"Pennsylvania brewery honoring Joe Paterno with special beer"

Submitted by Marley Nowell on
The Duquesne Brewing Company said Monday it's rolling out a brew honoring the late Penn State football coach. The Vienna-style lager, which will be available in mid-August, will come in 12-ounce cans featuring Paterno's image and accomplishments. The brewery says it's working with Paterno's family on the beer. A portion of the proceeds will go to charities the family supports.
Not sure what the brewery is thinking here. I guess they are playing to their customer base and the idea "all publicity is good publicity."


June 22nd, 2015 at 11:22 AM ^

Poor JoePa just wanted to coach football. He'd have been perfectly content if that sick fuck never hurt those kids. He didn't gain from it and he had nothing to do with causing it. The way people went after him as if he and Sandusky were one in the same was the worst example of a modern day witch hunt I've seen. 


June 22nd, 2015 at 1:24 PM ^

even done any small thing that would have blocked his continued access to kids.....anything.

I'm still aghast at people that think Paterno isn't at all guilty.

Not that I see this as at all commendable, but Paterno could have protected his legacy AND stopped the abuse in 2001 by simply calling Sandusky into his office, looking him in the eye and telling him "You know what I'm talking about. I want you out of and away from any organization having anything to do with PSU or anything to do with access to children...period. We will issue a press release today to the effect that you are stepping back for health reasons and/or to spend more time with your family/wife (hell, even just plain retiring would have been easily accepted by any and all as legitimate). If you are seen or mentioned as being anywhere near either I will go public and you will spend your remaining years behind bars." 

He didn't. He helped put a lid on it and allowed the abuse to continue unfettered, which by law is wrong. Plain and simple. More importantly, by any standard of ethics or morality you have an absolute responsibility to make sure the abuse stops then and there, without exception for process or legal implications. You may possibly avoid legal prosecution by having reported it to your superiors and passing the buck in terms of following protocol, but when they do nothing and the abuse continues, your inaction makes you knowingly complicit and there can be no excuse for not sounding the alarm and ceasing the abuse. To any sane adult, you risk your job, reputation, legacy, legal ramifications, indeed life and limb if necessary, to put children out of danger and to make sure kids already victimized get help. There is no other defensable course of action, plain and simple. For eff's sake, even just an anonymous call to the police to get the right parties involved would have started the ball rolling.....a pussy option to be sure, but at least it is something. 

Joe Paterno did the absolute bare minumum he could possibly do in that situation, aside from doing absolutely nothing, so he is without a doubt culpable in any transgressions that occurred following his awareness of the situation. If not legally, then morally.


June 22nd, 2015 at 2:23 PM ^

Sandusky already was retired.  Not defending anyone here, but part of Sandusky's retirement package:


“For a period of ten years commencing July 1 1999 and subject to renewal upon concurrence of both parties you will be given an office and a phone in the East Area Locker room complex…”

Agreement was signed by Tim Curley and Gary Schultz along with Jerry Sandusky on June 29, 1999.

He was also granted Emeritus Status.

An excerpt of an email from Rodney A. Erickson, August 31, 1999:

“Let’s go ahead and grant it [emeritus status], if Graham[Spanier] has already promised it.”

Further excerpt of email by Robert Secor on Aug 31, 1999 who wrote: 

“But we are in a bind  Apparently Graham told [redacted but obviously referring to Sandusky] that we would do this, he was wholly within his rights here since the policy says “The President may grant (or deny) Emeritus Rank on an exception basis.”

Quotes are from this site which pulled them from the Freeh Report. 

The Joe Paterno defenders argue he had no power over Sandusky, this was all done over his head.  And if this was Jerry Kill at Minnesota, I would buy that.  I just don't think if Paterno didn't want something to happen it would have happened. 


June 22nd, 2015 at 5:34 PM ^

of his position as DC, which was indeed given up 2 years prior........more something to the effect of quietly retiring him as any kind of ongoing representative of PSU along with any manner of access, privilege, status, notoriety or connection to the school or athletics that this affords, with the additional step of forcing him to cease having any further involvement with foundations, charities, events or...quite literally......anything to do with kids or places where they may be present.

Whatever was in his previous retirement agreement could have been easily amended in a somewhat confidential manner if both parties are willing. Properly motivated, Sanduskey could have been forced to relinquish any and all privileges with a minimum amount of fanfare and very likely zero publicity. Barring that, he could simply have been told to GTFO, don't ever show your face around here again and while you are at it resign from any and all organizations or activities that provide you access to children or we will go public. If not, we will go public. If anyone asks, you are simply focusing on spending more time with your wife and leave it at that. 

I don't see any evidence at all that at any time Paterno or the PSU leadership ever attempted to curtail his ability to molest children and that not doing so was purely motivated by their mutual desire to avoid a scandal. As a direct result of that course of action, the abuse continued for another decade and for that they are all responsible, plain and simple.


June 22nd, 2015 at 2:28 PM ^

It would actually be worse than what he did.  At least in reality he reported it to someone.  In your version he is telling him to go and sin no more or I will rat you out, but as long as you keep your nose clean the kids yo ave already abused, no biggie.  Again, he had the influence and power to do more but did not. 


June 22nd, 2015 at 5:32 PM ^

As I stated, I don't see that as a commendable course of action.

My point is that it would at least put an end to the abuse, or attempt to do so, which is the first priority. This is something he failed to accomplish or facilitate in any way....reporting it and seeing there be absolutely no action taken by those he reported it to, then doing nothing to follow up is exactly the same as not reporting it at all, with the same result of more children being harmed and no children getting helped.

The only legally and morally defensible position would have been to immediately report the abuse to your superiors and in the absence of immediate action on their part to then report it to authorities without delay. 


