(small)Najee Snapchat Theory

Submitted by WoodleyIsBeast on
Najee put out a video tonight on Snapchat where he was singing while wearing a Michigan shirt. He appeared to wear the same shirt last week, and I haven't seen him wearing Alabama stuff on Snapchat. My theory is that since Najee is private, and the kind of guy that could just show up on either campus, he is either: A) Blue B) Playing with us for attention/firing shots at Michigan. Certainly the former makes more sense based on what his persona appears to be, right?


December 26th, 2016 at 10:15 AM ^

I'm not suggesting we change it overnight, I'm suggesting we change it now; there is a difference.  The conservative move is stop building new fossil fuel infrastructure and strategize an orderly scheduled REAL TRANSITION to renewable technologies TODAY.  The cost has come down and the technologies are ready to scale.  

I share your confidence in our ablilty to adapt, but the longer we wait the more costly the adaptation becomes and the more unforseen nasty feedback enters the equation.  It's go time, that's my main point.  Time for Generation X to actually accomplish something big.  The renewable transition is exactly that.

It is inconvenient that economic ecosystems begin collapsing at the slight hint of slowing growth (which is exactly why they fight and push transitions "to the future"), but at least they can be revived quickly after collapse.  Natural ecosystems are more resilient to collapse, but essentially impossible to renew once gone.  This has played out on the local level many many times during mankind's industrial revolution but we now push our luck to the extremes on a global scale.  

The data is damning.  The solutions are cheap and better (have you ever driven a Tesla?).  The time for debate or delay is over.  Only greed on an incomprehensible scale can disagree.


December 26th, 2016 at 1:24 PM ^

My company used to make solar panels and I can tell you right now that these technologies are not cheap. The problem was not the cost of labor but the cost of energy. In Ontario, Canada our provincial government killed all of our coal burning plants and energy prices rose dramatically since and are due to rise again. After the first rise in cost, the plant which had two assembly lines producing 2400 per day was reduced to one with the other being shipped to Thailand where energy was cheaper. By October 2016, the increase in energy costs forced them to shut down the other line as well and close the plant down. The fact is these technologies can't support the building of the same technologies. With oil and gas, the price per kilowatt allows for the exploration and extraction of the same energy source at a profit. Also, I saw someone ask for proof about no warming for 15 years... if you want to find it, go read the climate gate emails from the very same scientists you cheer on saying how they fudged the numbers because they couldn't find warming for the past 15 years. Warming is not bad, the Vikings had many prosperous communities in Greenland and around the Arctic when ice levels were way lower today. The fact is they had no cars or coal plants and the population was a fraction of what it was today but the earth was warmer than it is now. But also the Viking communities prospered until there was a solar minimum and the earth got cold again and they had to leave these colonies that they had setup. 


December 26th, 2016 at 7:03 PM ^

That is completely deluded, total nonsense. Not a bit of it is entirely accurate, intellectually honest, or even applicable to the issue today. Ten years ago, maybe, but not today. Costs are way down, it is sustainable today, much of europe is heavily reliant on renewables. As it should be. You're just brainwashed, without really thinking through the problem, and using out dated information.


December 29th, 2016 at 3:40 AM ^

Then why isn't this business exploding? There is literally no profitable business here, without government subsidies. You are arrogant yet without any economic foundation. If what you said was true there would be an explosion of companies in this field making tons of money. Instead, NO progress is made in these fields without either 1- government mandates, or 2- government subsidies. The fact you can parrot a manifestly untrue reality and think others are deluded is sad, but unfortunately all too common. 


December 26th, 2016 at 1:24 PM ^

My company used to make solar panels and I can tell you right now that these technologies are not cheap. The problem was not the cost of labor but the cost of energy. In Ontario, Canada our provincial government killed all of our coal burning plants and energy prices rose dramatically since and are due to rise again. After the first rise in cost, the plant which had two assembly lines producing 2400 per day was reduced to one with the other being shipped to Thailand where energy was cheaper. By October 2016, the increase in energy costs forced them to shut down the other line as well and close the plant down. The fact is these technologies can't support the building of the same technologies. With oil and gas, the price per kilowatt allows for the exploration and extraction of the same energy source at a profit. Also, I saw someone ask for proof about no warming for 15 years... if you want to find it, go read the climate gate emails from the very same scientists you cheer on saying how they fudged the numbers because they couldn't find warming for the past 15 years. Warming is not bad, the Vikings had many prosperous communities in Greenland and around the Arctic when ice levels were way lower today. The fact is they had no cars or coal plants and the population was a fraction of what it was today but the earth was warmer than it is now. But also the Viking communities prospered until there was a solar minimum and the earth got cold again and they had to leave these colonies that they had setup. 


December 26th, 2016 at 10:58 AM ^

This one here is right up there.

"However the clean energy revolution will empower individuals and eliminate two monopolies (gas and electricity); financial resources will be more efficiently leveraged."

The instant that "clean energy" in any of it's forms, becomes within sniffing distance of economically viable, which is to say profitable. The wealth that controls the petroleum industry, which by the way is the same wealth that controls food distribution, media and of course both political parties will simply move in and acquire it, industry by industry.

That the good people of the left cannot grasp this most simple of economic constants speaks volumes about their ability to reason.

Secondly, electricital utilities are government protected monopolies and as such, laws are already in place concerning requirements for throwing site generated electricity (think houses, buildings, farms) back into the grid along with requirements to connect to the grid in the first place. 

Finally, with regards to the manufacture of batteries, turbines ..... pick your "clean energy apperatus?

That would be GE among others. I don't see those guys offering up a raft of "empowerment".


December 25th, 2016 at 12:46 PM ^

That's exactly where you are wrong. You think that because you had a period of really warm/cold winters over a dozen or so years that it evidence of something when it's not. Shit you could have 100 years of strange winters and it doesn't necessarily mean anything. The world has been warmer than it is now and that was long before the Industrial Age.


December 25th, 2016 at 1:06 PM ^

You are putting words in my mouth and speaking statistical gibberish (or if referring to the long term you didn't read my original post).  Don't talk like an analyst when you aren't doing proper analysis.  The data is damning and scary beyond comprension.  End of story. 


December 25th, 2016 at 10:59 AM ^

The fact that this is in any way a political statement in this day and age is so sad.  As the great Neil deGrasse Tyson says, "The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it."  Considering the "evidence based" nature of this blog, I'd hope that fans of any political stripe would share that value.


December 25th, 2016 at 1:42 AM ^

Following an 18 year old kid's clothing decisions on a mobile app who lives thousands of miles away and and is 3 timezones removed in order to extract the smallest shreds of hope he's trying to convey non-verbal cues over social media as to where he's going to school. 

Don't you just love the holidays? Merry Christmas, everyone but more so to Najee because ya know... he's important and stuff.