Michigan Defensive Back Tyler Cochran pulls no punches on "incompetent" Schlissel

Submitted by MaizenBlue93 on August 12th, 2020 at 7:53 PM

Go get 'em hot shot! Between Warde and Mark, we have a clown show of administrators. Let's bring in some that care about sports, care about winning, and will stand up for our teams when they get screwed. 



East German Judge

August 12th, 2020 at 9:01 PM ^

Some people need to grow up also and not act like a fucking 12 year old.  This whole virus situation has been hard on a lot of people especially the families of the 150k+ who have died, AND the countless scores who have survived, but are living with the SERIOUS after effects of the virus.  So his heartbreak fucking pales in comparison.  Heaven forbid, if he got the 'rona while heavy breathing on the field, all these kids would hire lawyers and sue the University, B1G, NCAA, etc.  Sorry, he is another version of a "Karen", I thought football was supposed to make him tough!  

Neg away if you wish!

snarling wolverine

August 13th, 2020 at 12:20 AM ^

OK, two scenarios here:

1.  110 football players on campus, playing their sport, while being subject to regular testing, temperature checks, etc.


2.  110 football players on campus, not under any particular supervision, doing whatever they want (besides playing football).

Which is going to lead to more spread of Covid?


August 13th, 2020 at 3:23 PM ^

Shutting down is just 'tragedy trading.' The illusion has always been that there was a "safe" option. There never was a safe option. The unintended consequences of shutting down will take years to calculate. Our suicide, overdose and relapse rates have skyrocketed. Violent crime has increased. Overall mental health has deteriorated. Lost businesses and lost life savings. A massive movement of wealth away from the middle class toward the uber rich. Spike in young women turning to "arrangement" websites to pay their bills. Shattered dreams. Time will teach us that these were only a few of the unintended but tragic consequences.  #swedenwasright

Blue In NC

August 13th, 2020 at 11:39 AM ^

I absolutely understand why players would be upset and frustrated.  And the emotions involved and why they would want an explanation.  But probably not the right move to publicly call out the school President who likely has knowledge of many factors that the player is not and also has other concerns beyond the football program.  Not saying the President is infallible or cannot be criticized or questioned but I think it's somewhat fair to criticize the player's actions under the circumstances, while also understanding that the player is coming from an emotional viewpoint and likely doesn't have access to all info.

snarling wolverine

August 13th, 2020 at 12:10 AM ^

It's possible to be highly competent at many things and still incompetent at others.

If it's true that Schlissel has never once spoken to the football team, in six years of being our university president, that's a terrible look for him. Rightly or not, the football program is a huge part of campus life.  You have to engage with it.  And he absolutely should speak to them now.  Have the courage to speak to the football team about this, Mark.


August 12th, 2020 at 8:13 PM ^

You, and people like you, are what screwed this team, and every other team in America. And here you are trying to blame the people who have to mitigate the damages of your irresponsible actions. Shameful, yet not at all surprising. 


August 12th, 2020 at 9:36 PM ^

I’m probably not your bro. If you are an unbiased observer of a state that took a gut pinch in March, locked down and reduced COVID cases by 90% and opened up the economy with responsibility and have kids able to return to school across the majority of the communities, yeah, she did pretty well. If you are a biased ignorant who cherry picks a bad decision when the science and data would not have concluded to not do it, yeah, you are not credibly discerning.

Clarence Beeks

August 12th, 2020 at 9:38 PM ^

If by “cherry pick a bad decision” you mean the one that resulted in the vast majority of the deaths? Yeah, I’m cool with that characterization. Every shred of science says “don’t stick super sick and highly contagious old people with old people” but yeah, science totally supported that decision. I mean, honest to God, you cannot possibly be serious. I’m fully expecting your next response to be “meh...they’re just old people...”


August 12th, 2020 at 10:02 PM ^

It’s acknowledged it was a bad decision. You are cherry picking in the fact that you ignore every other good and difficult decision she made that was undoubtedly the correct one. The types of decisions that drastically reduced risk, illness and death. You choose one decision and make a blatantly biased statement that is not further supported by data outside the ONE data point you chose. Therefore, Bro, since we’re cozy now, You are cherry picking. Or am I reacting to irrational fear as you’ve referred to it?

Clarence Beeks

August 12th, 2020 at 10:07 PM ^

You can make all kinds of great decisions (note: I never said she didn’t make some great decisions, to be clear, but I recognize that’s hard to see when looking through a hyper-partisan lens) but when you botch the one most important one, that accounts for the vast majority of the deaths, it’s not possible to recover from in the net total. It’s akin that to that old quote about reputation and it taking a lifetime to build it, and one bad decision to blow it forever. I’m not particularly partisan (which is why I laughed, but didn’t comment, when you said “your ilk” - I don’t have a clue what that means or what group you (mistakenly) think I belong to), but she blew it forever with that one.


August 12th, 2020 at 10:37 PM ^

The ilk of people who make claims, don’t support them with fact then try to double and triple down on them, again without facts. The data will show that the majors of states who absorbed the onslaught of this pandemic first had the same or slightly higher percentage of deaths in assisted living centers. I did not research it but my estimate would then be that those states had similar o higher percentages of deaths attributed to said centers. The crux of your failure is to look objectively at that data then reflect on the behavior subsequently and objectively evaluate performance. You likely did not vote for Whitmer, would not regardless and or had a personal loss attributed to the Centers. Regardless, that’s the ilk I refer to.

