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I'll Grant You This

For three years I've been against this hire, and now want RR GONE four seconds after he wins the bowl game.

Bring Harbaugh in, now. Don't screw this up.

I don't know, though, if it's a trainwreck thing--but I WOULD be oddly excited if RR is brought back to see what next year's team's progression would be. I also think there are several teams that will be down: Iowa, Wisconsin, and YES OSU as well. I mean, IF there is progress even more, and if it is FINALLY going to be that exponential progress that RR supoorters have been talking about for three years--well, next year could very well be somewhat watchable and more!

But that is ONLY if Harbaugh inexplicably wants to coach in the pro ranks and won't come home.

Let Me Take a Stab

This is a gret post!

The "progress" under RR is fool's gold. All of it has come on offense. And the offense was made to look poor against the better teams in the Big Ten. The "progress", besides average yards and points (which don't translate to victories), is being measured by exactly two games: Illinois and Purdue. And the Illinois game was won by the backup quarterback. BARELY. Purdue? Well, if in year three you struggle to beat a depleted Purdue team--you can't use that to measure progress.

Michigan should always be measured against the best teams it plays. And in those games, Michigan was largely embarrassed.

Harbaugh represents not a "return to glory" but a man seasoned by being connected to Michigan and Bo, going out on his own and succeeding, being a coach's son, and IMO, being a guy who seems to have a transcendant personality which COULD elevate him to a status reserved for those who are on planesabove average coaches like Rodriguez. It's philosophical.

Prodigal son returns; energizes a spiritually and emotionally dead program; recruits and players feel his passion, develop that old burning desire for Big state U; Michigan returns to prominence in its home state; People immediately take notice; laughter at present situation stops.

You can argue Rodriguez hasn't gotten a fair shake. Too bad. Sometimes life ain't fair. Rodriguez needs to be made to answer for his results.


Good Thing

D-Rod burned Devin Gardner's redshirt to teach tate a lesson.

Do You

Still think "Banhammer" is cool? How about digital watches? Dork.


Do you guys who think you're so freaking cool as to point out how stupid a thread is



And it shouldn't be a close call.

Rodriguez needs to be canned. I hope it happens.

Jack Campbell

Is he another know-nothing media douchehead we're supposed to hate?

man, the list is getting loger by the minute.

No Topic Can be considered as fully discussed until the Scouties post at least five threads here and five threads there on it. And that's just on day one.

Not supposed to talk about points.

Hey, if Maryland is that desperate, it's not the OP's fault.

The Hills Are Alive

With the sound of music

to my ears that Brian is 65-35 Harbaugh...YAY!

Three years ago we should have hired Miles. Instead...major embarrassment.

I PRAYYYYYY to GAWD UM can't screw this up a second time.

The technicolor dreamcoat is ready, Jim. Come home. It's time. We NEED you. There can be no greater triumph than restoring YOUR Michigan to its former greatness after the hatchet job done on it the last three years.

And if Denard Robinson chooses to transfer? Onto the trash heap with him--and the rest of the guys who just don't love Michigan enough. AMIRIGHT? I mean, we only talk about players who want to play for MICHIGAN, AMIRIGHT?


Might want to stab things, but Blog owners and premium message board drama queen owners LOVE this stuff.


And I don't understand why people feel the need to go on character assassination bingeing when Harbaugh's name comes up (or anyone else's for that matter).

Harbaugh is a pure D winner. Rodriguez, so far at michigan, is a pure D flop.

Well, As We Say Here


WE only talk about players who play for Michigan.

We're in on so many EFFING great recruits, this won't hurt!

Once this thing gets rolling, the recruits will just pour in!

Rich Rod is SUCH a great recruiter! He'll just go out and get another one!

The future is so bright, I need sunglasses!

We'll be fine!


Isn't iowa coached by another guy UM fans on blogs hate and think is an idiot?


I wonder what it's like to be a fan of teams that win Sigh.


I agree. We keep on saying, "Next," or "I only talk about..." and our defense keeps getting worse.

Yes, But

That doesn't fit the blame-game/excuse machine that is the Army of Rich Rodriguez supporters.

After Reading This Post

I understand why you wear a helmet all the time.