair voting or elective representation that resembles the electorate.

You know, the things the Constitution and Bill of Rights outlined based on the Declaration of Independence.  


September 19th, 2020 at 5:38 PM ^

Will made a comment for himself.  HIMSELF.  You made a comment about the intents of the Senate, and snidely implied he keep up.  What the senate intends has not one fucking thing to do with what Will believes.  You are the asshole here.  

I didn't comment on what the Senate will do.  I think you're right, that they'll fall in line and put Trump's nominee to the vote.  Not because it's the moral choice, because it's the politically correct choice.  If the situation were reversed - i.e. Rep. president in 2016, democratic senate, Merrick Garland would be on the bench right now, and if it were a dem. president and a democratic senate today, they'd put it up for a vote.  Not because morality comes anywhere near this decision - those who play at the national level have a universal (entirely erroneous) assumption that power is meant to be used, and not using it is (again entirely erroneous) is a dereliction.  Any other decision would require a far more mature leadership cadre, and no one in our national leadership lives in the same city with maturity.

a different Jason

September 19th, 2020 at 9:18 AM ^

Poor lady. She had a rough last year. 

Why are you people so rude to each other?

Zero chance Trump does not seat his choice. The Dems are voting in GOP judges like it's their friend's kids.


September 19th, 2020 at 1:48 PM ^

I work in politics and love talking about it, but I have to admit, as a reader of MGoBlog since more or less the beginning, that it’s sad to me that the No Politics rule is gone. It’s always been a nice respite for me from work to come here and not have to think about politics for a little bit.


September 19th, 2020 at 4:17 PM ^

I thought Obama's nomination of Garland was a nod to compromise - a highly-qualified judge who was more center than true left.

Given what was done four years ago, I hope the Republicans back off, but early indications are that they won't.

If Trump is truly the genius he likes to say he is, he should nominate Garland himself.

rob f

September 19th, 2020 at 8:59 PM ^

I'm locking this thread very shortly.   

There's been a lot of very intelligent, interesting, and well-reasoned discussion about the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsberg (may she rest in peace!), but as usual, a very small but consistently immature group of posters again forced it off the rails by personally attacking and trolling others and/or by making blatantly false statements.

There's been one banning (Boliver46, with the approval of the MGoHierarchy) and I expect there's going to be a few more, once I finish combing through it.