October 16th, 2015 at 11:00 AM ^

Very weak.  Not to give them any ideas, but that is a small statue.  You could build a cage offsite and just put it over it with a message.  You could give it a saddle and have Sparty riding it.  You could do any number of creative things.  Vice versa too.  Why do we always spray paint their Spartan?  Pranks are so much more memorable when they are creative.




October 16th, 2015 at 10:27 AM ^

I want you to get these fucks where they breathe! I want you to find these nancy-boys, I want them DEAD! I want their families DEAD! I want their houses burned to the GROUND! I wanna go there in the middle of the night and I wanna PISS ON THEIR ASHES!


October 16th, 2015 at 10:29 AM ^

I am so outraged by this.  Outrage.  Lots and lots of outrage.  Lots.  Outrage.

We should retaliate to their retaliation and spray paint a wolverine on their cherished alligator.