WOW. JD Johnson is UNretiring . . . and transferring

Submitted by Cousin Larry on December 10th, 2021 at 6:07 PM

As you may recall, Johnson was the class of '20 QB until he was forced to medically retire.  Michigan honored his scholarship anyway, and he's been a part of the program the past two years.

Well, he apparently got a new medical opinion and has been cleared to played.  For whatever reason, though, he'll be doing that elsewhere.

Best of luck to this young man!


December 10th, 2021 at 10:15 PM ^

He can't stay if he goes back on an athletic scholarship because he'd already accepted a medical scholarship at Michigan.  It's a one-way street at any given school, for obvious reasons (it would be too easy to exploit medical scholarships otherwise).


December 10th, 2021 at 8:08 PM ^

Glad to see he is able to play again. I don't know the complete rules of medical scholarships and whether or not it counts against your 85, but if it does and we had no intention of playing him in a QB role, I'm glad he has the opportunity to play elsewhere. I'm sure if he got cleared to play that medical scholarship title wouldn't hold, so it's probably best for both sides he go somewhere he can play. 


December 10th, 2021 at 8:17 PM ^

Great news for JD Johnson!!!  Best wishes to him and all the success!  I wondered where we would be had he been eligible his fr year….. Not going to lie I thought he was going to take the starting job if Milton slipped up at all…. 


December 10th, 2021 at 9:40 PM ^

Yeah, I see this as him being realistic that he has no shot playing here due to Cade/JJ. I don't get the sense of his transfer is anything but actually wanting to get on the field and play after he thought that part of his life was over.


December 10th, 2021 at 10:38 PM ^

Real happy for JD Johnson.  And even more happy that Harbaugh did right by him all the way down the line.  Honored his scholarship from day 1.  Kept him involved with the team.  Supported him in his decision to return to play.  I'm glad a guy like that is the coach of our football team.  


December 10th, 2021 at 11:21 PM ^

Cleveland Clinic is certainly reputable, and the cardiologists there are excellent. The differences in opinion as to whether it is safe or not stem from varying degrees of risk tolerance and lack of data informing this decision, which leaves decision making somewhat ambiguous. Personally, I would let somebody with a coarctation stent do just about anything, except college football or motocross, ie where there is a real possibility of repeated blunt thoracic trauma, but again, my decision would be based on a presumed risk of stent fracture, not on any hard data.  In other words, I’m not sure I’m right, but the notion of better safe than sorry seems prudent. I wish him luck, he’ll probably be fine, but I’d be nervous about a linebacker driving a shoulder pad into his left chest. 

MGoCongenitalHeartSurgeon-btw, I’m not from Mott:). No direct knowledge of his case.