
May 3rd, 2016 at 12:49 PM ^

Just Purdont, Spike....

Isn't it possible to block 5th year transfers within your conference? I though Beilein recently came out and stated that he dislikes coaching a guy and providing resources for a guy for 4 years, only to have Michigan NOT reep the benefits the 5th year. I just don't get it. I understand having Spike's best interest at heart, but Beiein should really have Michigan's Basketball program's best interest at heart since he is paid a pretty penny to keep us fans happy, and he has not even come close to keeping us happy the last few years. Maybe we were shown the Cadillacs too soon....


May 3rd, 2016 at 2:49 PM ^

complain one bit if a Big Ten coach blocks a kid from going to Michigan for his 5th year, that seems very reasonable to me. I wouldnt have been the least bit bitter if Rudock wasn't allowed to come here. Harbaugh would have found someone else he could coach up. Hindsight and all that....

In reply to by FolkstyleCoach


May 3rd, 2016 at 1:15 PM ^

Don't mean to be flip, but the way to prevent it is to keep the player on your roster.

I totally get why U-M let Spike go. Not arguing they should've kept him. But you can't complain about who your GF dates after you've broken it off.

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May 3rd, 2016 at 1:30 PM ^

Not sure if I've seen discussed but couldn't Walton have split time between PG and off-guard next year?

Pretty sure I've read he's much better as a spot up shooter which is easier when you're receiving the passes than dishing them out. I mean, if we're going to get a stud to take Aubrey's spot on the wing fine but not sure if that's going to happen.

We don't have nearly all the facts but it will stink big time if we leave the spot open again.


May 3rd, 2016 at 2:59 PM ^

This plus Chatman begs the question, Is 6 million enough to keep Beilein around and knock the program back three to four years?  Witht his attrition and the inevitable lack of incoming recruits with impact skills, the program isn't going forward, its moving backward.  Beilein got it to where it is, he can't be allowed to cut that growth in half.  Can he?

Ty Butterfield

May 3rd, 2016 at 3:20 PM ^

At this point in the off season a coaching change probably isn't happening. I would hope Warde is getting together a list of candidates on the DL and at minimum is having a come to Jesus talk with Beilein. I thought Hoke should have been fired after 2013 but if he was Michigan would not have landed Harbaugh. Hopefully Warde is up to the task of finding a solid coach. Waiting too long to fire Beilein could set the program back 10 years.


May 3rd, 2016 at 10:18 PM ^

This is an eff you by Spike. Not cool.

I love Spike a little bit less for him choosing Purdue, when he knew full well that the one thing Beilein asked is that he please find a landing spot out of the conference.

I hope he appreciates those two free surgeries that Michigan paid for, and will now repay Michigan by trying to beat them. Jeez, Spike. Very undude of you.