June 22nd, 2015 at 11:32 AM ^

Knowing and doing nothing is just a half-step better than committing the crime. If you want to feel sorry for anyone, feel sorry for the players in the last 4 years who have suffered the consequences from a coach to whom they have no connections. JoePa knew about a man working under him who was molesting children and did nothing to stop it. JoePa got everything he deserved, and it's unfortunate that no one has Jeffrey Dahmer-ed Sandusky in prison yet.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke

As far as I know, JoePa was once a good man. However, indifference is just as bad as approval in these instances.


June 22nd, 2015 at 11:36 AM ^

Yes, he wanted to coach football. And when he became aware that his DC was molesting little boys using his football facilities as his personal creeper van, he fired him abruptly and said no more of it, so he could continue to coach football.

In the meantime, he allowed his ex-DC who got chased for pederasty to continue to use his football facilities to rape children, so there wouldn't be a scandal in his career's twilight years and so he could continue coaching football, his legacy untarnished.

Sometimes circumstances force you to do things you don't want to do, instead of what you care about. Putting his DC behind bars in 1999 was one of those things he didn't want to do that any decent human being would have stepped up and fucking done, no matter how unpleasant or damaging, because it was the right thing to do.

Instead, he put his head in the sand and let Sandusky go on raping little boys for another god damn decade.

He is not Sandusky. He did not rape little boys. But he knew about it and could have stopped it, but didn't, because he just wanted to coach football. And for that, he is rightly pilloried. History will acknowledge his career's accomplishments, but he will not and should not escape judgment for failing at perhaps the single most important job he could have done, but refused to do because he just wanted to coach football.

He's a fucking coward.

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June 22nd, 2015 at 1:20 PM ^

He was never fired. The shower incident that JoePa found out about from McQueary happened two years later but Sandusky was already facing accusations from a different mother about her son taking showers with him at that time...which some find a convenient timing for him to "retire" that year. (Go back and watch the entire 99 Mich/PSU game from that year. It's a 3 hour lovefest to send off Sandusky in his last home game...that was joyously squashed by Tom Brady.)

It's just speculation as to what JoePa knew prior to 2001 about Sandusky's shower adventures but there's no denying what he knew as of 2001 and the decade that followed of him doing nothing after his initial report, despite year after year of crossing paths with him.

With JoePa's power and status, he could have thrown Sandusky out of any building or any part of the campus at his will but that would have caused people to question why, which would be followed by investigations, which would be followed by bad publicity....which was a big no-no in his book. So let the child rapist be. He's disgusting for what little he did and he does not deserve any praise or honors.

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June 22nd, 2015 at 5:24 PM ^

Paterno knew in 1998.  There's an email where somebody (Curley or Schultz) is asking for a status of the 1998 incident and states that 'coach' wants to know.  Sandusky didn't know he was being investigated so the only other coach would know and want an update was Paterno. 

So after the DA declined to prosecute Sandusky in 1998, Paterno rehired Sandusky for one year.*

*BTW...Sandusky's last home game was a loss to Michigan.


June 22nd, 2015 at 6:04 PM ^

Sandusky wasn't fired in the same way Dave Brandon wasn't fired.

Sandusky resigned inexplicably in 1999 when he was widely thought of by outsiders as a potential heir to JoePa's HC title.

As RGard notes, there was already smoke on this in 1998.  It is not unreasonable to conclude that the "resignation" occurred because Paterno wanted to prevent that smoke from becoming fire.  Sandusky's resignation was almost certainly forced, and the only one who could force it was Paterno.


June 22nd, 2015 at 11:54 AM ^

Are you that kid from the happy valley doc? The one that hates having to preface everything he says about the Sandusky ordeal with, "I feel bad for the victims"? Yes, poor Joe Pa. I feel so horrible that a child rape enabler's "holy" legacy is tarnished.

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June 22nd, 2015 at 4:37 PM ^

I hope you don't or never will have children.

Ass raping little boys is a "witch hunt:"?  Perhaps experiencing for yourself what those boys went through is in order.


June 22nd, 2015 at 11:22 AM ^

The owner probably knows his brewers are putting REALLY messed up things - like criminally messed up - in the beer but he refuses to say anything because he's making a profit.

Just a guess.


June 22nd, 2015 at 11:24 AM ^

you could make serious coin marketing that, would you also capitalize on your father's legacy? I don't know how self righteous you might be if you really considered that scenario. On the other hand, f-Paterno and his inaction in regard to the predatory pedophile in his midst, his friend, his coach, etc.


June 22nd, 2015 at 11:36 AM ^

people like myself might be a little more symphetic to him.  Jay is of course not guilty for anything his father did, but he's also in his mid-40s and well beyond that point in his life where he should have left the nest.

But, his "job" --- literally --- is to make $ by attaching himself to his father.

Look at his Linkedin profile (link below).  (1) What type of professional has a photo of their father in it?  (2) Jay's currently the President of something called "Blue Line 409 LLC."  Just some random number he chose there, LOL. 

Also of note, Jay is currently suing PSU because evidently it is Penn State's fault he is unable to find a job coaching College football.  Of course, the jobs that he applied for and references in his lawsuit are Head Coaching jobs at Colorado, Boston College, UConn and James Madison --- jobs which he is not qualified for.  Instead of doing something he's more suited for (he could definitely be an OC at an FCS school), he blames PSU because he's not self-aware enough to realize he hasn't achieved enough to be an FBS head coach.



June 22nd, 2015 at 12:11 PM ^

I may be an idiot for lumping everyone together, but I will never hire a Penn State grad going forward. I work and hire for a top 10 company. For every action there is a reaction.