When is the media going to expose Brandon?

Submitted by Marshmallow on

Yeah, I know, we have our coach, let's move on.  I say no.  UM isn't a private school or the CIA.  The alumni, students and Michigan taxpayers have a right to know how Brandon's so-called "process" worked, what happened with Harbaugh and Miles and when Hoke was really offered.  There was a lot of reporting during what I refer to as "Hell Week" for Michigan fans after the bowl game that contradicts Brandon's public statements.  Michigan should having a winning team, but it should be about integrity too.  That starts from the top down.  Brandon has displayed nothing but the utmost arrogance, condescension and lack of integrity.  Who in the media is going to take him to task?  Isn't the purpose of journalism to promote transparency and accountability?


January 22nd, 2011 at 9:03 PM ^

Db has played it very close to the vest but he hit a home run with Hoke evidenced by the moment Hoke stepped up to the podium to the former player and coach reaction to hitting the road hard trying to salvage this recruiting class...I'm over the Db debacle


January 22nd, 2011 at 9:45 PM ^

He didn't hit a home run by hiring Hoke. I'm withholding judgement until he actually coaches a game or two here, but 47-50 is not encouraging. He can say all he wants (and to give him credit, he's said all of the right things), but until he wins on the field, this isn't a home run and it's not a failure of a hire. Time will tell. I am glad with how he's salvaged this class, so far though.


January 22nd, 2011 at 9:09 PM ^

You made a post that was, frankly, a bit silly. You got negged to Bolivia. Not a big deal. If FuManBlue can come back, so can you. Don't worry too much about the comments below. People didn't like your argument, myself included. But you WILL come back.



January 22nd, 2011 at 9:25 PM ^

I hate it when people ask questions they know the answer to and I hate it when people go out fo their way to humiliate other people.

It serves no purpose.  Brady Hoke is the coach and a good man.  He has hired a great defensive coach who is also a good man.

Time to rally around the coaches and their hard work in the last two weeks.. 


January 22nd, 2011 at 10:06 PM ^

I hate it when people go out fo their way to humiliate other people.

It serves no purpose

I dunno, I kinda like how some people went out of their way to humiliate the OP, and it has made him unable to post again, so I'd say it serves a purpose sometimes.

But with regards and in the context of your whole comment, I'd have to say I agree 100%


January 22nd, 2011 at 9:39 PM ^

120+ responses and not ONE of us answered the OP's original question.

The media is scheduled to expose DB at 3:45pm next Thursday.  Sorry you missed the announcement.


EDIT: The really funny thing about this thread is NOTHING new is being posted to bump it down the board.  So it sits proudly in the #1 slot with its inflamatory title just inviting new visitors to the site to swing by and cast a vote. 


January 22nd, 2011 at 9:34 PM ^

is way to  much of an evil genius to leave and or make any kind of paper trail.  Don't you think all his cell phone calls and e-mail went out on his underlings gadgets?  Did he really even leave the office?  Flight tracker said many things and DB made fun of all the info flying around about where he was and wasn't. Can the pilots be found or are they all missing since last week?  Where did the airplanes go, are they in the Bermuda Triangle in little pieces buried under piles of conch shells? Does the AD office have a call log on its video conference machines?  Oh, maybe someone should pull the SKYPE logs, I bet those are full of inflammatory web addresses and personal e-addresses.  Hurry, there might be a statute of limitations on this, HURRY.

So, what happens if BH and team win 10 + games this year?  Then what say you!!  Are you a bandwagon jumper or do you continue for years to lurk in the background waiting like a spider for DB/BH to prove your Hate correct?


January 22nd, 2011 at 9:44 PM ^

Let's skip the expose and get right into it...lets all meet up with pitchforks in hand and I will hand out the torches and we will get those answers together!  Ready Break!  Seriously though this thread is dumb.


January 22nd, 2011 at 9:44 PM ^

You're really Drew Sharp trying to get us to do your dirty work now that you've lost your press pass?

Oh, that's right.  You still have the paper half of your press pass.


