Whole Milk: Harbaugh may be on to something

Submitted by bokee88 on January 5th, 2020 at 10:39 AM

Harbaugh may not be crazy about the whole milk recommendation. There is some research that suggests he at least might be correct that skim milk isn’t necessarily better: https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/wake-up-call-study-suggests-kids-who-drink-whole-milk-may-be-leaner-1.4747775

Maybe that whole “nervous bird” thing has some merit also. ;)

(Also, this isn’t marked OT because milk is NEVER OT!)


January 5th, 2020 at 10:41 AM ^

Doesn't surprise me at all. The medical establishment and the packaged food industry sold us on the whole low fat thing which turned out to be a total scam.

Ezekiels Creatures

January 5th, 2020 at 11:53 AM ^

In the 80's when doctors said eggs were very bad for you there were egg farmers that went out of business, because so many people stopped buying eggs. Now there's doctors who say you should eat 3 eggs a day. Too bad doctors can't somehow be held accountable when they give wrong advice and put people out of business.

Ezekiels Creatures

January 5th, 2020 at 2:33 PM ^

The CDC  (Center for Disease Control, in Atlanta) knows that 75,000 people die every year from from poor hygiene, and cleanliness, in hospitals, including from doctors not washing their hands:

An estimated 722,000 healthcare-associated infections occur each year in U.S. hospitals, and about 75,000 patients with these infections die during their hospital stays. Healthcare providers should follow good hand hygiene practices, such as cleaning their hands before and after every patient contact.




January 5th, 2020 at 4:19 PM ^

Ezekials Creatures, try to keep up rather than randomly bouncing from one assertion to another.  1) Medmal cases can proceed when doctors' failure to wash their hands results in infections during hospital stays.  2) This has absolutely nothing to do with your calling for doctors to be responsible for economic impact of previous advice about whether eating eggs is unhealthy.  3)  As noted by someone else in this thread, doctors basing their advice on the current state of the research is not at all comparable to the cover-up that was conducted by the tobacco industry.

Ezekiels Creatures

January 5th, 2020 at 4:48 PM ^

So are you going to lead the way in the lawsuit for people dying from doctors not washing their hands, and other negligence at hospitals? 75,000 deaths every year. How much are 75,000 people worth, how many billions? Or the CDC evidence has nothing to do with nothing?


January 5th, 2020 at 12:52 PM ^

yep. The real problem is the massive increase in sugar consumption in the US combined with sedentary lifestyles. Thus the huge increase in diabetes and many other health problems. None of it due to dietary fat but that's what we were told for decades so that we would feel good about eating processed foods.


January 5th, 2020 at 11:20 AM ^

I hear you. It never did anything for me. You can cover those nutritional bases any number of ways.

- - -

For those who drink it regularly: Don't worry. I'm not one of those people. I have nothing against milk (well, maybe aside from the shady industry) and I wouldn't take it away from anyone if I had the power to do so. Aside: Did you know that milk is (like everything else) political now? Aryan Nation types drink it to distinguish themselves from "soy boys." (There's another end of that spectrum, of course.)

- - -

OP: Notice that they did milk vs. milk comparison. It would be interesting to compare the study group with kids who had some other daily beverage (i.e., no milk).


January 5th, 2020 at 1:13 PM ^

lol that's ridiculous.

It doesn't "look cool" to drink liquor. So if there was a splash of something in it, people would notice and think "wow he/she's so uncool!"

Your opinion, I know, but a terrible one.

People drink straight liquor for a number of reasons...to get the buzz quicker (or so they think), because they like the taste and don't want to dilute it (similar to people who drink straight champange and hate mimosas).

You typically don't mix your wine...I don't see how the liquor is different. Some people don't like sugary drinks (i.e. my wife), so she sips Kettle One rocks if she wants liquor. Some people like the experience of drinking certain liquor.

(again, I know I'm taking this way to far...but still...dumb take).

Also, if you purchased an expensive bottle of liquor...why the fuck would you mix it?! That makes no sense whatsoever.

Which takes me to my last point...if you said "people who drink CHEAP liquor only do it because it makes them look cool." You'd still be wrong. Because those people are:

1. An alcoholic.

2. Broke and trying to get to the point as quickly as possible.

3. A college kid who has no idea what he/she is doing.


Wait one more thing...most of the "COOL" liquor drinks are all mixed. So it STILL goes against your point. Margs, Martinis, Manhattans, Old Fashions, etc. - those are all mixed drinks. When someone wants to be fancy and seen, the only time they drink it straight is when it's expensive as hell...and that's just as bunch about flaunting your money as it is looking cool. Because no one really needs a $100 shot of anything.



January 5th, 2020 at 1:31 PM ^

It's weird to me because I just don't know anyone who does it. I grew up drinking a glass of milk with dinner every day, but I haven't done it since high school. I'm 35 now and I literally cannot recall the last time I've seen an adult drinking a glass of milk. I'm not saying people who do are weird, it's just weird to me because it's something I just don't see ever.