Clarence Beeks

August 12th, 2020 at 10:45 PM ^

“The data will show that the majors of states who absorbed the onslaught of this pandemic first had the same or slightly higher percentage of deaths in assisted living centers.”

Yes, this is correct, they did, and they ALL made the same fatal (quite literally) decision to require that nursing homes take in COVID patients. And other did not, and have not. Which is how you have a state like Florida which is an utter clown show, and has an excessively old and vulnerable population, but made the opposite decision on requiring nursing homes to take in COVID patients have far more cases, yet FAR fewer deaths (period, let alone among the elderly) than those early states who made the opposite decision. And look, I can give deference for a bad decision, but not one THAT bad and one upon which there is just no possible scientific justification.

“I did not research it”

I stopped reading here. This answered my prior question that you literally have no idea what you’re talking about on this.

4th phase

August 12th, 2020 at 11:59 PM ^

Saying Whitmer ordered that nursing homes take in Covid patients is just a Fox News meme. Can you articulate the specifics of the order? Or are you just making shit up?

The actual executive order required that nursing homes create a separate area for covid patients. Which makes sense. And if they had 80% capacity and were unable to effectively create a quarantine wing, then they could sent them to hospitals. The idea was that if you isolate Covid patients, nursing homes should be able to treat them. And you keep hospitals from overflowing. 

To try to paint it as something like, “she took Covid patients out of the hospitals and sent them into nursing homes on a Kamikaze mission” is really fucking disingenuous and flat out false. 
Not to mention I keep hearing on here that “old people were going to die anyways we need to just live our lives”, so which is it? Because the majority of those deaths that you blame on her “decision” were the most likely to happen anyway. No matter if you followed Whitmers plan or Trumps lack of one.


August 13th, 2020 at 7:58 AM ^

Because you have nothing substantive. And using Florida affirms the points made, you know nothing since you don’t inform yourself beyond talking points. I’d bet Florida saw those decisions and learned not to repeat it. That’s the benefit they had. Yet, their numbers are off the grid while Michigan’s are stable and lower. That’s leadership. You stopped because you were embarrassed.

Clarence Beeks

August 13th, 2020 at 1:41 PM ^

“I’d bet Florida saw those decisions and learned not to repeat it.”

That would be wrong - all happened at about the same time.  But, yeah, I’m clearly the one that is uninformed on this. Clearly. You’re right that Florida’s case numbers are high (remember where I said Florida is a clown show?). But yet, despite all of that, Michigan still has just barely less COVID deaths than Florida. Despite Florida having over five times as many cases. Why? The nursing home decisions made in March/April.

I am absolutely done responding substantively to this, because the two of you literally have no idea what you’re talking about and are spewing blind partisanship, but I wasn’t going to let this lie stand unresponded to because people will read that garbage and believe you. I didn’t stop because I was “embarrassed”. I stopped because it’s pointless to argue with blind partisans.

Clarence Beeks

August 13th, 2020 at 1:48 PM ^

I’ll respond to you on this, because I’ve always respected you (as another super LONG term poster here). Absolutely zero intention of playing a “political shell game” that’s for sure, so I want to correct that (at least with you). We’ve both been around here long enough to know (I would HOPE) that I don’t do politics, so I would HOPE to have the benefit of the doubt that if I went there (1) I probably know something is legitimately incorrect in what I was responding to and (2) that I wouldn’t intentionally be or want to appear disingenuous or evasive. This is something I know A LOT about, so any glossing over was truly NOT intentional. Give me more of a sense of what substance would help, from your reading of what I said. What info would help? I’m also curious what substance the other two provided, honestly, because... I don’t see it.


August 13th, 2020 at 3:29 PM ^

Thanks for answering. I have always had respect for you as well, and is why I was surprised to see that coming from you, in particular. 

What I mean by "shell game" here, is that you only took the bad thing that she did (nursing home fiasco, yes that was bad) to try to imply that her whole handling of the situation has been poor. I think she has done a commendable job on this, especially given the political environment that everyone is operating in ATM. I think she has largely avoided making decisions based on politics, at a time where she was very seriously considered for VP. 

Numbers started dropping quickly, and Michigan was soon one of the best states regarding covid numbers. I just don't see how that can be construed as doing a poor job, even considering her failure on the nursing home issue. The only rationalization I can come up with comes back to deeply held political views. Am I way off base? 

Clarence Beeks

August 13th, 2020 at 5:10 PM ^

I appreciate that.  Honest to God, I miss the old days here when we could have legitimate and heated conversations and not, well... have what happens now.  Anyway, I'm a dinosaur, apparently...

I'm really glad you wrote this so that I could see the missing link.  I actually think she did a really GOOD job on most all of it, honestly.  I said in one of the posts in this (insanely long thread, so easy to miss) that to me it's just simply a matter of the enormity of that ONE decision outweighed all of the other good decision (because the net sum of that bad one is hard to cancel out by the many good ones, simply by the nature of how many lives were lost because of it).  And to be clear, that's not just a comment about her - there were others that made the same choice, with the same result.  I hope this helps clarify what I meant.  If it does not, just ask or tell me what else I'm missing!