Whole Milk: Harbaugh may be on to something

Submitted by bokee88 on January 5th, 2020 at 10:39 AM

Harbaugh may not be crazy about the whole milk recommendation. There is some research that suggests he at least might be correct that skim milk isn’t necessarily better: https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/wake-up-call-study-suggests-kids-who-drink-whole-milk-may-be-leaner-1.4747775

Maybe that whole “nervous bird” thing has some merit also. ;)

(Also, this isn’t marked OT because milk is NEVER OT!)


January 5th, 2020 at 11:49 AM ^

Andrew, I'm not one who personally ally drives is a lot of milk. But, I am blown away by your statement that adults drinking milk blows your mind. Very weird. Would you also be amazed to learn many adults enjoy pizza? I will ruin the suspense for you - they love it, some with a glass of milk. 


January 5th, 2020 at 1:33 PM ^

No, I would not be amazed to learn many adults enjoy pizza because I and many other adults I know consume it regularly. I cannot for the life of me think of the last time I saw an adult drink a glass of milk. That's not judgment against. If you enjoy it, awesome. It's just a concept that's totally foreign to me.

UM Fan from Sydney

January 5th, 2020 at 11:27 AM ^

I dislike normal almond milk, but the vanilla and chocolate almond milks are good. I have to give my twins almond milk because dairy bothers their digestive system. They will not drink normal almond milk. It’s too bland.


January 5th, 2020 at 11:32 AM ^

Oldest son drank whole milk by the gallons and is 6 3” 230 lb D1 athlete. 
Youngest son won’t touch milk, short and kind of chubby. Not scientific by any means but there’s something to it. 

Alpine Descent

January 5th, 2020 at 12:01 PM ^

Fairlife Milk, the stuff he was in commercials for, seems to be pretty badass. High in protein, low in sugar, and you can get some with dha.

It's great way to boost protein intake by simply drinking or adding to oatmeal, or protein shakes, or w/e.


January 5th, 2020 at 12:35 PM ^

“Of 5862 reports identified by the search, 28 met the inclusion criteria: 20 were cross-sectional and 8 were prospective cohort. No clinical trials were identified. In 18 studies, higher cow-milk fat consumption was associated with lower child adiposity, and 10 studies did not identify an association.”

I drank only whole milk growing up and I was always a little skinny shit. That said, the clinical evidence for the OP’s assertion is lacking, and that’s being generous.


January 5th, 2020 at 12:45 PM ^

Yeah it’s almost as if we are individuals with different genetic makeups and that dietary needs, combined with many other factors, are highly specific to the individual so taking advice like “milk good” or “eggs bad” from an article may not produce the desired results.


January 5th, 2020 at 12:38 PM ^

I switched to skim years ago(Wifey did that).  I'm 62 years old and love my milk.  I'm carrying a few extra pounds but I never get sick and I'm healthy as a horse. 


January 5th, 2020 at 12:39 PM ^

whole milk is awesome.  only milk i drink.  had to cut dairy to drop weight but i can destroy a half gallon of whole milk in 5 minutes.  best post work out drink to build muscle.