OT: AP Photographer Dave Martin suffers heart attack at Chik-Fil-A Bowl (RIP)

Submitted by wresler120 on

After the Duke/A&M game was over, and the teams were shaking hands, AP Photographer Dave Martin suffered a massive heart attack at the Chik-Fil-A Bowl. It could be seen on camera (barely) and rescue workers immediately tried to revive him. It is now being reported that he did pass away.



* The lower legs of the photographer can be seen hitting the ground at the 5 second mark of the video


January 1st, 2014 at 3:21 AM ^

Too bad. Just goes to show how short life is. You can see his feet on the ground mid way through the video. A lot of guys have these sudden fatal heart attacks, sometimes with no warning signs.


January 1st, 2014 at 7:20 AM ^

Per this story (HERE), Dave Martin was only 59 years old and is survived by a wife and two children. Very tragic story indeed.

Some background on his career is provided as well:

Martin began his photographic career at the Lakeland Ledger in Lakeland, Fla., in 1982 before joining the AP as a staff photographer in Montgomery in 1983. In 2004, Martin was named the AP's regional photo editor for the South.

Martin was at nearly every major news event in the South over the past 30 years, taking memorable images during Hurricane Katrina, the Gulf oil spill and the tornadoes that sliced through Alabama in 2011. He also traveled around the world for the AP, covering Super Bowls, Olympics, Ryder Cups and other sporting events, as well as political conventions, and conflicts in Afghanistan, Haiti and Iraq.


January 1st, 2014 at 7:55 AM ^

My dad survived his, he gad quad bypass 2 weeks ago and is doing great. His biggest artery, the widow-maker was over 90% clogged though. The St. Joseph doctors called him a ticking time bomb. I suspect that could be where Dave had his heart attack. Condolences to his family.


January 1st, 2014 at 10:17 AM ^

Prayers for his family may he rest in peace. My dad died of a massive heart attack on his way walking into work everybody said he died before he even hit the ground.There is no way you can be prepared for a call like that.  


January 1st, 2014 at 12:14 PM ^

It is soo sad to see a guy pass like that. Dr's warned me when I was younger, because of my eating habits and family history two of the biggest warning factors telling me to get  stress tests and to keep getting stress tests till they would take me in for my catheter exam, which by the way is the gold standard in detecting heart trouble, and the only way to really tell if you need stints or a bypass aka a cabbage procedure. Most important is listening to your body especially if you have a family history,  grand parents, uncles, aunts, fathers, mothers who have had bypasses. I will tell  my story to those who care or those who have the family history and need to read this. My wife noticed I was out of breath very easily walking up stairs, walking the disc golf course. I also spent alot of time sleeping I just couldn't get enough naps, I was always wanting to rest. Well my wife loves Facebook and more importantly Farmville. Well she was talking to one of her Farmville friends who happened to be a nurse in Fla. She told my wife that with my family history and what symtoms she was hearing (mind you never once a chest pain) she said he sounds like he is on the verge of a heart attack. Thats ridiculous I said I just had a stress test last year. Denial is the next thing that factors in very heavily on how people end up dropping dead all over town. I said yeah right to my wife a girl on Facebook says I am on the verge of a heart attack so I should check myself into a hospital sheeesh give me a break. So the tiredness went on the out of breath went on, and this nurse from Fla. keeps asking my wife did he go in? So finally after getting extremely tired of listening to her bitch about me going into the hosptal I finally said fine lets go. The rest as they say is history. Yes I was about to die any day according to the cardialogists at Royal Oak Hospital. So if you don,t want to end up like the guy at the bowl game  listen to your body and the people that love you and go on in to a good hospital and lol proove all of us wrong. Godspeed to your recovery and the rest of your life with the loved ones you hold dear. and above all GO BLUE!!!

Cold War

January 1st, 2014 at 3:11 PM ^

Love the way the cop looked down at him like he was trying to avoid stepping on a dog turd. @#$%^