OT: Remembering "The Man Show"

Submitted by Bosch on

Today's "odd name" discussions got me thinking about The Man Show..... indirectly that is.  It actually got me thinking about a a name that I heard recently.  My mother and wife are both teachers and were talking about something student related.  I was tuning out their discussion.... until I heard one of the names of the students they were talking about...... Michael Hunt.  I wanted to confirm that I heard that correctly, but I couldn't bring myself to ask my mother if she had just said what I thought she said, not that it mattered because neither my wife nor my mother were going to share the same immature emotions that were racing around in my head.  There are unique names.  There are odd names.  But Michael Hunt is fucking cruel.

Anyway, this got me thinking about The Man Show as I believe they had a bit where they would invite people on the show who had unfortunate first and last name combinations.  Then this got me thinking about The Man Show is general (yeah, a day in my life).

For those of you who watched the show, how disappointed were you when they called it quits?  The show probably put a strain on a lot of relationships, but it was good television. 

A few memories:

There was an episode where Adam and Jimmy played strip basketball against the Juggy Twins.  The Twins got them down to their tighty whities and then Adam and Jimmy buckled down and ground out the victory.  Unfortunately, as the show was on basic cable, the Juggies' assets were left up to the imagination.  Here is the clip.  Even with the fuzziness, it is probably NSFW.  You are warned

And who can forget The Man Show Boy?.  I always assumed that Adam and/or Jimmy were feeding him his lines but, either way, his one liners were classic.  A couple for your pleasure (also may be NSFW due to language):

Flying Dutchman

July 7th, 2010 at 3:13 PM ^


"The Man Show Boy" is really well into his 30's, he just had some kind of hormone problem as a kid, and still looks like one.   I don't have a link, but I actually looked in to that once.


July 7th, 2010 at 3:49 PM ^

Nope, Andy Milonakis does have a growth condition that makes him look young, but he is not the man show boy.  He did however get his start when they started playing his youtube webcam videos on the Jimmy Kimmel Show.


July 7th, 2010 at 3:39 PM ^

That segment had a key role in some of my formative years.  Although, in retrospect, it was probably about as interesting as glancing through a People magazine...


July 7th, 2010 at 4:12 PM ^

By the time the show called it quits, Joe Rogan and Doug Stanhope had pretty well run it into the ground (actually, Joe Rogan wasn't too bad, it was mostly Doug Stanhope).  The show ended for me when Adam and Jimmy left.

What a GREAT show it was when they were around though.  I was always partial to the "Household tips from adult film stars" segments.  JeepinBen is definitely right -- as good as the show was, had it been on a premium channel it could have been insane.

Maximinus Thrax

July 7th, 2010 at 4:20 PM ^

I too like beer and boobs.  The schtick got a little old to me though....like truck commercials that have a tough voiced man talking about torque and horsepower and hard work.  It just seemed a little juvenile to me.  It should have been called "An unapologetic depiction of the most puerile behavior of which your average man is capable".  It would have been more appropriate as a skit on Saturday night live IMHO, rather than a half hour television show.  And this is coming from a man that loves Married with Children, South Park, and Beavis and Butthead.