January 22nd, 2011 at 9:45 PM ^

Where are they going to get any info to expose Brandon?  Les Miles?  Jim Harbaugh?  Brady Hoke?  Only thing that they will eventually get is Brady's contract.  Fort Schembechler has been re-established and no information is coming out of it.


January 22nd, 2011 at 9:48 PM ^

Brandon needs to unleash a Maze and Blue Noid.  Other than our cursed Adidas crap and the closing of Thano's Lamplighter on Liberty Street this is clearly the reason for our recent plight. 


January 22nd, 2011 at 10:02 PM ^

I'm gone all day, and I come back to find the front page full of commitment posts, and an epic neg-bomb on the boards.  A wonderful day for Mgoblog!

Monocle Smile

January 22nd, 2011 at 10:28 PM ^

The "I am a taxpayer and thus own Michigan football" line is one of my favorites. It demonstrates utmost ignorance, seeing as the Michigan football program is renowned for paying for itself as well as every non-revenue sport (plus the band).

Rupert Pupkin

January 22nd, 2011 at 11:32 PM ^

David Brandon doesn't own anyone an explanation. People act like he could have anyone he wanted, like Harbaugh or Miles or pelini or anyone else some of you idiots saw coach a good game once. What if Harbaugh never wanted to come here, is that DB's fault. What if MSC told him he wasn't allowed to hire him. Will the Michigan fans be better for knowing that. What if LM never wanted to come here but just wanted something from LSU. If any of these things are true than DB is willingly taking the brunt of your abuse because it is better for the fans to hate him than know the truth that maybe everybody doesn't want to coach this team. DB works for MSC. She works for the Board of Regents and they are
<br>Elected by you. Direct your requests to them because they are the only ones that owe you an answer. Let him just do his job and you just support the program or go root for someone else.


January 23rd, 2011 at 1:46 AM ^

He was very careful how he chose his words. He said, "I never offered any other coach the job." This doesn't mean he didn't go to Les Miles or Jim Harbaugh and say, if I were to offer you the job, what would you say? I'm sure that's the way he did it because he'd rather not risk getting turned down or have to put another coach with a job in a position to where he has to turn down his alma mater. 

Either way, I'm not super happy about the Hoke hire either. However, unless you are donating an obscene amount to the athletic department, DB doesn't owe you a damn thing. Its his choice. His job. His responsibility. His neck on the line. No point wasting time, energy, and money to see how he did this thing. In 3 or 4 years, if we are still losing, Hoke won't be the only one who has to worry about his job. 

Unless you want to take on the responsibility that DB does and have to make hard choices, I suggest you man up and grow a pair and stop complaining. I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to. 


January 23rd, 2011 at 3:03 AM ^

I firmly believe he didn't offer JH or LM the job.

Because neither one of them would have healed the divide. Hoke is the right choice for bringing the fanbase back together, he's a leader. He may not be the best "coach" for the job. But he's the right leader.

The "leaders and best" have proved how important of a concept that is to us over the last three years. RR was and is a fantastic coach. But he wasn't the leader we needed. He did not UNITE THE CLANS.

We'll be fine now. It was the right move to hire Brady as unsatisfying as it felt at the time.

Go Blue.


January 23rd, 2011 at 3:20 AM ^

After allowing this thread to simmer for a bit, I decided to come back for a second reading.


I would happily neg the OP again if I had the ability.


January 23rd, 2011 at 7:41 AM ^

.... maybe not so much that Brandon, as an employee of a public institution, has to expose everything but that the media is acting as sychophant cheerleading fans rather than adversarial journalists attempting to expose the truth.

I've been amazed at the outright cheerleading of Hoke by the media as opposed to the very negative, combatative role they played after the hiring of  RichRod.


January 23rd, 2011 at 9:18 AM ^

I am the first person to say that Brandon's handling of the coaching change was distressing and creates real questions about his abilities to successfully manage the schools athletic department, but the community doesn't need to create another public enemy #1 just for giggles.  There is a faction of the UM fandom  (like most schools) that is like a school of piranha - they have to consume something negative to be happy, and will fabricate it if necessary.