Clarence Boddicker

May 18th, 2023 at 12:03 PM ^

I'm pretty sure Helen Zell funded UM programs through divorce settlement money. She funded the MFA not Sam Zell, which is why her name is attached to the program, not their names or his in any way. Sam Zell also earned that money by bleeding to Tribune company dry. Anyway, just wanted to clear that up. Carry on!

Robbie Moore

May 18th, 2023 at 12:20 PM ^

Met Sam Zell many years ago. Struck me as an intelligent and charismatic man of dubious integrity. His subsequent endeavors with the Tribune and the Cubs pretty much convinced me to remove the dubious and simply say the man had no integrity. 


May 18th, 2023 at 2:54 PM ^

I mean, he called himself the Grave Dancer

I remember seeing him speak at luncheon here in Chicago about 20 years ago. He predicted the end of US manufacturing within a decade (or something along those lines). There were chuckles in the audience. He didn't get that one completely right.


May 18th, 2023 at 3:01 PM ^

I wonder if you met a bunch of billionaires, without knowing they were billionaires, what you would think of them. They'd be the exact same people they are, just without the billionaire label. Would be an interesting social science experiment. I wonder if they'd all have some quality, or qualities, common to billionaires. Would the label "billionaire" make you more or less likely to accept certain behaviors? 


May 18th, 2023 at 3:36 PM ^

Most seem extremely unlikeable.  A lifetime of extreme privilege with little knowledge of the "common folk" coupled with surrounding themselves with sycophants who laugh at every one of their jokes, makes for a pretty big douchebag.

A certain billionaire a few years ago wondered aloud why laid-off workers couldn't just pay their groceries on a tab if they didn't have enough money.  Imagine trying to have a normal conversation with someone so clueless and out-of-touch about modern society and how normal things work.


May 18th, 2023 at 4:41 PM ^

In an attempt to take over the world? Hmmm.

US government burns through Musk’s self-worth in a few weeks. The difference in possession of material wealth between government and billionaires is enormous.  Oh and the government has a massive security apparatus that can kill billions in a matter of minutes.

Your threat assessment skill is dubious.



4th phase

May 18th, 2023 at 4:54 PM ^

The government also provides infinitely more value to citizens. I mean just having a situation where there is rule of law and not complete anarchy is effectively priceless.

Also lol at the government killing billions in a matter of minutes. Not even sure where to start with that ridiculously outlandish fear mongering.

Your comparison skills are dubious.


May 18th, 2023 at 3:48 PM ^

I think the data shows the vast majority of billionaires are new to this status, so having a lifetime of privilege may not necessarily apply. 

I will say this, one of my uber rich investors just gave her kidney to someone less fortunate.  Does she still “suck” because she is Uber rich?

L'Carpetron Do…

May 18th, 2023 at 4:02 PM ^

I'm not so sure about that. They might not have technically had billions but if I recall correctly many of them- Gates, Musk to name a few - already came from families of means, some of whom had millions of dollars. There are few purely self-made, rags-to-riches billionaires out there. 

Your client sounds like a good person. But the reason most people detest billionaires is because many of them seem odd, offputting and solely concerned with money and status, often to the detriment of others. Many of them have no regard for the environment, their workers or their community/country/democracy and on top of it pay zero dollars in taxes. That's what makes them bad people. 

The Sacklers gave to philanthropic causes around the world but they are absolutely some of the most horrible people America has ever produced. 


May 18th, 2023 at 7:42 PM ^

You make a good point in that people, especially the uber rich, are complex creatures that require an objective lens with which to judge. Some people are horrible people regardless of wealth. 

What I think we all have to understand is that many of the billionaires we hate are billionaires because of you and I on this very blog. Jeff Bezos is billionaire not because of some corrupt government subsidy, but rather because of us, the consumer. Same goes for Larry Page (go blue!), Sam Zell, etc. 


May 19th, 2023 at 5:06 PM ^

1. Who cares if someone came from poverty? It does not matter at all. The American Dream is to have each generation be better than the previous.  I want to give my kids every advantage. 

2. The overwhelming majority of billionaires got they way by serving humanity by delivering products and services people voluntarily pay for. Jeff Bezos, Charles Koch, Bill Gates, Larry Ellison all got that way by serving others. 

3. Rich people pay almost all of the taxes. Not just in absolute dollar terms but pay 2.5 times the effective rate as the median income earner. That includes all income like capital gains and includes all taxes (capital gains, ordinary income, and payroll taxes). The idea that rich people don't pay taxes is a talking point that no thinking person across the political spectrum agrees with.  It is a fever brain idea pushed by Pro Publica who don't understand that appreciation in an asset is not income.


Here is from the Tax Policy Center which is part of the Brookings/Urban Institute





May 18th, 2023 at 5:01 PM ^

I have no problem with the uber rich unless they are so out of touch that they think everyone who isn't super rich is beneath them. It's not the money per se, it's what comes with money. I've spent a good amount of time around people with multiple large homes, private jets, more money than they can spend in a lifetime, etc....It definitely affects you. It isolates you from the rest of the world. So if someone can both make a ton of money and still be down-to-earth, more power to them. 


May 18th, 2023 at 5:59 PM ^

I think the data shows the vast majority of billionaires are new to this status

The data shows the exact opposite.  The vast majority of billionaires come from very rich and privileged families.

I will say this, one of my uber rich investors just gave her kidney to someone less fortunate.

One billionaire did something nice.  That's great.  It doesn't invalidate any of the points I made about most being weird and unlikeable.


May 18th, 2023 at 8:37 PM ^

It has been a while since I have seen updated stats but last time I looked, 80% of the billionaires came from the middle class.  Wealth is fleeting and it rarely lasts through two generations of inheritance.  The few billionaires and more millionaires that I have met with an opportunity for conversation, usually at Christmas/holiday parties and Memorial Day barbecues have been most pleasant.  I particularly enjoyed the story about the hire of a guy that was telling all kinds of humble brag stories including one about dating a supermodel.  Yeah right, a supermodel.  Only to find said supermodel waiting for him in the lobby.  She was also reported to be quite nice making friends with everyone while waiting for the boyfriend. 


May 18th, 2023 at 2:45 PM ^

You know what. I don’t necessarily disagree with you. I started my company with several wealthy investors, so I know several people in the $100m-$500m wealth range.  My venture is still very early, but I know that making a venture work requires making some really hard decisions that could be misconstrued as being a “bag of shit”. 


May 18th, 2023 at 3:22 PM ^

I spent nearly 20 years in big tech before calling it quits (at least temporarily) last year. I have good friends in the ultra high net worth category, and have worked closely with several “super rich”people prior to them being in that bracket. What I can say is most of them changed a lot the richer they became. More entitled, more paranoid, and just plain shittier. So, I don’t believe you have to be an asshole to become a billionaire, but I do believe being a billionaire is likely going to make you an asshole.